The PARAGUAYAN metal scene is something unknown to someone's South American bangers and more to people outside of that. Its like discover gold or maybe its like opening the PANNDORA box to know amazing bands like MASTER OF CRUELTY that now caught my attention. This work come thanks to CARLOS CORTEZ from SOUTHERN HELLISH prod. a great
warrior that like so much of true underground and always is try to get new bands and more if it comes from the unknown countries in metal music. The tape is totally proffesional with excellent sound recording and proffesional printed too, where you can hear clearest each excellent death metal riffs, very originals with rhythm changes that they did with great precission, the music is a complex death/thrash/black tunes, mixing each better thing of these way to offer us a great masterpiece of underground music.The vocal parts follows in the same line of classical death metal including some thrash touches that accomplished som perfectly with the band draw and their technical music at once. DEATH/THRASH/BLACK metal 100% original. Another jewel that go out from the coffin of the unknown. the work is almost perfect.....great......................................................8.8/100

HEADBANGERS:'Thrashing And Smashing Shits'-CD-R 2010-BOLIVIA:
How I can start the rpesent review, When you have a strongly friendship with band members. It so hard to find the right words to be 100 % honest and do not fall in a common cliche and say something like : They're good or awesome, But I must to be 100%objetive. Usually i have heard several Thrash metal bands by the fact that I do this and truly this band is not one of my favorite bands of this genre. I do not want to say that is bad but it must to have more developing in the musical concept even creativity too. the band sounds very simple in riffs conception, the rhythms are so easy to play.Maybe, If I say poor it wouldn’t be right but If I say simples its more focused to their way on this recording. Also I can saw that ideas are clears but they needs more developing to do these turns real, speaking only in the musical field. The influences goes from METALLICA to PUNK/HARDCORE metal…I think that for this situation, they had cross the line between thrash with hardcore giving more variants, but for me they needs walk over a straight line to gain their own way. The band has a lot of good intentions and I guess that a little bit of work they can be better and to be a real new thrash metal BOLIVIAN band that gave us some satisfactions…Only I can only say to improving………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6/10
AQUELARRE Nº 12:Old Peruvian zine. written in spanish. 44 pages printed in offset with art cover in couche. it contains interwviews with: OMINOUS, CRUCIFIX, MORBID FLESH, PUTRID, CARRASCO, NON SERVIAM, PROFANER, MORCROF, TEMPLE OF MAGGOTS, PYROPHONIC, MANZER, TROOPS OF TERROR, DEMONIC CREMADOR. Band bio of FERTRUM. Also it includes the classical tape's reviews, cd's and ep's reviews. To get it only write to: storms_896@hotmail.com
aegentinan small zine. written in spanish. 12 pages in xerox. including interviews with: BUCALDEFECATION, BACTERIAN, BETRAYER, NITRO, PULMONARY FIBROSIS, TOXIC WINE, RIGOR MORTIS. Bnads info on : LUCIFERIAN & BERSAEKERS.it includes a CD-r compilation as bonus. more info write to: macabraar@hotmail.com
This is a new current black metal band that have in their hands a strong compromise with the true Peruvian scene to be inspired on the most extreme and bloodness anvient culture from Our land called MUCHIK (more well known as MOCHES), for whose that never heard about this culture, they are consider together MAYAN/AZTEC culture as the most bloodness of all latin american and as many bangers supposse on this cominuion between lyrics and sound it's just only aggressivity in the deep menaing of Our musical roots. And speaking about of this specific work is still keeping some Nordic riffs that is typical in almost all black metal bands. The musical background is not bad to be their first output, it contains powerful song riffs with true South American feelings, which I think that is where they must focusing their music. Something that I do not understand is the fact that all tracks list are wrote in english but the tracks are sung in spanish...HUMMM...it's not a low point on this product only is a stone on the way, I think so!!! Back to the music, the tracks are faster in their bases with good rhythm changes to mid paced to speed. Some tracks are sounding in construction and play mode similar to GRAVE DESECRATION (heeeHeee!!!), including to mode to build the tracks bases,nothing complex but it have good moments. interesting work to be their first output.................7.3/10