it's amazing to listening at last, it really is.. From MELANCOLIAM and LUXURIA DE LILITH I don't listen anyband that get melts my ears. So , at last here it is. Maybe, the first impression that everyone can get when the tracks are running on the tape it could be something like MELANCHOLIC techno Black metal but it is wrong. I think that the band has got talented musicians with strongly draws and magnificient musical cretive to build awesome tracks andthe best thing is the originality when tehy are sung in portuguese, their own language and for less it is giving more expectations by the audience to listening to them. tracks like RAINHA DOS CONDENADOS or O EXILIADO are great performings, great conceived, great keyboards works, vocals are BM and it very different to usually extremely keyboards bands does it.. great cd-r demo.........................................................................7.5/10

Lately I been bored by the fact of listening tons of depressive and industrial bands even atmospheric too, When I got this CD-r I said once again another piece of shit but I got surprised because the tracks included it, not only been in another way, morewell I could describe it such as Furious and intelectual black metal indeed (ed!!!). the first one thing I have to say would be, I liked so much the guitar riffs and all development on choirds but the dissapointed and questionable things is the awful vocal parts and how cannot be to otherwise the unnecesary keyboards develop, to be more exactly on the fith track. it is nearer to be named TRANS/DISC cover track, is overall awful...sucks!!! leaving a side these points i found it good and I think that everyone would be pleased with this product. Also it contains down, mid and faster times... whatever is simply black metal.........................6.6/10