After listening WARHAMMER & APOCALYPTIC RAIDS like the bastards sons of HELLHAMMER, Now brings PROMISCUITY like their new cousin of both bands above mentioned and they are sure to build their own way into the scene without leave to HELLHAMMER as their main influence. If we are looking for differences between these bands and PROMISCUITY to be very nearly to HELLHAMMER music, It could be that they have seeking more deepest into the HELLHAMMER roots. Where the music was truly death'n roll likely firsts outputs from MOTORHEAD, VENOM, early BULLDOZER and obviously HELLHAMMER... classic demo's tapes like 'DEATH FIEND','TRIUMPH OF DEATH' AND 'SATANIC RAIDS' (NOTE: NOT IN ALPHAPHETICAL ORDER!!!ED!!). This fucking great band is definetely one of the best acts nowadays. it's crude, raw in the most BLACK/DEATH'N ROLL sound...something unusual in the actual black metal movenment. it's primitive, is a come back to the ancient black metal roots..awesome and undescriptible..the tape of the year!!!!

This work was introduced to me a couple of years ago but recently I had the chance to got it. It being a hardest stuff to find it, because in general the band members hadn't joined where usually the metal bangers goes in the city, maybe it isn't possible by the far where they are living to the extreme of the city. Well, starting with the review, The first point its the fact of the great presentation of the art work that never seen before in others bands to be their first output and to be recording on CD-R format. Is full printed in gloosy cartoon with over 4 graphics pages in 7 inchs, it is something great that everybody involved in metal wants. Now, let's go to the musical part, it s left me a strange sensation in the mouth, from the beginning to the end, because I was looking for these peruvian roots or better said South american roots but I never found it. it s only a merely raw black metal in the nordic vein, with a poor develop in the musical technic, If they have some good riffs the mainly are simply tunes very intense that can be reminded so easily. The tracks are faster, including in general cool vocals without many levels of variations and also it have so easily to do. Truly I was awaiting for more of this band and not a simply fakes nordic black metal, I'll be awaiting for the next work to know if the band has a musical progress or not. To be the first impression is not bad but it can be better.listenable...........................................6.2/10