If you haven't already know , this band is a new brand act of AREQUIPA-PERU.And musically goes as many bands of this beautiful place to the technical death metal to thrash. Obviously, the band present us aas newest a great virtuosity on choirds as well on the rhythm changes develop including a beautiful passages with excellent guitar solo's. it seems like if the band weren't a new band but the good accomplishment of the musicians it looks and sounds like a proffessional band. I think that exist many bands in arequipa with extreme care with their job and are complete proffessional sounding, the bands there are entirely dedicated to the job.
Well, Musically the band is very complex in riffs and have a mid tempo in general, at times a bit so faster but all in perfect communion with the rhythm tunes. they may not sounding very original in their death metal but it present us a good work in conception. the music goes from DARK TRANQUILITY to MEGADETH riffs TO DEATH TO THRASH adding some guttural vocals, it giving us a band with a great potential. the production have a lucky art cover with proffessional Cd-r printed, including 4 tracks+ WITHOUT JUDGEMENT (DEATH COVER) as bonus. To be a debut is enough i enjoyed it. Oh, this band is manage by ANUBIS BLOOD our MAGAZINE designer too!!!.....7.5/10

FUCKKK!!! When VENOM'S gave me this release I supposed that I'd be in front to another usual Black metal band and I hadn't any expectative over them but when I listened their first notes I proved my wrong. AGOURO is an excellent Black metal with a harder work besides in compositions but this cause I think that it does so different to other bands, not only in develop of the structures, more well in compositions in general, not sounding monotonous between one to others. the music goes of Black melodies to dark passages, very coldest, more in the deep vein of old BURZUM/GRAVELAND but is not only raw, is more elaborated, very interesting but it doesn't want to say that the band is melodic, more well is non melodic, also not amospheres has been included or interludes, is simply, direct, faster and freshness with ancient elements with good elements well executed. Perhaps I've giving more good comments about this work but every word that I said is true, they're going to the top soon!!! the art graphic of this CD-r is done with extremely care, it looks like a tomb, And probably to someone's is only another piece of shit but the music there is the priority and is fucking great!!! I forget it, the band is recording their first full legnht now!! stay alert to get it!!!............................8/10

From Sao paulo-BRAZIL comes this act, very focused in the actual Death meatl sound. when I speak about actual Death metal sound everybody's must to know that HATE ETERNAL, NILE & KRISIUN have created this sound and Yezz!!! HATEFUL CARNAGE is following their steps. this Cd-r promo contains 5 tracks of purest, intense and unholy metal and if the bands above mentioned are familiar for you, so you know what I want to say. this is an interesting Death metal so fast as heavyness and rough, with cuts well executed, where the rhythm changes are made with great level and perfectly embrancing, very well executed and arranged. I think still in Death metal exist a bit of originality and truly here we are finding that a fresh beats but with 90's introspective. I'll be awainting for a full lenght to know what more they can offer Us. Well If I have to choose any track as the best, I'd say all of them. The cd-r can be eating to the start to end!!!.....................................7.3/10