The present review has been done thanks to DISASTER band members that gift me this promo CD when we shared some beers in their first apparence in LIMA Thrash show at the beginning of 2010 year. this band comes from CHILE and it have DISASTER members in their line-up and as can not be to other way, they're playing THRASH METAL too, plus at the same vein than others powerful bands did it before such as: SADISM, TOTTENKORPS and eventually as the mainly of thrash bands nowadays is influenced directly of 80's BAY AREA thrash. the art cover and music is based on gore stuff with an art cover so scary as DAWN OF DEAD can be it. Then, the tracks are following the same due thematic with tracks tittles as : ZOMBIE SLAUGHTER & SUICIDAL SOLUTION both tracks are showing a product that keeps a straight thrashing away, all the time. the guitar riffing is crushing but still prefer a better recording to extend more in the comments. the vocals parts that they do only are based on SADISM 'FROM THE PREPETUAL DARK' times in combination just a bit with new MELIPILLA acts as DISASTER. If you've never heard it to them I think that is good chance to write to them and can get this product or others, who know?. because the CHILEAN sound is always sinonimous of high quality and the sound is guaranteed, and more if they're having these inspirations above mentioned. this promo CD is not great but also not bad but is enough................6.8/10

The ITALIAN metal scene always have costumes to gave Us a great Black/Dark metal bands very focused to into the insane black metal but in this chance I present you STILLNESS BLADE a death metal band with a classical and very wasted style but not for less leave to be great, I spoke of DEATH metal made by bands like MALEVOLENT CREATION and DYING FETUS… their music have contains a speed melodies but not morbid, it s more well only speed very influenced by the USA Death metal and even more by MALEVOLENT CREATION.. to be honest I think that is the ITALIAN response to these bands… the CD have as bonus 2 videos and to say true you’ll never got regret of the musical quality of these musicians… The music is not complete enjoyed it but the style I saw as cliché and I haven’t listened many rhythms changes but I know that everyone that like bands like MALEVOLENT AND DYING FETUS to be appreciate it to them… The Cd is a work of the first quality…………………………………………………………………………7.8/10
Stillnessblade@ libero.it