Lately I was receiving some SPAIN promo packs, each one containing interesting bands among others, and it is one of the best packs that ever had from SPAIN. The band plays awesome raw/war metal. Into the same path than DESTROYER 666, ANGEL CORPSE, and PROCLAMATION. With a full of chaotic rhythms a fastful drum beats,a nd as every one that heard this kind of music, Knows it contains intro & outro and sadly I found it so bad, because I needs more and more!!!. This promo only have a 2 tracks per cause of intro & outro and I was looking for more when the d running on Cd player. The band have it all to conquest the heart of the metal bangers, and As cannot be to other form it is not contain mid peaceful drums and sweet melodies, here only you would hear raw, aggressive fast metal, maybe a bit of monotonous at time but is not cause to devouring from the start to end. My favourite track is INFERNAL FINAL MASSACRE. This product must be in your collection now. Get it or die!!!..............8/10

This is one of the bands which one is happy to know them and can do a review that I like very much. For starters take note of your Bio, info and other reviews, of which I have to disagree with most, because I disagree with the label of DEATH CORE. The music from this Ep is strange, is fast but has an interesting change of pace or metal with guttural vocals accompanied by good screamings, taking the music from death metal to techno brutal death, passing up some atmosphere, the sample is in the track: UNE ETOILE INCANDESCENT '. Talented instrumentalists are able to mix well the brutality with great changes of pace. All in 23 minutes only. I think anyone who likes metal brutality and well played with good rhythm changes are made to get this work now ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .7.2/10

* SACRIFICATOR: we can not say that there is a revival of 80's thrash metal is now a reality so vivid that we have great exponents of this current that is sweeping scenes of various countries, bands with great potential to grow this style of which this present in this compilation, SACRIFICATOR is a band that we launched 3 firecrackers that just reading the titles of items you will realize that the really thrash metal fans are these Italians. Themes such as ' Thrash till death ' , ' Into the mosh ' and ‘sacrificator' are a sign of 80's thrash with pure feeling is a mixture between VIOLENCE & EXODUS riffs and rhythms with very fast breaks and solo's hits but that raspy voice that remains me the Paraguayan band OVERLORD. The music is very good but I don’t know if this is the fashion theme or what, but many bands are doing the same ... ... in order musically and attitude is what counts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7.3/10
Another band that follows the same line of the previous band, but this time they have achieved the mixing of two streams of the Bay Area thrashers and Germany, achieving better benefit rhythms, like SACRED REICH riffs to some changes very far to DESTRUCTION rhythms that makes this product very well, not to mention the vocal parts that are scratchy and raw, but pulled the German thrash. Also present with 3 tracks: INSANE VIRUS, AND COLUMBUS DARK SIDE ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..7.3/10
www.msypace.com / datelessim
This band is a kind of different ITALIAN wings rest of the compilation, although it is also oriented thrash metal this is not the Bay Area or German would rather say POWER / THRASH METAL in a voice heavily influenced AT WAR / CARNIVORE , so that is different from the other bands. With 3 tracks created in the vein of the '80s. EVIL ACT, GLORIFY AND RETURN OF LIFE ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 / 10
www.myspace.com / exiliumthrash
along with the band SANCRIFICATOR is more technical and therefore compiled the best compositional work, although no great creation because I think that thrash is all set up, at least have managed to refresh the memory of the thrashers sound that became known TESTAMENTand VIOLENCE I say it because their music is very similar to those bands in rhythms, voices, which is closely linked to TESTAMENT with a very similar vocal timbre. The themes are: IN TIMES OF WAR, JB & SWALLOW THE HELL YOU ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .7.1./10
www.myspace.com / housemasterband

Interesting band BLACK / PAGAN metal Viking continues the same line, although the sound more black metal tracks in designing anything Folk., Is conceived from a cross between EMPEROR 'IN THE NIGHT SIDE ECLIPSE' / SUMMONIG / VINTERSORG there’s his music comes from these influences and this is his inspiration. The topics are of very fast with good especially vocal choruses that give the pagan rhythm. The changes are very well made rhythms that fit nicely with the vocals; the synths come in the same way in the music that made him Emperor. Songs like 'MIASM TRACK', 'THOSE ACROSS HIGHLANDS' & a track like 'RETURN TO BLACK HILL' which shows that also are able to mix with heavy epic rhythm ... good product that deserves our attention ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7.3/10

Undoubtedly OPERA IX marks a time in the bands with female singers in Italy, the majority has the vocal register as CADAVERIA, and this is the case with this band and musically is not very far from the mentioned band. The guitar breaks are very similar and half-time changes are accompanied by heavy voice that give it weight proper of the Italian black metal bands, but ANGEL OF ANGER is not Black metal it self, we return only the fact of OPERA IX seemed to say yes, but also have interesting things to rescue in this material that makes them different, changing rhythms and sometimes very heavy harmonics at once. I appreciate the bands that like to explore their ferocity aside the soft touch that usually accompanies them. Also this CD contains a multimedia file with: WAKE UP SPIRITS video and photos of the band ... And another tracks that I liked this: ANGEL PAIN '& MY GRAVE. What is most important is that we can enjoy these 30 minutes Ep, pleased by the extent of the themes and variations of pace it offers. An interesting work ...7.1/10
Angel.of.anger @ hotmail.it

For many people the CD title will seem known to be a topic of BESTIAL HOLOCAUST, well this band has in its ranks the first vocalist of the band, who recorded the demo tape and the first Ep of Bestial Holocaust became real matter of worship, and of course as he could not be otherwise the ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE sings this theme song of the first period of Bestial Holocaust and to be totally honest and impartial ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE certainly is good looking at that time primordial Bestial Holocaust, with its black metal-oriented lyrics but musically more drawn to old school DEATH METAL made in south America. The topics are short with large doses of brutality, both in the lyrics (vocals) which are singed in Spanish, very clear and explicit, as to whether music, playing a black / death metal sound influenced by either VULCANO Brazilian properly said, both the speed of the rhythms and accompaniments and the structure of the items. I like much the theme ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE and the first person that is mid tempo and brutality with a conception of what it is to create music worthy of being heard at full volume, and the second for having the exact speed for the mess. 'REST IN PEACE' is the sound track recording with a more 80's. very good, but want to wait for something new from the band with best sound recording that can better exploit the brutality of the band I saw live. I wish give the debut of ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7.8/10

Brazilian black metal band itself, the cold riffs, simple and chaotic in some parts, adding some guitar solo's who makes a little dirigible the music. The themes are very simple with not changes a few rhythms, with heavy and fast parts, obscure voices well known in this type of music is not new, nor to describe in their music, which contains only the brutality and the quality known Brazilian bands. The themes are long-lasting and have long riffs, pots and demonic voices from beyond. I was not surprised but I defeating either, just that nothing new ... ... ..6.3/10

After an intro with piano so interesting who does not reveal what is the music of this band that combines perfectly with the real heavy metal, black metal and death metal power, opening the gates of hell, of this powerful musical firecracker Very well crafted themes, including fast parts, power, mid tempos, the occasional heavy metal rhythms, something like as MALEDICTION ETERNAL like parent of them, so similar in conception of riffs, and it also is a Brazilian band between great to have the same characteristics as DAIMOTH. This band is for those who would like to hear and see on a cd for the high quality professional music composition ... Ps: include keyboards but only when you need music creation, not atmospheres ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...7/10

In one of my last trip to Sao Paulo I contacted to IGOR LOPES (guitar and vocal) of this band and this production left me cordially in the hands of a friend Toni, which was pleasantly received grateful for the sentiment and loyalty to their ideas, which are expressed in each subject, to cultivate the true essence of speed metal, a style almost forgotten in the underground, as practiced by very few bands today. Speaking exclusively with the demo can say it is simple but with weight fast but carefully. 3 tracks all in the same vein with little change of pace and intensity, with good guitar work and riffs. Simple rhythms, filled with great passion for speed metal and to be honest I find this demo much like AT WAR in the rhythms and voices, but the rate of battery between VIOLENT FORCE AND IRON ANGEL. No doubt a demo that says the speed metal is not dead ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .6.8/10

First impression of a rat single cover does not say what the CD actually contains musically, you have to put in the cd player and get to read good literature, for info, view photos, to better illustrate the music that one is more listening and reading the credits and the people involved in this band that you get to refresh your memory and you begin to hear musical rhythms of the bands of Rio de Janeiro, those who are doing time in this scene a real hotbed of big bands in the line thrash / death metal. On hearing the first tunes I told you this was influenced by APOCALYPTYC RAIDS and FARSCAPE and I'm not wrong, review the cd several times and let me sincerely that flavor on the tongue. Here nothing but a cult of Death Metal created by Swiss followed by HELLHAMMER and CELTIC FROST, and today the sound of APOCALYPTIC RAIDS is who most resembles those glorious bands, raw riffs, not morbid thick guttural voice, like leon Manssur has to get it because not only will add more .. It is for the morbid death maniacs. The best tracks:
www.myspace.com / hellkommander

Fuck again! Another band that comes from Brazil Again! Aggressive and powerful themes of simple rhythms 4 or 5 per track, which combine short and straightforward mid-tempo parts with fast and aggressive vocals. Unfortunately not understand what they sing because they have very powerful screaming but fit the rhythm of the music very well, only to be the vocal aspect which I dislike. The rhythms do not stop being simple and good. The recording is not very good to appreciate good sound in its fullness, but is heard. The best songs are: WINGS OF DESTRUCTION & BLACK VISIONS OF DEATH ... ... ... ... ... .6.8/10

Shit! At first I burn my neurons with this cd GINNUNGAAP, beautiful and majestic Viking / Pagan metal, heavy riffs as BATHORY "BLOOD, FIRE, DEATH" with flute and keyboards in perfect communion argghhh! Honestly I didn’t know this band and take me with surprise his EPIC / Pagan / Viking metal and more surprise because it consists of only one member. This young man has a unique mind perfect harmonies built because each part contains exactly the dose epic, heavy, mid-tempo, chorus, etc.. Reminiscing old Viking epic battles, passages in tribute to his great legacy. Perhaps like other reviews say it sounds a bit like what FALKENBACH to me personally I like more than FALKENBACH. Tracks like Idavoll with choirs, violins make me close my eyes and fly in time and be centuries before going to battle arghh! Great CD! A CD containing the joy of bands as Fintroll or TURISAS. This is a heavy mid-tempo, pure paganism... Congratulations for this brilliant mind... Ben Corkhill other themes just as big are: Yggdrasil, Valhalla, THE DEATH OF BALDR ... the entire CD is almost perfect if not already ... ... ... ... .9.8/10

Good job of Blackened death metal like to NECROVORE on vocals, sounding death / black metal from the 80's purely Brazilian. Assure BRAZILIAN is a band that will give all creators talk about that sound 80's Brazilian NECROFAGO combined with MALEDICTION ETERNAL. ARGHHH! An excellent piece that shows when there are plans to make something of good quality and are a real headbanger can achieve good things. The sound recording is low but is replace for the desire, commitment and the sick beats in here ... .. Excellent good start …………………...7/10

Powerful DVD of this extreme band from Sao Paulo-Brazil formed with members of band known black / heavy metal, WITCHKRAF, and as could not be otherwise RAVENDARK M. CANTICLE also adding touches that the characteristic style Thrash / War metal played with a lot of anger, speed, hatred and a lot of passion to give it a unique hallmark on his music OSTENTANDO O ESTANDARTE DA SOBERANA DESHUMANIZACAO’. Is a DVD-R is a very good production that includes photos, set list, is printed, this being the first DVD-r that produced this stamp in union with necro underground with Erynnis records. The video came 9 tracks of music between WITCHKRAF / ABIGAIL / Barbatos / SABBAT but in addition to that more anger and hatred. Among the themes highlighted LOBOS SUL AMERICANOS, BELICA y RITUAL ANTHROPOFABICO + 2 covers including Hades of BATHORY and Criancas de sata (RETALIADOR). I should mention that this band only has 2 members CAIO Bildner (drums) & CARLOS PIMENTEL (Guitars) and can say that the sound they have appeared that would include a regiment of musicians, these two members have been complemented very well and achieved compact sound. The DVD-R comes with Impress in black and white layer professional, very good picture and best music video. Good product ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7.8/10

FABULOUS!!!!! This take me out of this world, as bands like TYRANT'S BLOOD and NECROHOLOCAUST both of Canada, had left me impressed and finally see the recognition of a great scene that was forged in the '80s, with Razor, Slaughter, VOIVOID, SACRIFICE, armor, and now these OBLIVEON. These Canada children are the best example that this scene was always in place of privilege within the global underground, and we face a new wave of high-quality bands. His music is simply thrash / black metal, a mixture of Disasters and TYRANT'S BLOOD German with that touch of the '80s. A thrash explosive, fast with no room for soft rhythms while 'Ode to Death "has a beginning acoustic guitar arpeggio, the other themes are pure violence, called barbaric black / thrash metal. No doubt a great job of fine rhythms and riffs that will shake your head from beginning till end. Excellent album ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8.5/10
www.myspace.com / riotor
riotor.metal @ gmail.com

SODAMNED: ` 'THE GARRET': Some time ago I’ve reviewed the Cd demo of this Brazilian band, with a crude death metal more than this cd and it has left me satisfied because we see the evolution of the band, both in the musical and the visual work, production, sound ,music and the best performance of their instruments they know what to do and where want go far as musicians. The CD begins with an intro (which is very technical maturity by guitarist), followed by beautiful sounds, SODOMNIZING does not make you presage the powerful theme that continues 'DIVE IN NOTHING', which is a fast and violent DEATH METAL less conventional with 2 types of voice, a throaty and the other raspy without reaching peaks of extreme death metal band with breakdowns that make me remember TIWAZ. Another band of the same state. The battery working also deserve recognition for the precise speed accompaniment in mid paced parts (very few) to speed. The music would you say is rather PAGAN / DEATH METAL.
LOCKED IN THE GARRET & SKY & EARTH are 2 tracks violent, fast and heavy at a time. The sound that lefts me satisfied for the high quality product that have managed to edit that many European labels like to have. 7.8/10 Excellent !!!....
This band already had his album 'DAMNED BE THY NAME' I brought in some of my travels through these beautiful lands of Brazil, by the visual art I figured it was pure black metal but when I putted in my cd player my biggest surprise that it was BLACKENED DEATH METAL well as to American soil, saying that style that made it great to SADISTIC INTENT. Both this and the previous work have not been hardly any change except for technical improvements and sound, but musically continuing down the same road death metal powerful, fast, dark, very good change of pace and riffs endowed with extreme fury taking good job with great strength and vocal loudness. The CD contains 6 tracks of optimal blackened death metal, engraved with great audio tracks and 6 confirm the high degree to which South American death metal. And the supremacy of Brazilian bands in this part of the world. Among the best tracks are: INFRA DARK INFERNAL LEGION'S & NIGHT RITUAL, this latest theme from the first CD. This work is for the players of the dark death metal in body and soul ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..7.3/10

This is the last production of this band is a split with MEMERIZED but only arrived in STURMGEWEHR666 promo CD-R, so we dedicated just to that band. Unlike his previous album now you can define as extreme Death metal, but adding chaotic rhythms and themes much more simple than the previous design work. If not call it involution, but this Cd is simple where you listen, just quickly, brutal, chaotic rhythms that do not leave anything in memory. A job that goes unnoticed and leaves nothing in the mind. The topics are sequential the first 'sturm I, II, III, IV, I think one would have done better tracks and is ready to save time, labor, printing ink .... Mmmnn I got bored ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6/10

Here we have a WAR / DEATH METAL band total brutality, the kind that leave you breathless by the power of their riffs and rhythms of violence, those that hit you heart with his incessant drum beats. That music really is so violent at times that will not let me appreciate the good riffs and rhythms, but bands like this is difficult to realize the technique. The tracks are not complex or anything rich virtuosity or technique but with a lot of weight, speed and good structure, although it resembles some other themes, but so is part of the style I think. As for the vocals are aggressive deep voices to what we are used to DARO SWIAT of SOULESS PROFANATION, the vocals of both bands. Good product WAR / DEATH METAL!!
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7.1/10

Like most bands of this label Sempiternal RECORDS, this also comes from Chicago, which is seen and heard one of the strongest in the U.S. in terms of DEATH METAL and as it can not be otherwise with a style and characteristic bands like THE CHASM, ARES KINGDOM, they also make a high-class death metal, well played with excellent riffs and rhythms that leave nothing to chance by combining technical brutality, giving good riffs with hatred and feeling at a time. TERROR THRONE not becomes THE CHASM but the product here to give a pattern which will continue in his career, more heaviness, speed breaks, powerful riffs, intense if pure DEATH METAL. 8 tracks of finely crafted and design, highlighting 'ARSENAL OF FURY' & APOCALIPTIC NIGHTMARES ... good job... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .7.1/10

My friend's band SLANDERER was the magazine editor of DEUSDEMOTE, and from there you could see the future of what would this band by their music tastes pure DEATH METAL to CARCASS style / TERRORIZER / NAUSEA / ENTOMBED (old) and honestly I have no more adjectives to define his music or comparisons, but to put the CD player is pleasure that's what we hear from the 2nd track to the end. The first is an intro called INVADERS in the voices that have nothing more and nothing less to the god of the underworld BEELZEBUBTH of eternal and great Mystified. Well here, just found serious riffs and raspy voice with the typical death grind, powerful! And aberrant.... The themes different who many can think are not short or long are made in for good measure without any complications of the opposite worked rhythms are straightforward and very easy to digest. Already in the compilation of issue 9 insert a subject of this paper called Fall OF IDEOLOGIES, and having had an idea of the sound you just have to refresh your memory and hear the complete work and realize that these tracks were on the same road ... good job ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...7.3/10
www.myspace.com / unbornbrasil
Powerful BRAZILIAN black metal band with air to OSCULUM OBCENUM in the conception of the themes, quick simple riffs and scratchy voices, typical black metal Brazilian sound. The good news here is the communion that exists between the fast parts with the half-fast tempos, which are morbid and sexual ... Although they don’t have much technique but with good professional sound and better equipment could be better accomplished, because the band promises. I’ll Wait for a new job on them to hear something better achieved by the time .. I can only say very good intentions of giving a good product ... ... ... ... ... ..6.5/10

ATARAXI Rotten Shit Demo 2009-spain:
Brutal Death metal from Spain. the Magazine editor in chief Rafo give me this demo Cdr, lately I cant find nothing new in a band or something that I liked, but with Ataraxy …. Damn it you can find a mix of Incantation and some old school Swedish death metal here, since the brief intro that start this demo until the song towards the inquisitors pyre, aaarrrggghhh a great sound, heavy riffs and the guttural voice make me remember the old death metal sound in the beginning of the 90s, after continue Sickening on hatred, this song you can find an Autopsy sound here Mental Funeral era, is a good song but with some change in the speed too a drum machine play fast in some parts, Rotten Brain is the third song continue the same heavy and dark sound here, this is the correct tittle for this song pure mosh here, after continue Damned by a Hidden darkness, a heavy song that sound a mix to Funebre with Autopsy, great guitar riff, a brutal and Guttural voice too, the final song is No blood? Try again, this would be the most fast song in the demo but also the most short I think that is the perfect song to finish him a demo, good work, I hope know more of them, and with a full length debut, sorry but no address in the demo, but you can find more info in his myspace: www.myspace.com/atrociousataraxy....7.5/10

Hummm!!! Another Black metal band from Bolivia and it has an interesting ideology concept and musically its like a mainly of BOLIVIAN underground metal bands, I would say to whose that it keeping the true worship and devotion to old Black metal sound. This band is sounding very like XERBETH band, inclusively DEMONIAC band member of SATANIC play drums on XERBETH also, but it have a bit differences because the musical technic is low in comparison than XERBETH, with less experience in tracks conception, but they have adding more intensity to supply his low musical quality, giving in each track more fierceness, strength and it goes to same hell. Sometimes its reminds me to primigenium Black metal sound, pure and darkness. The music is fast, of simples riffs, of explicit lyrics and raw vocals. The band have 2 tapes out, one is called ‘REHEARSAL II’ and other is a split tape joined XERBETH. Also I can mention that this tape contain intro and 4 tracks with excellent time running, with Spanish lyrics that its shooting blasphemies directly to bastard Nazarene. The best tracks are: GUERRERO INMORTAL & DEMONIACA INVOCACION…interesting work………………………………………………………………………………...6.5/10

I believe that ESTERTOR band together BESTIAL HOLOCAUST and NECROMANCY could be the more known metal band from this country, each one is different musical tendencies but is not less better one of others, but I must to recognize that ESTERTOR could be the most technical band that I ‘ve heard from BOLIVIA. It including band members from MORTOFOBIA and TRUENO METALICO from there that band tastes comes from MELODIC DEATH METAL, THRASH and true HEAVY METAL, of developed guitar riffs, having a good guitar work mixing with semi-guttural
Vocals and at time it have melodic guitar rhythm that is does so marvelous sounding. Maybe it could be consider like ANDEAN AT THE GATES, or AMORPHIS and I think that is the best definition to their music. This work is a brief show of their previously works and does a reprise of their career from 2000 to 2008 that its including their 3 releases out. Sadness I haven’t including the tracks tittles to give it an idea of lyrical topics and what were the best tracks that I’ve listened but who cares that?.All tracks in general are good in this release and I think it is work of high category with excellent background………………………………………………………….7.7/10

After many releases out of this excellent BOLIVIAN band at last I hands on their latest release and is only confirm the good time that they have. Directly, SONIA (vocalist of the band) gift me this release in my last trip through to BOLIVIAN lands for that I can do this review. Personally I spoke with them for 2 years but never I can get some releases for different topics but it’s the first work that they gift and only I can say AMAZING!!! 100% Black/Thrash metal into the South American vein in the most pure essence with only 6 rhythm changes per track, faster and furious, include screamings of the female vocalist that is sounding very extreme but at time is astonishing…Arghh!! The guitar riffing are complete done by the sick mind of SATANAEL in the South American vein. I think that many people of the Underground from Bolivia dislike with my appreciation but I think BESTIAL HOLOCAUST is the best band from BOLIVIA together ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE and KULTO MALDITO. This work contains so faster sounds, strength guitar rhythms and morbid riffs that take on orgasmic dreams. Also it is so far of their first production when they were playing BLACK/DEATH metal, Nowadays is playing BLACK/THRASH only and they left their DEATH metal past, by this reason I find it more near to FINAL EXTERMINATION likely a continuation. My favorite tracks are: WITCHES SACRIFICE, RITO FINAL & PASAPORTE AL INFIERNO. This tracks are expressing all that Metal addicts needs, morbidity, darkness and hateful lyrics against to Christianity.. Excellent work…...8.5/10

This new wave of BLACK/THRASH metal bands, Undoubtedly its burning a few neurons that I still have in my old brain. I stayed almost devastating I only can did HEADBANGING like a Doll without soul when the first notes started to runs in my CD player. I think that the GERMAN thrash school have many followers and Sincerely DEVASTATOR it is. Maybe it is a disgrace to call it a GERMAN carbon copy but it have many influences on their music. It could be called the third wave of GERMAN THRASH METAL but they have adding a good develop on guitars and it have a great musical work , So much technically by the high knowledge to extract the juice to violent rhythms that makes me think that is genre never will die. DEVASTATOR is one of these bands that were leaving you as above mentioned it, from the beginning to end with their speed/black/thrash metal in the same line than VIOLENT FORCE/PROTECTOR/LORD of mid intensity, at time faster, at time into mid paced, including breaks and guitars solo’s as only the THRASH metal masters they can do it, of devilish rhythms and a special vocals that gives place to witching manifests of ode to the Our almighty Dark lord SATANAS. This CD is a wonderful masterpiece but does not come to be perfect even, because sadness everything is done in the thrash metal music. All tracks here are recommended for alcohol, mosh, headbanging and conquest..great work but it could be perfect…………………………………………8/10

KULTO MALDITO “Kulto a la Bestia” CD 2008 – Bolivia-9 tracks:
I know that all people involved into Black Death South American scene have listened to NECROMANCY band Nowadays, one of the most reputed black/death metal band hailing from Bolivia, well this band has given two great vocalists, one of them IS MARCEL actually band former OF KULTO MALDITO and other is JAVIER BOREAS ( ex – BESTIAL HOLOCAUST) however I talked about NECROMANCY by the importance to be the seed of evil that formed three great bands. Now I`d be occupied to KULTO MALDITO.
As each Bolivian band its influenced by the old Black/Death metal glories of the eighties that emerged from BRAZIL, being the most important influence VULCANO band then there some our things adding better said on vocals parts after a couple of releases out, the band has became more powerful in death rhythms and destructive drums beats that you can hear it in this jewel KULTO MALDITO plays Black/Death metal without mid paced and slow parts, the drummers play so faster that it can stopped, the guitar rhythms are based on death metal tunes only it just played of more faster than these classic death strikes, but if you are looking for technic or high class of metal riffs, here you would not found it??? MARCEL are singing so loud & brutal that I can a sure that all pieces of dead corpses are risen from their tombs with each notes. my best tracks are: “antikristo” “metal del Diablo” “tio cabron” are awesome !!!!!...................................................................................................................................8.5/10

Back to my last trip through for this brother country called BOLIVIA, I back with a lot releases and I had contact with many bands and band members like XERBETH that inclusively they gift me their 3 releases, after listening all of them I choose this tape because I supposed that it was their first release out and it was just start with this work . Well I Speaks the truth I stayed very glad when I heard this work because they are influenced by old school black metal. They are not a great musicians and talented but still keeping the true black metal style, Anyone who initiated bands like DARKTHRONE, MAYHEM and CELTIC FROST and is good to say that, if you’re looking for bands like that, you’re find it…The music is mix of them and keeping the heaviness, raw and mid parts combining with fast parts some like MAYHEM/MANIAC BUTCHER and the heaviness of DARKTHRONE, obviously saving the distances. The sound quality is acceptable , the guitar riffs have a good conception, longs , coldest and heaviness. The vocals parts are harsh but it is not common screamings. The tape comes with intro and outro. Mainly the lyrics are sung in Spanish it does interesting to listening. Good beginning………………………………………………………….6.8/10

When the ALCOHOLIC DEATH were asking for me, when I arrived to CAMPO GRANDE and after introduces both in OPUS INFERII home, and talked so much about the band concept and exchanges others ideas and beers, and later, we did a grill and ate many meats in company with beers and Black metal videos and I could check it how they live in agreements like their music, and when the CD has running on the CD player I supposed that I will die of alcoholic intoxication and it happened…because I drunk all day…HHHAHHAH!!! The band plays a crazy THRASH/BLACK alcoholic orgy, very dirty and aggressive with a lot of brutality and high alcohol doses. Sincerely I Stayed glad when I got the tape to be a perfect shown of BLACK/THRASH metal that all people involved into this metal style that like bands as WITCHTRAP, DEVASTATOR ,old SODOM and something like NIFELHEIM, surely it would lovely so much as me!!!FUCK!!! There’s haven’t many time to spleep, all music is direct to minds, they’re not talented musicians and the metal doses have many violence, including raw and violent rhythm changes into the GERMANIC thrash old school style and vocals too. Anyway, When the CD was running on the CD player I can felt the extreme potential of the tracks I was nervous by the strength of guitar rhythms and the drum beats. Arghh!!!
From the first track it would open your head with the extreme MOSH that you will do…my favorites tracks are: WARRIORS OF EVIL (An Evil track in musical conception and so well executed with a lot of passion), BITCH HARLOT, DESECRATOR AND COMMAND just keep on the evil path and quickly. Closing this work we have to MORTE ALCOOLICA , track conceived by JOAO PEDRO from FALLEN band..(hail Beer brothers!!!)…great work………………………………7.5/10

When I knew that OVERLORD band has split up I supposed that members can’t leave to play metal music and I never wrong. THE FORCE is continues the path that They had done before but better now. Their previous band OVERLORD has worked so hard to gain a space into the thrash together bands like VIOLENT ATTACK could be consider as best bands from PARAGUAY, but Now with THE FORCE is taking the thrash throne and is very difficult that happened anything to dethrone his kingdom. The band have including three OVERLORD formed members by this reason when I put on the CD player I thought is the same band but adding more technic. More strength and better sound recording but adding the same essence than they had before with OVERLORD. For these production is had consider like one of the best act hailing from PARAGUAY together with CORROSION, remembering like thrash pionners from PARAGUAY. In fact, Mike Martinez (guitars) has evolutioned a lot. Now he plays so brilliant on the six strings giving a great develop in Rhythm and solos. Sometimes are faster others are melodic without loss weight or energy and getting a good accomplishment with CARLO CARVALLO doing both an excellent duet on guitars. They’ve got put on their tracks all musical feels, making a good product in musical quality in perfection. About musical sounds I think that who knows of OVERLORD it have a clear concept about the thrash metal that they do on this recording, and it is a mix between EXODUS, VIOLENCE and mostly bands of BAY AREA. I believe that SOUTH AMERICAN thrash invasion has got to be on the top with bands of excellent background as WITCHTRAP, VIOLATOR, BLASTHRASH, BY WAR & FARSCAPE all of them are fighting by the thrash supremacy on this side of the world. Awesome tape!!!...........................................................................................................................9/10
This demo comes from the same roots than XERBETH band. Inclusively is including to one member of them and SATANIC band. And to whom listening both bands would know that can do YERKO minds in the concept when the music come from…Well, at same time than previous bands it could be named as primitive BLACK/PUNK METAL but it have a bit difference it is sounding more raw and basically is more PUNK in conception, very influenced by: ANTI CIMEX, RATTUS, DARK THRONE (new album), there is not a big difference to their others bands. The musical parts only have a 4 rhythm changes per track (is not suffice to the mainly media and listeners) in the most purest PUNK/HARDORE conception, simples riffs, very monotonous at time, with drumming parts so simples, just only is supporting to the guitar and bass. Surely, I know that many BLACK bangers can be disgust with the end product of this work, but maybe, they didn’t know that beginning of black metal music all bands were inspired by HARDCORE music and it has it. There, you have bands like HORNA, SATANIC WARMASTER , PEST with many topics with a PUNK spirit and who cares now? . The media and Black bangers only wanna know that bands plays RAW and furious and this product have containing all ingredients of others bands like them. To my musical tastes to be the beginning is a good work but they can do better…………………..6.5/10
Raw, heavyness and unmercyful Fast PORN GORE as Usually all bands of this kind of metal plays. Each track has not contain more of four rhythm changes per track but its sounding interesting because are mixing mid tempo parts with ultra fast parts that it cut off head and you’ll never stopped of bloodless with the heavy parts. The tracks is not shorts as others bands of the same style plays its a bit different including a two minutes and half per track .The vocals parts are combining harsch screams that like a mousse and guttural at time. The guitar & drum parts have a good accomplishment, the tracks are basics, dirty but at time are cleans and all have a good sound to be a rehearsal. The lyrical parts have a explicit language about sex, degeneration and corrosive death . This D-r is recommended to all putrid corpses……………………………………………………………………………...6.5/10

After two CD’s out that put it on the black metal top and be consider as one of the best acts hailing from BRAZIL and released a CD/Ep in company always on vocals with COUNT ABIGOR. Now, they comes with this production that continues in the same way than STAINING THE WHITE VEILS…. with THAUROS on vocals in replace of COUNT ABIGOR who left the band for personal problems, but Sincerely I think that COUNT never left the band because THAUROS, he becomes to reach the same vocal scales, these typical rough vocals and sharpness with good screamings. The musical parts are same equal than previous works, typically on PACTUM’S works adding a great brutalism on riffs, that reminds me in each moment to STAINING THE WHITE VEILS…a bestiality from the beginning to end. Each track show us a hateful lyrics against to Jesus Christ, christians and jude religion. The lyrical overview goes of the hand with the music, faster rhythms, brutality and bestiality in each note, sick music to sick minds. I can’t asure if this works is an evolution of their previous works because I think that is only a continuation In progress of the second work and it could be called only III part. it doesn’t new, but very effective in destructives terms and of excellent tracks with very good quality in composition. As band they have gained a own identity an own sound without mixing with others tendencies or follow neither bosses or modism. The principal tracks are: THE DAWN OF A BLACK AEON (the first track of the album), HAIL INFERNAL PROSELITYSM y UNDER THE BLACK WINGS OF ANTICHRIST…A great album that must be in your collection …………………8.5/10