miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012
reviews 2012- september
What can We said about this band that has not been said before. it’s one of the pillars still alive from the early Colombian metal scene and South American with 25 years of struggle, this time we bring a reissue for vinyl lovers and worshippers of true art that is the South American sound of their first demo IMPERIO DEL TERROR' and rehearsal as bonus, Where they show all the fierceness and cruelty of the recording alive in direct without mixed. With sounds and technical limitations, typical of bands from the 80’s which in most South American bands of the 80's had. Tracks like IMPERIO DEL TERROR can be heard in the fullness of the rawness, with the force of a great vocalist as ALEX and drum power of BULLMETAL. TIEMPOS DE GUERRA damn it!!! the best version of raw, makes me remember these times that we also live in terror and I think I hear the voices tear ALEX like fall victims to their cries ... an outstanding album that also brings in two versions of the demo and a trial of the first theme is heard of them SEPULCROS EN RUINAS and SANGRIENTA MUERTE that made me remember back in the 80's when we exchanged material our bands with Alex and BULLMETAL, where I did get a tape trading with these two tracks for the first time (before the demo) and then rescued the heaviness of GUERRERO on guitars, drums strength in BULLMETAL, a very good job for the time, which makes a difference to the Colombian metal then led PARABELLUM. REENCARNACION, ASTAROTH, BLASFEMIA, AMEN, GLOSTER GLADIATOR, etc ... (I will not say more because many will say that I known much ...) they defined their style heavier and just only DEATH METAL, And that to this day will not change. What else can be said about this magnificent work of art that evokes the 80's ... just say thanks AMERICAN LINE amazing idea of releasing on vinyl format ..........................................................................8.7/10
Fuck!!!! this album is awesome ... Great production from records impaled of my friend Marcelo Formigao. Definitely is one of the best releases of the last year. The album has everything, strength, speed, not great breaks but not for less is suffice , that every black metal band should to have. Inclusively, it s include a short instrumental track with a bit of sadness dozes... The Tracks are not very worked in extension also are virtuosos, but the fact is that black metal atmosphere is there from start to end...With a sound and Classified as Black metal likely as new UNEARTHLY or New BRASILIAN Black metal order, much like a quickly faster than UNEARTHLY ... I liked all tracks but at times rather strange to hear something more heavy and slow doom that always falling so well to black metal bands , it is only speed and intensity....very good album .......................................... 8/10
This band has been fighting in the scene to gain a name from early 1993. So,I will not say much about the sound because as understood by those who were doing black metal from that era will know that the more raw sound is influenced by the first hordes Norwegian so anyone thinking they'll find new trends or depressions or technicality will be spending their money foolishly, because here you find pure hatred of the Nazarene, pure rawness and filth... CURSED CHRIST is a band of simple rhythms and a typical sound 90's ... where black metal was heavier and faster without fashion look or atmospheres, and they evoke pure feeling in the most pure golden metal era ... the CD is a compilation of tracks from all these years of work done for worshipers of the basic black metal, simple and direct!!!! Great............................................................................7.3/10
This Cd was introduced in PERU a couple of years ago, when the band blasted over Lima-PERU. Then. I do not had any doubt to get this masterpiece of extreme death metal so fastly I can. This masterpiece goes to same way than others currents bands like RAEBELLIUM and KRISIUN playing at the same speed than them (or maybe more faster),but always mixed with blast beats and guttural growls..(Another glories that they render tribute in their sound is ANGEL CORPSE, but remembering that ANGEL CORPSE also sound a bit like KRISIUN I prefer only say KRISIUN sons…) Nowadays,the mainly of bands is searching to sound to KRISIUN, but only a few have the powerful and hit like the Brazilian band deserves. Here, I think that there is a strong contender for them, a luxury sparring, that will undoubtedly be soon children to be a real defenders of the KRISIUN legacy worldwide... the band is preparing his European tour (when HEADBANGER ISSUE 12 print edition already should have been done) by various countries of the old continent.This album is a masterpiece of horror, and speed that will definitely leave you breathless... devour it or die ..................…………….8.7/10
What I can say about this DOMINICAN brother that were lived here over 6 months, if I ‘m wrong!!! Here everybody’s knows about their sound and I do not very much to say to the Peruvian metal heads, but To whose that never heard about this important DOMINICAN band, I would say that I’ve listened better bands from this country, at least more interesting doing a better sound and different than them. I had their first output and I was a quite ok… and told me You will await for the next issue, at least I supposed it will be great, but EXSANGUINATION THRONE in this latest work left me a bitter flavor in mouth. I thought , after one year have been like traveling through different countries enrich their sound but no .. I want to start speaking about the guitar sounding, it’s the typical BEHEMOTH / MORBID ANGEL. where death metal cross the line and turning to black metal side ... (maybe it's the fact that was recorded in ARGENTINA, a country very close to the black metal, so the producer not well adapted guitars to the black metal sound). the drums seems very computer if it is not ... ultra fast ... sometimes the riffs are not heard well .. guttural voice are sung to extreme black metal others Death metal ... hummm ... some tracks have a good riffs in harmony to starting but take a few seconds to turn into a chaos of riffs, I think the poor recording not leave a better work... I am disappointed , is that they could offer something more, I still awaiting for another work to give a better opinion……………………………………………………………..6.5/10
domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012
MALLEUS interview 2012
The first impression that everybody’s may to have about HEADBANGER MAGAZINE could be to the fact that strongly support to the BRASILIAN scene and it is true. Somebody’s could to have any doubt about the high quality of bands that exist there . And it is the reason to have to MALLEUS band in our pages. MALLEUS is untypical black metal that emerges from this hot place, playing shows here and there, or launching works each year, they prefer to take a few years and prepare much better each work, putting all his effort in it to give the best to their followers... back to old HEADBANGER zine I found a review that they had in our pages with good comments from this server, so when I learned that had already released his first CD I got in touch with AGRAVEN and immediately I wrote the interview and he answered As fast as he can I hopethat followers of the dark side must be eat it from beginning to end in honour of Satan!
1.-What is the concept behind MALLEUS name?
The name Malleus means in Latin idiome the form as the templaries and the ancient people referred to the evil without to get a risk of to be burned for the inquisition fire, and the name "literally" means hammer.
2.-The band has had some line up problems (probably as the mainly of the bands). Nowadays, the band has got a stable line up? Which is the current line-up? What characteristic must to have a common person to join in the band?
The band changed many times since your origin, including a happened recently, after the release of the last cd, the things about music industry is always very limited, we had many problems with personal problems and problems of posture of some old musicians, we tried to stay in the active because the things are always very unstable and we don't have idea of duration of our line up, we really try to never stop with the band action, it is necessary to get people with a same thought line and to have a stable lineup it is necessary that the whole rest is stable and some things are out of our control to stabilize, it is a very chaotic and unexpected way, Well it is as a machine if a piece break or it doesn't work well is necessary to repair or to change for a better piece than it works. we put in the band people that can maintain a true compromising with the one that the name Malleus represent for the scene we want musicians in conditions of taking it ahead, and it only participates in the band who really assumes the commitment with work.
3.-The band started over 9 years ago right… but, recently has got put out their first full length. Which were the reasons of that??? Why do you delayed in recording?
well that opportunity appeared of an idea without any pretension, because we were in a bad moment with several deceptions and frustrations coz to word break and change of people's personality.
well in the beginning we made our 2 old works in an independent way, because nobody would make anything for us, we done it by our own hands, we are not a rich band and we will never use money or immodest to buy or to get things that the talent and the creativity has to supply, for that the things are always slow for who is honest and works in a trooth way and integrates and that opportunity to record the full CD appeared of an idea without any pretension, because we were in a bad moment, the work was always our investment and our objective always went to pay the bills of the band with which the band produced for we have not damage in our pocket, we counted a little with the luck and with our talent of doing the work well produced and with that we had the good acceptance and happily we had the opportunity to record, to throw the work and to be distributed in a correct way.
4.-Previously to the ‘UNDER THE EVIL’S SHADOWS’ CD, two recordings were out. Both works has been re-recorded and added to this work, right… How was the selection of tracks to this album, knowing that only you choose 5 tracks to this work?
the whole band talked and we arrived to a consensus in common of as it would be the CD, we chose the music that we would want record again because we had an opportunity of recording in a better way and more professional also, we choose the music that we liked of our two first works and what we wanted for the CD without eliminating the first works is clear and we compose more two unpublished musics for to complete the job.
5.-Something caught my attention, The fact that it is your first album but at same is produced and spreading by 14 records labels and distros. The band has had a strongly promotional work , very well done to be first album. Many bands with many years in the scene do not get sign for a debut album . What factors has got influence to this?
I think firstly it is the factor of the Malleus people donate ourselves to the work and talent of the members, creativity and common sense, we always went a band of clean reputation and we always tried to work in a correct and impeccable way and we had luck of we get people to believe in our work as us and with the same thought type.
6.-Talk Us about of this first full lenght in the musical way, strictly? The tracks re-recorded has suffering some changes to the previous conception?
Well, the CDl was recorded by different people of EPs so certainty it will sound in way different from the firsts works, all people in the band have freedom for to be creative and to increase thing that can bring improvements to the work in the musical part.
7.-What topics do you use to build the lyrics? First you write the musical bases , then the lyrics are in or what is first for you?
We approached in our letters historical and cultural facts, paganism, and the true essence of the human feelings and we are against all and any religion type and against all and any hypocritical ideology and we always Treated critically our opinions regarding religion, paganism, occultism we used the creativity and the common sense in a latent way, we wrote and we compose in a random way and we united the material most of the time and there were cases of writing some sentences thinking about the musical line.
8.- Some subjects give me that think, Generally, all them in the tracks tittles, all them is told me, about of the dark sideof the band follows, But reading an overview about the band, it says that you are very studious and into of the history and Mythology.. What part of the way your studious and music joint?
With literature we have several currents occultists and pagans’ expressions, we have interest in reading on different cultures, lines of thoughts, histories and world mythologies that reveal the truths badly on the religions and that they did for the people, and in our music we suffered a big influence of all those elements.
9.-Do you think that‘ UNDER THE EVIL’S SHADOWS’is a representative Cd of the MALLEUS sound? These two new songs give us a sample of a power and tremendous strong. Do you think that both topics fit perfectly with the old tracks?
We have influences of greatest extreme worldish bands of the end of 80'ies and the decade of 90'ies. we always maintain in our work in Black Metal's line, however we tried to be an original band and we don't want to repeat what was done already for another band, we are not a band with obtuse head and we are open to varied influences that any one of the members can bring to enrich still more the sonority of our music and to turn our work more elaborated and complete. The proposal of the Band is as a natural process of evolution and of improvement of our own musical identity. And it is clear without forgetting the respect to the fans of our style.
10.-in recent years into the underground scene and your band, You have had great times and hard times, Which have been these hard moments for the band and said I break it all and split the band ?
We made a work in a professional way don't compose music with private personal feelings, the ideology and what does in the CD is another history and another point of our life and we separated the things well, the shady moments it just strengthened us so that we made our work is a feeling that we would have to keep our job done and that we have to get our objective, we have a duty to accomplish and we didn't want to stop without concluding the work. the life is as a Russian mountain, all of the people all over the world have moments of defeats and of victories, what defines us is how we worked with the good and bad situations of the life.
11.-RIO DE JANEIRO is a violent city but at the same time very funny, these topics that you seen and lived into your society can influence to the band sound? Can alternate some lyrics with social topics and including in some tracks?
The life here in Rio is as a normal big city, we have all the problems of the biggest cities of the world, today we are the city patrimony of humanity, title supplied by UNESCO, I believe that the middle in that one live influences the sound that you do clear partly however you can control that so that it pleases you and how you can manages to do, the political and social subjects are a full plate for bands of death metal and hardcore, we make a mystic sound and of war against the religion and against the badly that she makes the all of the societies.
12.- MALLEUS is not a band that is playing alive constantly , Is difficult to get the equipment or requirements that malleus needs to play live? Do You've had some problems with producers?
The most difficult for us is get shows with a professional production, they are many the displeasures that we started already when facing bad conditions when getting right events, most we refused for the professionalism lack when working with music, few people intend to work correctly and ends being suffocated by profiteers and exploiters and is this the cancer that puts an end to the metal in a whole world, All of us are suffering direct problems with mercenaries that are producing of events and organizers that only do is to explore and to bargain with the work of the bands Malleus always insisted on to be a professional band and to maintain the name in a respect position for working in a honest and correct way, maintaining a clean and honest attitude that it corresponds with the one that we want pass. We are not interested in Mafia of the musical industry. We fight for a coherent ideal and exactly of true union and for a professional relationship of respect among all involved them, from the own band to the public, this probably the most prejudiced and in that way we thought the best popularization is a work solid, original and done in a correct way.
13.-Knowing that malleus is a band that has played in a few shows, What Do you have prepared for shows to spread this work?
We just demanded the basic, we demanded that the owners of the events have respect with the public, because if lately the events are empty is because something has been made systematically wrong, we don't make the atrical and sensationalist shows wanting demostrate a reality that doesn't exist, our priority is the music and the message that we are passing to who see us.
14.- Do you think to do a South American gig or perhaps an European tour as many Brazil bands lately are doing to spread this CD? Don't you think that is time South America to display and show the high potential of the bands to outside? What are the requirements of the band if any employer could be interested in do a tour with the band?
Yes sure we has plenty will however we always tried to organizate the activities of the band that it doesn't disturb our clear fixed work to drift because we needed to pay our bills and we not lived just of music, we intended to do a mini tour for world sections however we want good opportunities coz we justified what we asked with our work.
15.-What more we can expecting in the near future of the band?
N.ow we are composing new songs because we will throw a Split CD with the band Sonneillon from Portugal for next year, and we are trying to get some dates from shows and to do some promo videos.
16.-Well Bro, it was a pleasure talking to you and I very glad to have to MALLEUS in Our pages, do you have anything else to add?
We thanked for the opportunity given in to explain a little best on what is the work of Malleus and our form of seeing the things, we would like to thank a lot to all people that supported us and motivated in the difficult moments for which the band passed, therefore it is thanks to them that today Malleus is a band that is giving continuity to work, our proposal is not to do a sound infantile, stupid and idolizer. We tried with our work to turn the Black Metal's name as the strong and powerful style that it is, executing an authentic and sincere sound,
We want to do something more rational possible and exactly for people that are willing to not to lower the head as a sign of weakness, submission or complacency, and that think independently, we want to question, to look for the truth and to expose always hurts to who it hurts and to do with that the people start to struggle for their values and ideals.
We are not despaired by money and nor for the luxuries, or for the wealth or any other one benefits that can come and much less we want to be a POP band, we just want enough to maintain the band without having any damage, those benefits are not our objectives and we treated the fair for us as being just an acquired detail with the result of our work.
jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012
viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012
february 2012

TORQVEREM:’OPUS INFERNII’-CD-R DEMO 2010’-6 TRACKS-BRAZIL.-After months ago that I hadn’t contact with bands, Thanks to the continues robbery’s by the fault of the most bigger Rip off from PERU, called CHRISTIAN PAUCAR TOLEDO, who’s taking my name and writing to the bands only by the fact of seek free stuff. But at least, I back again at the race and now I received this band and others. So let begins with the present review. As many black metal bands it included like overture an Intro on this work, it’s very longer and deeply and it can be bored too, but for many followers it can be perfect to the develop of the atmospheres that the band want to express and ‘MISANTROPIA FERALIS’ is opening the hell doors to ‘OPUS INFERNII’

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