This CD has a few years of released but Recently, just I got some months ago of the hands of the same SELDRAK (drummer and leader of the band). and I thought it was appropriate to make a review. The CD includes many bonus of previous work and that indicates that you'll hear as the band to evolved in their sound to what is today. Perhaps, The band is one of the more professional bands on this side of the world, with a staging and sound very European, it’s makes that many people including myself call it the South American DIMMU BORGIR. And that is not bad because it is without doubt a very technical band, with proficiency in scene, good knowledge of instruments and much creativity to fit each riff perfectly one with the other. The bad thing is that I prefer a sound more dirty, more South American who develop a black metal Nordic more without feeling, very coldest, on the other hand can't stop mentioning constancy for offering a good product to the bangers by this good band. The recording is very good, and great production too. A great CD for lovers of black metal Nordic……………………………………………………………………………………….7.6/10
Another band of HEAVY METAL in this new Issue, And this is very good because all tendencies of true metal are here... the word heavy metal is feeling and the essence of true metal literally speaking. As well, this band plays a heavy metal inspired most in late 70's and early 80's by adding the benefits of technology to the recording, giving an air more modern but inspired in the old glories - inspired tracks are even in concept, except for the first which is the more fast so to speak, because everything is mid tempo or slow tempo, then the other 3 tracks 'THE without OF WAR', 'SHEPERDS OF DEATH' and 'OBSOLESCENCE', are a mix between PAGAN ALTAR and PICTURE ('TRAITOR' LP), between slow tempo to mid tempo,but sometimes are sounding very doom metal. The riffs are heavy and slow, but even so they are strong, the vocal parts are powerful and epic/medieval times typical bands of this kind of metal. The music is simple in construction of rhythms, there is lots of variety but you contains good rhythms that brings good memories to those who we heard this music since the late 70's and 80's………………………………………………………………………………………………...................................7/10
Really I don't know if it is a parallel project or Personal band or a band seriously taken by PONEY bassist from VIOLATOR) and follow the steps to his band and his main influence HARDCORE. This work is in the border of the hardcore thrash not vice versa. This work is a mixture between MINOR THREAT/A. O. D/ATTITUDE ADJUSMENT & CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER, In a few words is simply hardcore punk, fast and straightforward melodies without many cuts or technical swings. Topics are written as sequences where the CD after the start and after some narration tracks news becomes like a newscast, it gives a special touch to this work. For those who like the bands above this work will bring you to ecstasy. The best of all is the simplicity of music and are very well executed "………………..good work based on 80’s hardcore thrash………......................................7.1/10
Of this band, I‘ve had heard his first job and on that occasion their proposal seemed a quite interesting and with this work does more than confirm this. I don’t like very much your music. Essentially, leave me a good drink of beer, nothing sweet nothing bitter, just to quench my thirst. This time the music has no definition, even though they think they are black metal, from the beginning the music is basically heavy metal with harmonic riffs and rhythms with many death metal touches on some tracks and touches with effusive posts anti-Christian with typical black-oriented vocal a la Bolivian metal, which is this vocalist already not this more join in the band, I must to hear to the new vocalist to give my opinion, but on this occasion I am dealing only with this work. Recording not liked much by missing weight on guitars, I do not say that the guitarist is bad but rather it is the best on this CD. Anyway, I think that the band is necessary to find a good sound engineer to be get a better recording sound. The guitars could have sounded heavier, with more power, is very sharp to say the digital. The tracks are structured specifically to showcase the guitarist and I see that positive because their music so warrants. Anyway, the music is very uneven speeds, some tracks are mid paced other total fast in total speed typical of death/black metal, A work that could be better. It is a band I'll have to wait for a new job to know if they managed to throw the sound engineer or not... 6.8/10

It was about time that this magazine will present a band of true HEAVY METAL, since 2 numbers that I did not have the opportunity to get our pages a work like this. 220 VOLTS preaches a pure heavy metal , influenced by many glories of the style from AC DC to Metallica, passing by the spanish heavy metal MURO and the hard rock of the Argentines RIFF and HORCAS, giving a fresh air with their own touches, printing many times its own stamp to the interesting rhythms are well made and strong rhythms of raging riffs, accompanied by a powerful voice that makes this work forced to all headbanger. The songs are well constructed with great accuracy, and solid structures. Sometimes are thrash and others hard rock, other pure heavy metal with a great job in guitars, where the only melodic's are sometimes quick but excellent. The truth that this work left me very good taste in the mouth. Great product…………………………………………7.8/10