Sometimes I ‘ve Heard to speak about this TICAN band, some comments were greats , others sucks, but truly I think that the specialized media know how recognize when the band do a great job or not and the finally comments are of the bangers who’s enjoy it and Personally to me as editor and bangers this band is one of the best BLACK METAL act that I’ve heard from COSTA RICA..the band has some releases out, one of them I got over 8 years ago called ‘NATURAL IMBIO DEL PAGANISMO’ , it contained dark feels and strong madness, the background showed there was great and it opened the hell doors of the underground…after a few years I had contact with a zine CALL OF THE INFERNAL HORDES and I knew the editor and vocalist it was the same , then we exchanged some stuff and ideologies and just PAGANUS DOCTRINA has emphasis in their lyrics and the thoughts of the band. I stayed happiness about their knowledge of the black arts and how it can manage the way of your life and the band reflecs the communion of ideas in their own life of each members…PAGANUS DOCTRINA is not only a musical band is a way of life and thoughts… Well the band also have 2 split out… and the singer XERXES, BALPEHOR AND AGHAROTH have a record label called ‘ OCCULT records, it is exclusive to underground stuff and spreading only the underground circuit…..leaving a side this bored and moronic intro and follows the interview
1.- Hail comrade, you're into the metal scene for a long time ago, Do you can a brief into of the band to the Our readers, specially to the Peruvians warriors?
Unholy Xerxes Haereticum: First and foremost, I would lilke to thank you for the space you and Rafa from HEADBANGER ZINE are bringing me to spread some words about the activities surrounding my involvement in the current underground metal scene. I do really appreciate it and consider it an honor. Well, this is U.Xerxes.H, only remaining force from the original line up that brought into birth PAGANUS DOCTRINA back in 1994 and only spokesman for the band as well. I’m also editor for Call to the Infernal Hordes Zine (CTTIH) and I was also involved in the now defunct underground lable Occult Records. So, that’s pretty much all. Let the madness begin!
2.-What did changes has been happened since the band was formed until our days???
UXH: Well, most of the problems the band has faced up till the present day have a lot to do with gathering an estable line up able to work as the unit I’ve foreseen and in concequence, keeping it releasing stuff on a more regular base. As I already told you, I’m the only member left from the original line up which broke up somewhere in 1997 by the way. Since then, the band faced countless of line up changes and the most recent one was the departure of Balpehor H.C and Agharoth from the band. It is a shame because I was confident that they would be with me for a longer period of time. However, their friendship is still something I’m proud to keep in spite they leaved. In replacement of Balpehor, L.Demogorgon from the local Black Metal band FÖRNOST (keep an eye open for their upcoming debut album) entered to take over the vocals and G.Damaethyan has returned to the band on the drum kit and both of them have been involved in the creation of our debut album planned to be released through out ASHEN PRODUCTIONS from Austria this year. I won’t replace Agharoth with other member, the doors are open for him to get back whenever he wants. In anycase, I will take over the bass place as I did in the latest Split CD we relased a while ago as well as the whole guitar department. As about the musical direction of the band, it has certainly changed in comparison to the work done in the demo days and even with the “Deathblast…” Split CD released in 2008. The Death Metal vibe is more evident nowadays and even the Thrash Metal feeling is also there. However the black pestilent scent of Black Metal still prevails on a great extend. With the involvement of G.Damaethyan and L.Demogorgon the music has became tighter and faster, but also some slow-doom like passages a la early MYSTIFIER has been added to the song writing dynamic, aspect that has brought into the lyrical approach a more ritual like environment.
3.-The lyrical overview of their first demo tape ‘NATURAL IMBIO DEL PAGANISMO’ was conceived more into the philosophical overview than your latest works. Inclusively your thoughts are more deep and reflexives ( I said that for the many times that we spoken). Do you prefer give us a explicit and direct lyrics or reflexives to whose listeners teaching and thinking and have their own conclusions and draws?
UXH: The lyrics for “Natural Inbio del Paganismo” were written by Raun Szandor Malfas (a.k.a Randall Salas) and they dealt with Raun’s thoughts on Plotino and Platoon works but approached from a kind of satanic prism so to speak. Basically, the thesis Raun wanted to potrait on the texts was Paganism seen as a topic more to do with the implications its intrinsic politheistic schema has on the individual (socially and religiously) versus the schema on which Monoteism stands on. It little has to do with occultism by the way. At the time the lyrics were written, the idea was to fool around with the mediocrity of thought that seems to prevail in the less demanding scopes of Black Metal, where spelling Satan thousands of times without any fundament beyond to provoke the retard plague of the righteous ones has become their rule. So, that was how Raun decided to write them that way. In “Deathblast…” Split CD (2008) I wanted to focuse the lyrics in a more “in your face” kind of way. Taking the music as medium where to spread the Cosmology of Lucifer and serving my tongue and Balpehor’s as the translators of it. While “Infernale Vox Satani” and “IX Inferno – The Antichrst’s Proclamation” are like spears in the mind of the lepers of faith, “In Ente Spiritualli” is a more ritual-like song, an anthem to the glory of the Morning Star. The lyrics for the album are kind of a mix of both of them. The vocabulary applied is complex and explores the metaphisics and the thought of Satanism focused from different perspectives. Most of the people who have had the chance to read them don’t understand them even they are written in Spanish, so yeah, you are right when saying people will need to have a more deep knowledge not only in our complex Spanish dialect but also in the comprenhension of the Occult and its implications with the Luciferian light.
At this point I don’t care if people get my message. What is depicted in each lyric only matters to me. Most of the cradle of Black Metallers are dumb scum who are more worried about wearing corpse paint and playing the game of the “though I’m so evil trve kid” than actually understand what’s the meaning behind depth lyrics. If the lyrics have a certain curtain of complexity they miss the interest on going deeper. But if the lyrics are like retard tales proper of the three “B”s worshippers or the crap of Dark Funeral, then, they are okay with that simplicity. Simplicity which is heritage of their STILL Christian dogmatized brains!
4.-Nowadays, The Satanism has been linked to the all people knows to the figure that the Christian garbage and catholic church want to give Us the image of the goat, Only an individual with horns, it is something irrational to the thinking people, there is another way more into the philosophical and more into the own human beign, of the more stronger survive. Which of the two ways is the doctrine followed by the band?
UXH: Those who follow the Biblical Satan of Christianity are Christians as much as their supposed enemy. They are only “Diabolists” but not Satanists. If they think that’s okay for them, so be it, at least they are outstanding themselves using the image of a fairy tale “Satan” and perhaps some people with brain will be attracted into the deepr labyrinth of knowledge that actually represents SATANISM and the rest will just follow a standard topic fo frighthen their parents.
Paganus Doctrina has traced its ideological and religious approache conceived in the archetypes and virtues of Lucifer, Satan, the opposer, the 11th Adverse Sephirot! It has implications on a philosophical way applied to the daily live and on a ritual one as well. I’m here to belong to my Luciferian Cosmos and nobody else’s; and in this cosmos of mine Lucifer has no connection with Christianity beyond being the opposite of their pathetic “spiritual” schema according to their cheap thought.
5.- Talk Us about ‘The call of the Infernal Hordes’, How was born the idea of publishing this Zine? It is very good and gradually has became indispensable in the library of all underground bangers?
UXH: Thanks for your words brother, I’m really honored that you liked my fanzine. The zine is just something that was about to happen sooner or later. I had this addiction on making zines since the early 90’s and when I stopped doing my first endeavour UNHOLY ZINE back in 1997 I had plans to get back but I had to solve some personal issues before. Unfortunately it took me 9 years on getting back, hahahaha! C.T.T.I.H started in 2006 with the only aim I directed my previous efforts: SUPPORTING THE BANDS I LIKED ON AN UNDERGROUND LEVEL. That’s pretty much the rule of this zine. Up till now I’ve released 6 issues and the seventh one will be released somewhere in 2011 since right now I don’t have time as much as I had in the past years. But the zine will be still running for many years more. I just hope to have the same dedication and endurement as Rafael has with Headbanger Zine, an aspect worthy to admire from you my friend. Respect!
6.- The relationship from band member and zine is almost same I Would say are strongly united. How do you for discordant ideas between each and others does not affect the relationship of the bnad? Is difficult to work in both fronts with almost same staff?
UXH: Actually, I don’t have problems on running both zine and band. As far as I’m concerned, both are different things, at least, I approach them on a diferent way from each other. The zine is just the medium where my fanaticism and devotion for Metal is lying. No matter the musical genre, be it Black, Death, Thrash or traditional Heavy Metal, there will be a spot for every band I like framed into those scopes.
Different topic is the band which in my inner concious has a much deeper meaning and a higher level of importance in comparisson with the zine. Paganus Doctrina has to do with trascendency in images and words in honor to Lucifer and the streams where it flows. It is more of a personal and introspective journey and therefore, it serves as catharsis from the inner self to the outside. In few words, it has a higher degree of commitment to me.
The relationship with the zine’s staff isn’t the same of the band, actually. Basically, CTTIH has been run only by myself since issue 5th. And the band members have nothing to do with the zine. Since both of them have been conceptualize in different terms, that’s also something applied to the relationships in their inner cores.
Taking in account which is the magazine role, is to be more objective and give support and spreading the bands overview and musical ways. Why did you have problems. Firstly, DEIPHAGO, they have a strong words in against you. In their CD ‘SATANIK COIN’, and also I take to advantage to ask If you have some problem with a BOLIVIAN magazine called ‘FURIA’ zine, because you have a the worst review that I can read in all this time, I think that is not way affects the career of the magazine.. Please comments Us about that?
UXH: I want to make something clear. The issue with Deiphago had nothing to do with me. It rather was with some members of the old staff but on a personal way and nothing to do with the zine either. However, in the process of those argues some trash were thrown reciprocally staining my work for the zine. I had a discussion on the topic with V666 (Deiphago’s frontman) about it and as far as I’m concerned we closed that shit in good terms. And as prove of that, I featured an interivew with them in issue 5th. So, the relationship between us is okay.
The issue with Furia’s editor is something rather special. I’ve never been in contact with him. And if he did such a fuzz because he didn’t like the zine, it is his fucking business. He probably purchased a copy of our 2nd issue by trade with some of his contacts or just got it via some distributor in Bolivia but certainly not through out of me. However, his comments are abosolutely untracendental in my way of supporting the bands I like. If he didn’t like the zine, he can use it as toilet paper to clean his ass or coil it up and use it as a dildo to please himself off. And if he needs more, he can be sure I’ll be around with more issues to come!. FUCK OFF TO ALL THE SO SELF PROCLAIMED MESSIAHS OF THE “TRUE” UNDERGROUND SCENE! I’ll PISS ON YOUR FUCKING GRAVES!
Back to the band, How did you get a contract deal with American line prod to the release the split with PSEUDOSTRAFFIED EPITHELIUM? What was the repercution of this?
UXH: The contact was because Raun used to trade with Joel from American Lines so he got to know about Paganus Doctrina and Pseudo, and from there the idea popped to release our debut demo tape on a Split CD with the aforementioned band. Just like that is how the Split was conceived. The response from the scene was really overwhelming! Up till now I’m proud of that recording althought the music isn’t mine but of other ex-member indeed.
The first time that I knew about your band , when I was reading an interview in the DESECRATION OF VIRGIN magazine from GERMANY, in these interview I have noticed about the critic that the editor did when he spoke about your influences, saying that your band has been influenced by EUROPEANS bands. Are you agree with this point of view?(He said if you ‘re american citizens you must to be influenced by BRAZILIAN’S AND NORTH AMERICAN BANDS only)
UXH: Quite honestly, and with the respect I have for King Wolle’s underground carreer, I’m absolutely in disagreement with his views and find them naive as well. All the bands in South America, even the ones coming out from the early 80’s to the present day have ALWAYS been influenced by the European and USA’s scene in all aspects possible. Just pay attention to Sepulturas’ riffs and imagery in “Morbid Visions” album, it is totally Sodom’s and Kreator’s but obviously they twinkled the formula in a more aggressive and raw way. The same goes for Wagner Antichrist and SARCOFAGO, absolutely influenced by Sodom, Slayer and Hell Hammer. Now let’s get into European soil. NIFELHEIM has always said that some of their big influences is VULCANO, and VULCANO’s music was ironically influenced by bands from Europe as well. So, framing music as something regional is kind of stupid even more in the days we’re living on. Just imagine all the bands from South America copying to the bone to “Inri”, “Morbid Visions”, “Immortal Force”, “Simoniacal”, what would happen? Easy answer, the resurgeance of a fucked up trend where every band sounds exactly the same and even worse becuase most of them aren’t able to bring an identity of their own to thier musical outputs. What the South American school accomplished in the 80’s won’t ever have the same outstanding position today and even less because of the so many copy cats that are popping around. It might have it in the minds of lots of new teenage scum ennhanced to the so called “old school” motto, but certainly it won’t fool with us, people who’s been involved in this since way long back in time! In the case of Paganus Doctrina, I’ve always been influences by Sarcofago, Morbid Angel, Mayhem and Mystifier, but certainly we don’t sound like them.
Which were the facts that leading up to stop the band in 1998? Do you believe with this line-up you do not happened these facts again, knowing your scene is fickle?
UXH: A lot of shit happened at those days my dear friend. After the first line up which recoreded “Natural Inbio del Paganismo” broke up, I tried to gather new guys to bring back the band again. Unfortnately, that didn’t work out in spite I, together with some kids, achieved to write 5 new songs, songs that weren’t ever recorded. What tends to happen with to young people is that they are easily attracted to trends and suddenly many of my band mates at the time wanted me to change the name of the band and even its musical line into a more Children of Bodom one. Dissapointed and tired to constantly involve myself with these individuals I rather split it off in order to keep the legacy of the band intact. The only member of that time that had the same vision for the band was G.Damaethyan who is playing drums again for my band.
Line up issues won’t ever be a problem anymore my friend. If there’s something I love from Inter-nerd is the fact you can shape a band with even people from abroad and record stuff in diferent places at the same time. Besides, technology is miles ahead of what it used to be in the 90’s and you can even shape a home studio with software and all that shit. But perhaps the most important thing that allows me to keep the band alive is the fact I’m now the one who create the whole musical structure unlike the past, when I have to depend from others because I didn’t know how to play guitars nor bass. So, from that point of view, I will keep the band alive. Of course I rather prefer to have an estable line up, but time has proved me that such thing in Costa Rica is rather difficult to accomplish. Firstly, I put a lot of emphasis in the ideology Paganus Doctrina stands, I don’t allow people not conected in one way or another to the cosmos fo this band. Secondly, here most of the guys think in themselves as musicians and they’re always jumping from trend to trend with the aim to “expand” their “skills” and thirst for other genres. I’m not a musician at all, I play the noise that naturally comes from inside myself and that is Black Death Thrash Metal, the kind of influences I’ve been possessed by since the day I discovered extreme underground metal.
You have had almost Ten years of silence in PAGANUS DOCTRINA, in all this time the band members have joined in other bands or projects?
UXH: I personally didn’t involve myself with other project during that hiatus of inactivity and I didn’t want to either. As I told you, I was pissed off and tired to deal with people with that sort of “musician” mentality. However, Flagus Bael (a.k.a Fabian Bonilla) kept himself busy with COLEMESIS, Alocer P. Avigazirtor (a.k.a Alfonso Perez) was involved in several bands from very different musical styles and the others, me included, were completely moved away from forming a new project.
You have a new split in your discoghrapy together great bands such as MORBID FUNERAL and NECROLISIS.. Tell Us about this experience and How was the repercution of this?
UXH: “Deathblast from the Center of Hell” represents the new point of entry for Paganus Doctrina into the underground metal scene and what better way to do it sharing space with two bands I fully support and I’m fan to. The experience was great because I got to meet Balpehor and Agharoth, two guys which without their unrelenting support the come back of the band perhaps wouldn’t be posible. As about the recording of the songs, I guess some aspects could be better achieved but as a whole that’s the way the band sounded at those days and that’s okay. Basically, the songs for the álbum keep the same line of the Split’s so there’s not much of a difference althought the inclusion of G.Damethyian in the drum kit has provided to this beast a higher level of violence and the vocals of L.Demogorgon increased that grim negativity I was longing to accomplish in the new songs.
The response to that release has been really positive and I do really thanks to all the maniacs who have supported us so far and who have identified themselves with the images and words there recorded.
OCCULT RECORDS is another project yours, it including tapes production and Cd’s, and this split is your first production, Now you have announce a MALEDICTUM AVERNALIS and WAR GENERATION as upcoming realeses. Which is the process of selection to produce a band? What request the band needs to have to be choose?
UXH: Occult Records is now dead! Lack of time and Money were the main obstacles to keep the label on. The tape for WAR GENERATION 666 was recently released by other label I’m involved with called BLAZING OBSCURITY and it is legally run by Mario Cubero. The MALEDICTVM AVERNALIS tape will also be released this year through B.O but still we have to set the date for it. Keep an eye on BLAZING’s releases this year, pay us a visit for more information to: http://blazingobscurity.blogspot.com/
UXH: I had to sacrifice a bit the zine due to time constrains since currently my time is limitted. The label succumbed into oblivion even before my decision to take a rest from the zine. And as about the band is concerned, I breathe, eat and drink PAGANUS DOCTRINA 24 hrs a day. The band is my priority at this point and the recording of our debut álbum is getting near. So, the promotion of the band wont’ be affected because I stopped the zine for a short period of time. During the making of the Split CD and the six issues of CTTIH I got to make really solid allies and got to meet really serious zine editors that I know perfectly where to go to in order to spread the plague of the band in a confident way. But remember, CTTIH ZINE isn’t dead, it is just in slumber and it will be awaken next year 2011 with another infernal issue to piss FURIA’s editor off once more! Hahahahahahaha!
Speaking about a promotional part of your band… There ‘s any record label interested in put out a PAGANUS DOCTRINAstuff? What will be out the full lenght of PAGANUS DOCTRINA??
UXH: Paganus Doctrina signed with the Austrian based label ASHEN PRODUCTIONS little time later we released our split Cd with Necrolisis and Morbid Funeral. They will handle the release and costs of our debut album. Initially, the idea was to record the album on December last year and release it on January this year, but things turned to be a bit more complex since Balpehor and Agharoth leaved, so I had to find a new vocalist able to portrait the madness of the new songs and in the same period of time G.Dameethyan got involved in the band. That guided me to set a new rehearsal Schedule, spect that I wasn’t used for many years ago to. So, I have to get on track again with practice. When I recorded the songs for the Split with Necroilsis/Morbid Funeral, I never rehearsed and the drums were recorded with some sort of software. That’s why getting on the rehearsal dungeon again was quite a challenging task and an energetic experience too! All those aspects have delayed the recording and even now we are still finishing the song writing for the album. So far 7 songs are ready. We only need to arrange two more and that’s it. The plan is to enter the studio next August and have “Omnipotense Aeternae Diabolous” ready to be released this year.
Talking about shows I’ve listened a little bit about PAGANUS DOCTRINA SHOWS, To be a real honest I never listened or knew about PAGANUS show…or I found some show in video.. Please tell Us aboput PAGANUS show..How is it?
UXH: Paganus Doctrina hasn’t played live ever and that’s unimportant for us at least here in Costa Rica. However we are in discussions to set a concert over here bringing a band from abroad to play with us next year. Let’s see what happen. What is sure is that we are eager to play live in South America, which would be a fucking wet dream for me, ha ha ha! Visiting all my comrades from Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil unleashing the plague on stage would be an all time to remember anegdote! If serious promoters read this, get in touch! We are ready to bring the ritual carnage for you all!
To the close this interview, Future plans and immediately plans to the band???
UXH: The most important plan is to release the album this year through out ASHEN PRODUCTIONS. To rehearse as much as we can in order to put ourselves ready if some serious promoter wants us to play live. Later we would like to record two new songs for a 7”ep release or a new split, who knows… We are open to offers…hehehe.
Last words and hails to the Our readers?
UXH: Thanks you so much for the oportunity to speak some bullshit from my band and zine, Manuel. I do really appreciate all the support you and Rafo are bringing me. Thanks a lot! I would like to raise my horns to all the peruvian crazy maniacs I’m in contact with: B.S. Fornicator (RECRUCIFY), Juan Carlos and Jorge Bobadilla (DEATH INVOKER), Pedro Trillo (EVIL DAMNED), Ricardo (CRYPTS OF ETERNITY), Martin Lazarte and all the fucking plague of metal heads that bang their heads with our Luciferian noise. A.m.S.g
Contact the band at:
Atte: Gilbert Miranda
Apdo. Postal 2711 – 3000
Heredia – COSTA RICA
(Central America)
Catch us at GaySpace: www.myspace.com/paganusdoctrina
E-mail: paganus666doctrina@yahoo.com
For the zine:
E-mail: calltotheinfernalhordes_magazine@hotmail.com
For booking concerts:
MSN: iam_abomination@hotmail.com