Wonderful, the only one word I can think when listening the present demo that left me static in my chair for a while. The band sound takes me do a trip to back to the first years of the Greek scene and nowadays without fear to be wrong I can say that this scene is stronger than ever. With bands that have not changed its essence in the least that follow a pattern, a sound that makes them 100% owner, mainly they have maintains a high musical standard, with high quality interpretive, with an impressive quality of riffs and arrangements of their tracks simply awesome. The tracks are developed to be short, with only a few rhythm changes, something usual in bands of this caliber. In each track you are find some rhythm changes so precise, accurate, is done at the right moment, As Usually the greek bands we have accustomed. The vocals parts are raw without to be guttural or gore, something that they can be proud is the fact that their vocalist sings loud, heavy, raw and harsh without being death metal without being guttural or black metal, unique form of sings signed by the Greeks. The music can be catalogue as a mixture of ZEMIAL, VARATHRON, DUNKEL and LORD IMPALER TEMPLE OF KHATARSIS…. A unique combination and perfect, but I only hope to be able to ride in my hands the debut album of this great band that I was immersed in the anguish of achieve more and more… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ..8.8 /10

First work of this novel Swedish band that follows in the tradition of playing a great death metal of very high quality as we have accustomed the bands that comes from that cold country. a death metal music that transcends the barriers of VIKING, and STONER DOOM metal with notable melodies that transport us to the best that we have heard of bands of this great country of long history within the global metal scene. NECROPHOR faithful to this style the band wants to reach with this work to be inserted within the death metal elite. The 3 tracks are worked in the same way, with very similar structures one after the other, sometimes one may think that it is the continuation of the tracks but it is not, it is the style that uses the band that makes it to transgress the boundaries of death metal with a new sound and vigorous, fresh but with the quality that Sweden has accustomed us. A perfect debut of this great band that from the beginning of insurance insured will have. its way with many fans that will continue for his great work… … .excellent…….8/10

This is definitely a band that follows the same path from his previous work and the word evolution is only written in its dictionary how to modify a few arrangements more does not change in essence and that I was demonstrated in this work of very high quality. In general we have grown accustomed to the Swedish bands without making a too technical death metal. All of them have the necessary power that immerses you in the depths of your thoughts and dreams with these riffs and rhythms perfectly positioned. In difference to his previous work, this is more heavy and dense rhythms media doom/death passing by the stoner and touching the borders of the style that makes its neighbors of ENSLAVED. The tracks are not elaborated with very little change of pace, but with the character enough to tell you like from the first riff. It does not have intros of arpeggios as its first work but rather the heaviness is more noticeable here. The 3 tracks are a very good source of power for those who are accustomed to the Viking death and needs of those doses of hard metal to breathe. An excellent develop of very good quality recording and musical as the Swedish bands we are accustomed , nothing to reproach, finger up………………………………………………….8.2/10

In previous issues I’ve had the opportunity to review the ‘GARDEN OF FORGOTTEN SHADOWS’- CD-R and the first album of them called ‘KULT OF DEMENTIA’. And without doubt the band present us a big evolution to previous works, and have made great steps in their musical evolution , But in my personal point of view they have lost certain sound underground to give a breath to modern DEATH METAL. Clearly a death metal more crude to be more or soft. ‘ART OF KILLING’ is a great work with very good recording sound, where each track have perfect combinations of parts fast, death metal riffs that join in very good guitars solo’s, Giving lessons of how can be mixed a conventional death metal, brutal death metal and new technical death metal, as well should I call to a current which is more that just as this band you have added these touches of fresh rhythms that other bands of metal music that is not death metal have, thus changing the aesthetics of the tracks. CHAOS SYNOPSIS, is a typical DEATH METAL band in essence, much more modern than usual death metal bands with high level of professionals who know where they want to be as a band and this album I think that the catapult more in the top of the bands that usually the common mean you want to hear. The tracks are all without exception have great develop of their musicians, all are playing perfectly, and gives the listeners the perception of being a European or North American band without any problem, but In my point of view they have loss mysticism of pure death metal as must sound…Nowadays the mainly of bands are trying only to improve but they diverge from the primal sound, perhaps the old guys don't let our music that we started to go beyond ... perhaps… This is for the new generation of Death metal bangers …A work that rises in quality but loses in meaning underground… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …7/10

-For a while I thought about of this new wave of thrash metal which imposed bands such as MUNICIPAL WASTE, VIOLATOR among other had standing, because I was a blow to the head to know that again was with that current circulating through all the arteries of the metal music. Basically the music is no different to what has been done by MUNICIPAL WASTE with the exception of some riffs that are more developed, with best rhythms that lead to sound more thrash sometimes than hardcore stuff, but it’s crossover in the concept. Also, on the way of singing which is very similar of it made for SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, A.O.D, etc. Classic mid-80’s bands. The whole tracks were written under the same root, typical rhythms singing into crossover thrash and limited time of action, all are eaten from beginning to end and I know that all followers of this style will be more than pleased to have this new work from this band circulating everywhere. To be their 3rd album is a good work. I would like to have heard the first albums but did not even... thrashers are required to have it...7.2/10

For a While a band didn’t miss the doom metal that I’ve listened by the early 80 's years, and what a coincidence that I stumbled upon with this very good band of excellent SLOVENIAN doom metal staffed entirely by women. They are demonstrating that you do not have to be depressive to launch a work totally based on heaviness and in the way of lyrics is far from those terms that today the bands usually write over sorrow, depression, This is pure doom metal in the old school of BLACK SABBATH, COVEN, PENTAGRAM, ST VITUS…wonderful bands that led to the heavy/Doom to another level, And they are without doubt the most frequently applied students. The demo 7" contains: PHOBIA and LIVING DEAD tracks both with the same musical performance, with high level interpretive where the heavy riffs and changes to half time make the tracks hold out a lot of time in your head. The vocal parts are the height of a doom metal band are powerful and rhythmic, nothing of treble, is more deep and heavy. Each track have the typical structure of all the doom metal bands, this usually starts well heavy and slow and as they are passed the seconds change to half time and returns to its original heaviness.. the changes are not monotonous are well achieved at the just time. These girls have been studied very well the concept of doom to get to this work. Without being a wonder is the best at this time that refreshes the doom scene today… a great work… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….---------------------------------------------------------8/10

This is a band very different from these bands that comes from SWEDEN. Where the mainly of bands play a classic death metal worked very well, with clean sounds and riffs often majestic and in the way of black metal is no different than its bands also provide many magnificent encounters between death metal with black metal making their work masterpieces ....This is not the case with this band that the truth has not done a job for nothing memorable but not so bad. It just not something that leaves a trace in the way of black metal. Musically the band brings with simple riffs and easy to implement, that goes from the punk/hardcore until the common and known to all, a simple Black metal. The rhythms are between 3.4 and 5 in all its tracks by making easy to listening. The best tracks for my taste for best execution and quality of work in riffs are BLOODY HUNGER that has a principle of good design in heavy music with good work in conception, And the track namesake of demo that has very heavy parts combining with fast and interesting raw vocals, typical old school Black metal... it reminded me a bit to EVOKED DOOM band in the mid 80's.. The tracks are short no more than 3 minutes…. If you are listening to bands of this type with sound raw and savage of the 80 's, this demo is for you… … … … … … … … … … … …6.5 /10