Having the same trouble again with the compilation reviews by the extenses set list that include it, I have to do once again. I hope that it would be more easy than previous reviews. let’s start, The compilation is opening with an intro called PSYCOPATH it couldn’t better to clash your mind. Then, comes DEVOURED CARNAGE from MEXICO, by the band you would suppose that is playing brutal death metal and is right. But have some quite interesting things, Specially in the rhythm changes that is not so brutally is also technic too. From SWEDEN comes DEMORIAN playing interesting mid-down tempo black/death metal, is not usual in bands from SWEDEN but I appreciate it. SPELLCRAFT, is an excellent black metal band with good rhythm changes and cool atmospheres. NUKLEAR ANTICHRIST is a powerful death/black metal band at the same vein than BAPHOMET’S THRONE/THRONEUM faster and evilness…cool!!! CHAOS SYNOPSIS, Brazilian DEATH/THRASH 90’s metal with high technic and precise rhythms. WOLFDUSK, simple Black metal with only a few rhythm changes, it can be only 2 per track, nothing more else to add…MYSTICISM, From COLOMBIAN with hate, and following with the COLOMBIAN Black metal path is very similar than ATANAB.LAND OF HATE is only another death metal band…nothing to remembering…MORIOR ERGO SUN is a good Black/death metal band in the GREEK vein.. TRONO INFAME, is an excellent black metal band that comes from ARGENTINAN also it is reminds me to primigenium BESTIAL HOLOCAUST argghhh!!! ORDO NATUM BAMAY CROM after an extense band name, recently I can do a brief review hahahh!!! Is another excellent black/death metal sounding like I want a la GREEK vein….wonderful!!! but is not usual, knowing that band comes from BRAZIL but still sounding great!!! CATHARSIS NOCTURNA, really I enjoy it so much by the great technic and accomplishment as band. They’ re combining perfectly brutality, fast parts and dark /black metal feelings. Very interesting! ANGREPP, typical SWEDEN death metal a la CARNAGE. ACRANIA is playing an excellent DEATH METAL is a bit different to others MEXICAN bands is a good work. MISA NEGRA barbaric and war metal from CHILE is sounding like ENDLESS WAR/EXXXEKKUUTOR…great!!! DEFLORATION is an excellent brutal death metal band a la CANNIBAL CORPSE it does that it is common but I can’t leave to say that technically the music is awesome and the musicians are great…NAGRUUM, interesting Black metal band from EQUADOR, I ‘m not fan of the ECUATORIAN sound but the band plays quite good, specially when the intro runs with ancestral quena’s (flute’s) is very good…OBSIDIAN KINGDOM another band that render tribute to the GREEK Black/death metal sound. It sometimes are sounding melodic, sadness and melancholic that combines so perfectly with the mid and down tempo of his atmospheres. ARS MANIFESTA is a faster and raw Black metal in all sense of the word even corrosive with powerful rhythm changes of madness and sickness…simply excellent!!! Closing this compilation CD-r is CAPITIS DAMNARE with his pure Black evilness metal, faster, insane and depressive…GREAT!!!
This CD - r it was given to me by a great friend of this magazine who throws so fastly a CD compilation as I can do a breath. the guy is known CARLOS and the CD s called LEGION OF TCHORT, Also is known for his usual mode of spreading the bands that come to him. He did the own thing with this material that again comes from BRAZIL and As cannot be otherwise the quality of music of this guys is highly, without managing to be an exquisite death metal, i) leaves a good flavor of mouth me. The band is playing techno death/thrash metal with some parts of brutal death metal more likely death metal 90's line that the typical Brazilian music raw and brutal … GARDEN OF FORGOTTEN SHADOWS is a good product but with lacking in the conception of the topics, sometimes it has a too force, others they have lacking the same force, but it always are adding the thrash speed, it does a very good mixture, but even I believe that faltaria weigh. Because the sound is very 90's/2000's and it serious the only one point in against, because as musicians they are good ..it needs like a something of weight and depth to the topics to be a great product .... interesting … ……………...................7.3/10
chaossypnosis chaossypnosis.com.br

This band was unknown for me until moment that I received the package and I had the opportunity to listen to a few heart-breaking melancholy cryings of pain, where the music was betraying the dark presence of the malignant one. The harmony that generates the riff that are the best thing undoubtedly from the down tempo that combines to the perfection with of the melancholies mid tempo parts doing atmospheres of death that without managing to be great art works, it gives us a good idea of a good future of the band. This CD is promotional but seems to be done by very professional people and with their 6 tracks of hatred And melancholy they make me resemble the BURZUM's first ones. I believe that from ANCIENT RITES a band of BELGIUM don’t surprising me for highly quality and professionalism this one is a very good work that all people involved into the black metal music surely happy when will get it and hear it so loud…..please to all readers listen to up volume!!!!..................................7.8/10
Triumph_of_death_slecht yahoo.com-
If we have some points clear as water is the fact that We are in front of the best black metal band from PERU. Perhaps somebody’s are thinking that I’m crazy, but When I got the demo tape I said is the best band and later the CD split is out and I never wrong. This CD is only confirm that I thought before. This split have all ingredients that everyone metaller needs to fight against to Christianity as hate, hunger, that are expressed in each track with totally success, giving show of bestiality and perfection, all combines so perfectly that I can’t explain it. From the beginning by the Intro’s that is very well done until complete set list. But without doubt I have to give an applause to the riffs, The guitar player has give the best effort and give show of that. I can’t to say is almost perfectly done or the riffs are well worked but are so extremely South American Black metal sounding. These riffs have a heavily that all Black metal tracks needs and the band has got the just accomplishment giving a good structure to the tracks. Here I haven’t doubts, is simply 80’s South American cult sounding a la HOLOCAUSTO/SARCOFAGO/GENOCIDIO, being influenced by those notes of the great BRAZILIAN masters, also adding some news but is WONDERFUL!!! Is going to be a masterpiece soon!!!CULT!!! The next side comes UNHOLY MASSACRE, After some demo’s out and split-Ep’s with a great repercution on this side of the world at last they’ve got the CD and the means can’t be better, WONDERFUL!!! Musically is BRAZILIAN RAW black/death metal even Thrash too…sometimes can be sounding a bit rare but is amazing.. the feels in are deepest , coldest and it goes to remembering the Old 80’s golden years of BRAZILIAN scene…I think so, because these guys are formed in old school, and the influences are in 80’s and of course mostly 90’s and 2000 too. The strength and bestiality reminds me to EXXXEKKUTOR also from BRAZIL…ARGHHH!!!! The CD that it will be the best split of the year………………………………………………………………………………....8.9/10

This CD was a pleasing revelation, there gave to me a new vision of DEATH's quality metal that is done by this side of the world, because it was accustomed more to the brutality of the raw and violent sound that we have the bands of south america. (The best thing of our death metal that is touched by feeling). But this band combines perfectly this aggressiveness with a clean performance full of good changes of paces and arrangements that make me suppose that SODOMA is this generation of bands that not desperdiciadaza the opportunity to of our bangers leave a side the taste for the foreigner bands, and is looking more into the house. SODOMA combines almost to the perfection elements that is in our music adding very good technic with speed paces and incessant brutality. The music is harmonious, loudly, that goes of the death metal to the Black metal but without cold voices but is more growls that does not give an excellent product … .GREAT!!!..................................................................................................8/10

For a long time ago that the scene became a place COLOMBIAN in the Death metal world, being one of the pioneers in south america in touch metal aggressive and violent, taking good exponents since 1984. They spent many years and that country exploded with many bands and support of bangers, making great shows in its lands, and achieving an identity in its own way to seek a different sound to outsiders. In my view what they most recently grew in Colombia is the Black metal for 10 years at least that has been the most Colombian representative to the metal, taking as exponents to ESBAT, LUCIFERIAN, THY ENDLESS WRATH, amongs the most famous INQUISITION and I think it wants MYSTICISM join in this gang. Abduction gives us rapid pace, with much work riffs, with many sounds and voices in Spanish cold that brings to mind the work of ESBAT and ATANAB being very similar in design and structure of the items. The changes and variations in pace and speed are made with rhythms fast and there are good vocal that makes this CD a very good job that leaves a good taste in the mouth for having tasted a good product without being excellent, is very digestible. This CD comes with a gift of video multimedia. (Although I prefer a video in MPEG that can be seen in DVD hahahah!)………………………………………………………………………………..7.2/10

Supreme black metal that comes from the same land that gave us bands like MYSTIFIER, ETERNAL SACRIFICE even HEADHUNTER DC.. I’m speaking from SALVADOR-BAHIA/BRAZIL and they have some influences in their music of bands above mentioned. IN INFERNAL WAR plays only black metal that it includes some rhythmic passages (non melodic touches) to mid tempo and it combines with fast rhythm changes, then also it combines so very well with the female vocals that is sung in all tracks with growls, screamings very similar than SONIA HOLOCAUST of BESTIAL HOLOCAUST, that it does admirable and it gives a fabulous touches in each track. The band is not falling to technicism to obtain the high level of his music, is only the necessary rhythm changes that it does listenable to all metal followers. My favorite tracks are: ‘ESPLENDIDA REBELIAO?, ‘GUERRA FRIA, BATALHA SOMBRIA’, both songs have contains powerful screamings and black/thrash rythms a la LORD and UNHOLY WAR vein, and to the close out is ‘A IMUNDA FACE CLERICAL’ an excellent track that only deserves my recognization and symphaty for this work. Record labels sign to them now. You will not regret!!!!.......................................................7.4/10
The band name of this band is well direct and clearness and not need more comments I think so but if you have any questions they‘re followers of the black metal path and comes from BRAZIL, maybe the most important country with more metal bands per habitant (hhehehe!!!) and over the world too!! And they attacking with this unholy and profane production and introducing by first time in our pages. They have a sound typically called RAW BLACK METAL in the Nordic vein with many velocity parts, sometimes is very faster, others moreless and the vocals are parts are coldest with indentity, the guitars parts are simple with riff so easy to plays but at time are full of intensity that is mixing very well with the lyrical proposal. The Cd demo contains 4 tracks plus more an intro, all tracks are sung in Portuguese that is achievement so perfectly with guitar rhythms. Each track is simple in construction, not is very creative or innovative but listenable. The bad point to my taste is the bad sound recording is not the best, have a dirty sound I don’t know if is done to purpose or not but is giving a coldest ambient to the production. Then, the band have a well accomplishment and sounding good to achieve their objectives. My favorites tracks are: ‘MOMENTOS DE MORTE E LIBERTACAO’, ‘GELIDAS FLORESTAS SOMBRIA’. The graphic art is well done and released by IMPALED RECORDS………………………………6.7/10

Total & complete Raw black metal of dark conception with tracks well conceived, terrorifics and crude guitar riffs and intense passages. Sometimes are repetives but at time is efficient in inspiration. The first time that I heard this band it was thanks to CARLOS of Legion of t-chort compilation CD-r and it just to him that I do this review who gift me this masterpiece. So, USA is not well known by great Black metal bands inspirited by European music even is more known by their death metal as characteristic,Usually their bands are playing only Death metal with dark and demonic themes, but DEMONIC HALOCAUST is more focused to BLACK METAL, and they haven’t neither breaths to usual USA metal, more well they’re sounding ala NORDIC and GERMAN style but adding a little bit of darkness and diabolic tunes. I would say primigenium BLACK METAL to describe it. The tracks are conceived very darkest and profane with a time running around 6.30 minutes per track, all are in the same vein, faster riffs with bombastic drums, simples tunes with only a few rhythm changes. The first four tracks are violents, it plays at 100 mph, pure unholy raw black metal, then comes a track tittled ‘SADISTIC WARCRAFT’ that I think is the best tracks!!! It includes interesting arpeggios, down tempos, mid tempos even fast tempos, very doom at time is bloody and blasphemous, ARGGHH!!!. Then it turns so fast that includes heartbreaking vocals and vampiric screaming that is hailing from the grave. As bonus it includes ‘ERASING THE COSMOS’, is another tracks that includes arpeggios and have a good guitar rhythms that it just makes me think that I’m in front of an excellent band that have a great creative ability that it will talk for a long time into the black metal circuit……….great work ..is a masterpiece………………………………………..7.8/10

No doubt, the band cannot choose a better name to do a best description of this work. By the tape tittled you can understand it, is called ‘A BESTIAL BATTLE’ (English), and is true when the tape is running in your deck and listen up to maximum volumen you find it a BESTIAL BATTLE!!!. They plays a bestial DEATH/THRASH/BLACK metal as many time I haven’t heard maybe since DISSECTION to ANGEL CORPSE to IMPIETY that I didn’t hear only one band that express in their music a performance that these three bands togheter plays. It includes death metal riffs very well worked, faster drums, black metal and thrash vocals, insane guitar rhythms that is coming from the same hell, where the flames of the antichrist are spitting by their vocalist in vociferations that it will be burning in a pyre of insanity. This work includes 4 tracks of pure hate to the Christian pork, plays at 10000….mph with true darkness feel and fierceness only!!! strongly urged to get it…………………………………………..7.8/10

Excellent Black metal band influenced by simple hardcore rhythms at time effectives that it can be hated or denied for the mainly of bangers. It comes from FINNISH HARDCORE as you know and that it understood very well for bands like IMPALED NAZARENE & HORNA, bands that have many influences of RATTUS, TERVEET KADETT. Any way I talk about these bands because INFERNAL FUNERAL is mixing these hardcore rhythms very similar to the above mentioned bands with unholy and profane black metal touches and then is turned a masterpiece that is DEUS IMPOTENT’S . it could be describe it as SPANISH response to IMPALED NAZARENE in only 3 tracks are showing that. To be a 3 tracks there’s not a better or worse track is without doubt aggressive, fast until raw black metal music, but is simple with a few rhythm changes that it so easy hearing. Also these tracks are not more 3 during time in conception. I still awaiting for the full length album out’s of this marvelous band to do a best complete review because the band has it all!!! Great work……………………………………………………………………………..….7.7/10
A long time I didn’t heard from CHILE this kind of staff. ‘Cause the CHILEAN bands usually only plays NORTH AMERICAN death metal, and to be honest all of them have an excellent quality both musicians as music. So, is a strange topic because this band didn’t it makes. They’re playing an excellent deathgrind or more known as brutal death metal is falling into chaotic music too. And to be real honest not is the same vein than CANNIBAL CORPSE or MONSTROSITY, is more into the EUROPEAN DEATH GRIND, something like old CARCASS even PUNGENT STENCH mixed with old chaotic tunes from the AUSSIE GODS of CORPSE MOLESTATION by this reason this tape makes me feel very well and I can a sure that all tracks were well conceived. As you know the music is not creative or innovative to this usual music but the tracks structures are well done, with good guitar work making an excellent grind tunes, the typical drum work so fast as they can play others so slow. The tracks are shorts, it is typically in bands of extreme death/grind metal , and the vocals parts are guttural with good growls. Maybe, it doesn’t so interesting for some metal followers but still I consider a good work. And the best thing here is released on tape format. The best track are: SARCOFAGO, CULTO DE MUERTE and ‘BLASFEMIA Y PUDRICION’…7/10

Another thrash bestiality that comes from BRAZIL. After tons of bands, all of them of excellent quality as VIOLATOR, BY WAR, BLASTHRASH, COMANDO NUCLEAR, FARSCAPE and plus more and large etc…. but CARCARA is a bit different of them. Maybe is together EXECUTER (another BRAZILIAN thrash band of the end 80’s to early 90’s, but still active) that I‘ve heard to WHIPLASH as influences And it does appreciate it so much because WHIPLASH is into my top ten of thrash bands of the history. And they’re followers of this old school it say so much about their music conceived and played by this great thrash band. The tacks are faster, with intense guitar riffs and rhythms, but the bad point could be the guitar solo’s aren’t awful, more well are only simples but still listenable. The vocal parts are almost perfect, is shrillness and clearly it does so clean that reminds me to TONY PORTARO of WHIPLASH. My favorite tracks are: CACHACA TERROR (Alcoholic terror here!!!), TRIBUNAL DA MORTE and ARMAMENTO BIOLOGICO…………………………………….7.2/10
I didn’t remembered when my dear friend Jorge said me about this band until I received the package from CHILE including this release, When I connected on Cd player I stay totally agree with the JORGE comments and definition about the AFASIA music, it was happened when we exchanged some mails and chats comments, he said me that AFASIA is one of the best DEATH/DOOM acts hailing from CHILE and now all that he told me was truly. AFASIA is not only a death/doom metal band is one band that still keeping the true spirit of the 80’s and beginning of 90’s. here, they’re not including female vocals, atmospheres or depressive tunes, only plays true heaviness death/doom metal, sometimes are sounding very doomy, others deathly to mid tempo, is wonderful masterpiece of DOOM/DEATH METAL… The music is not available to common doom followers to whose whom searching depression parts, atmospheres and boring parts, because never find out on this production. AFASIA is a godd band and they’re showing the high quality of SOUTH AMERICAN bands very different palying than EUROPEAN bands, and showing that SOUTH AMERICAN bands still keeping the true metal spirit, sometimes forgotten by the common metal bands. Also I must be honest with my comments, they’re not playing SOUTH AMERICAN DEATH/DOOM METAL style, also have influences than goes from UK to SWEDEN to SOUTHAMERICAN. The guitar riffs are focused to old SWEDISH school, very similar than DISMEMBER(90), ENTOMBED and UK school comes from PARADISE LOST (90’s)/ MY DYING BRIDE.. The vocals parts are sounding more death metal only, nothing melancholic or sweety voices, only extreme CHILEAN death vocals, powerful and its combine perfectly with death guitar harmonies to the best SWEDISH style. I think that band have solid bases to do a great job and I’m very glad to know of our neighbors. The Cd-r is well done, with good art work, recording sound is acceptable and it’s include good tracks structure that is sounding complex at time, to mid tempo to doomy without fall into slowly parts, In general typically used in all doom bands. Some tracks that I liked are: THE WISDOM, THAT WE LOST, THE FINAL PREMONITION and TIDES OF AGONY. Excellent work……………………….7.3/10
ARGHH!!! What’s happening in BRAZIL??? Another thrash/death band attack again!!! I think that BRAZIL is invading the underground metal scene with tons of godly bands and GRAVELESS is not the exception. The CD-r contains 4 tracks of insane, aggressive and savage thrash/death metal that I makes me think that is a perfect pairing both styles because it give us an intense music with high brutality dozes. The tracks are faster with guttural vocals even thrash screams sometimes are sung, and perhaps to someone people it could be dislike it, but my point of view I believe that it does better, ‘cause thrash/death is the perfect communion. The high technic of musicians is almost perfect & they known very well their instruments to the kind of music they’re making. They have a high technic on 6 strings with several death rhythms and guitar solo’s and also have a good accomplishment between all instruments. The tracks are singing in English and I dare to say that lyrical parts are writing over blood, occultism and antichristian topics. ‘BEYOND THE DOORS OF HELL’ & ‘BLOOD ON MY SWORD’ are my favorite tracks….great work………………………………….7.5/10
A new brutal death metal band that emerges from BRAZIL again. In this chance they arrives with ‘THE SHRINE OF DISGRACE’ cd-r to be first apparition on HEADBANGER’S pages and it couldn’t better. The CD-r contains high potential riffs, morbid rhythms very faster and darkness. Is not typical bands that spreads brutality only, it have true feels by the dark side. OBSESSOR could be named a INCANTATION hybrid or CANNIBAL CORPSE brothers. But they aren’t adding morbid topics more well they’re adding darkness and evil. They’re including well develop guitar riffs, elemental death rhythms with optimum development on the guitar arm. All well executed by DAVID ASSUNCAO (Guitar and vocalist of the band). The music also includes doom parts that share with extremely speed parts, without doubt is a death occult metal ode. To my taste the following tracks are my favorites by the meaning so lyrical to musical way. THE WAR FOR THE AWAKENING, MALIGNANT DOMAIN, AND THE MANSION. The stuff is creative in contain and is done by talented musicians with high grade of technic that is expressed in each track, where they’re putting all their knowledge to give Us a good end product with all elements that we liked. If you want a death metal demo that can destroy your brain with pure headbanging this is it looking for...................................................................7.4/10
I’ don’t know How I can do this review because the band manager is the HEADBANGER’S co-editor. If I say a lot of good things about this work many people could be thinking that I loss objectivity and I dislike comments like that. After a brief intro to explain this topic I would try to be 100% objective. So I start , this band have some years old into the Peruvian metal scene to be more specific they’re From Comas/LIMA and their vocalist and leader was founder of BLACK ANGEL band and is not want to say that BLACKER is equal to the B.ANGEL only when SILVA sings but in all complete tracks is very different and it just the difference that I dislike a little bit, ‘cause SILVA still continues screaming a lot, he’s exaggerating too, when the songs have rhythms pauses he is treating to cover it with screamings and I believe that exist others methods to do it. But Not for this reason I want to say that he sings bad. Anyway The music is better than previous Cd-r promo 2007 with interesting things in composition that gives a special band sound with old South American spirit with a bit of PERUVIAN black metal touches a bit dirty and goes to more inspired on BRAZILIAN forgotten bands like INVOKER, IMPURITY, etc. it just in the way of playing the guitar that I found the Brazilian touches, it is something that I liked so much and I can see a good future in next releases. Another point was that I liked also of the way of playing of the bassist because he knows cover very well the space free and surely he’s coming from the traditional heavy metal school to do that. The best track is: TRIUMPH OF BLACK. The tape is made on professional printed tape with offset cover art and the sound recording have a good quality……………………………………………….6.8/10
Awesome!!! Really I’m getting back to 80’s golden years, these times when it begins to appear some great Swedish death metal bands like CARNAGE, NIHILIST, etc…and I talk about that because this band Is similar than ones and I can a sure that they’re devotes to this original death metal sound that it was conceived at the end of 80’s by brilliant minds. Is a sound that embraces you with a macabre feeling that all persons we have inside. It contains morbid guitar riffs and rhythms to mid tempo with macabre harmonies. Each track is a banquet to the Swedish death metal lovers. The band concept is only death/morbid/macabre tunes and is the best option to give it great atmospheres to the tracks. The tracks assembly have arrangements almost perfects with talented musicians that have a great manage of their instruments, Centimeter per centimeter. Sincerely, from the art cover I can feel these remembers of the eighties, ‘cause all work is conceived in old death metal school. If I talk about music way I can say that is amix between CARNAGE, ASPHIX, MACRODEX, MORGOTH and NIHILIST. Do you need to know anything else???. Only Go out running to buying this jewel of true cult to death metal. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!! And I forgot it, As bonus track it includes
‘CROSS ME FOOL’ by RAZOR…………………………………………………..8.5/10
Since my first trip to AMERICAN CENTRAL I saw the high potential of this side of the world For the great quantity of talented musicians that I known and it is not too strange, for the his proximity to USA that is making so easy to know more about of new bands and metal tendencies that exist and it have a good repercution in their musical quality to the end product. But also to be a LATIN AMERICAN country is have several problems that including in the form to play metal music, including hateful rhythms, strength evil against to Nazarene, church, misery and poverty. This is taking very well for INNSMOUTH to create a black music into down-mid tempo with sorrounding sounds, very coldest with Supported length, All that is making that you joined all time on the speakers, listening the complete CD. The guitarist is playing simples riffs and harmonies that go from DARK THRONE veins to XASTHUR with slow and depressive parts. The tracks are not complex, is it done to immediate effect that is suddenly turns of slow to fast parts but is not falling into monotony ‘ cause the CD have all ingredients that complement the tracks with precise breaks. it just is it I like so much by the diverse range of guitar rhythms down –mid –fast tempo that is it. Therefore I think in the variety is the taste and one of my favorite track is: ‘Tasting the sorrow’, where we can appreciate so perfectly this awesome communion of sounds. The CD-r includes DEATHCRUSH (MAYHEM cover) as bonus…good release!!!...............7.1/10
I don’t know how I can catalogue this band, the only true that they’re followers of BLASPHEMY/CONQUEROR bands or maybe I must to say WAR/CHAOTIC/BOMBASTIC/ANTICHRISTIAN metal!!! ARGHH!!!! This band not is like PROCLAMATION band that I suppose the whole world it must know as the carbon copy of BLASPHEMY band (to be honest is very well done). But ELDERS OF APOCALYPSE have many things of above mentioned bands that includes (spoken parts) it hasn’t been done like intro’s or for give it an atmospheric touches, it was done only to be more chaotic in the sense of the tracks and as cannot be of otherwise the guitar riffing are faster, Heart-breakings and bestial but at time are sounding chaotic sometimes I remember a leopard tank or atomic bomb but the sound, arghh!!! ONLY WAR METAL IS REAL!!! But also you can find some topics like SODOMY, DESECRATION, UNHOLY PERVERSIONS and more in their bloody lyrics of human aberrations and unsacred blessings in honor to our almighty lord of darkness!!! This masterpiece is already one of the best albums of WAR METAL that I’ve heard in the 2008 year. And without doubt is coming to possessed our souls and do more perverted and sinister our existence. The CD is not original musically spoken and they’re not discovering anything news, but the creativity to make good tracks must be recognized for all listeners. ULTRA HIGH RECOMMENDED!!!............................................8/10
‘DECIMATOR’ is a CD that combines different metal styles in only one as pandora box, when you open it you can hear Diverse rhythms among them the death/black/war metal and perhaps it could be the most interesting on this CD and I appreciate it. Anyway I don’t know If can give with the perfect definition of the band music band I will try to give into the target. Here we have music to all listeners, it’s to war metallers , black metallers to death metallers I say that by the musical concept that they work in each develop of the tracks you would be finding as a river with different river mouths but is not only that, also it is one the fact that mixes is perfect among these rhythms. The guitar riffs are united with great creativity sounding sometimes very fast without losing the perspective of the sonorous understanding and maybe they are putting a new musical genre so called BESTIAL/WAR/BLACK/DEATH METAL, HELL YEZZ!!! As you read it all of that is united with raw vocals very understandable, this something important for me and to all listeners that they need to know which is the message of the band in his musical overview. This is DIOCLETIAN sound that manages to catch yourself from the first rhythm in an almost perfect production. All this plague includes some chaotic passages that sometimes seems to me that even they do not manage to know to where they want to go as musicians and maybe this be one is the sluggish bad point of the production, but ultimately musically this CD I get pleased too much and surely is all right to all metal chaos lovers!!!!...........................................................7.8/10
This is a band That from the beginning you love’em or hate them, but in my case I loved since the CD was running on the Cd player so for the musical quality as by the concept to creativity too because is the fact that all tracks are done with cool arrangements that go from Black to doom metal, for my taste this makes it very interesting. The musical way includes Heavy/doom riffs at time dense and dark passages being outline ‘BLACK WINDS VICTORYAN’ that is my favorite track. Then comes ‘VASSAFOR’ with extremely dark passages without fall into beautiful atmospheres or anything like that. ‘DREADNAUGHT’ is an ode to the well done music, opening the track with soprano voice of the classic opera, very soft, clear and clean also is delicate but not because of it is extremely soft by people that like these melodies, this is a black/doom band nothing more!!! The tracks continue running and the rhythm changes go away and come, the aggressive voices fill you with hatred and many dark feelings come to your mind..arghh!!! The vocals parts are aggressive but not raw is very listenable and understandable it seems that it was coming from beyond…As bonus you can find ‘BLACK FUNERAL’ (MERCYFUL FATE cover) in a different version, is sounding more doom and sung in the most black metal way that is giving a rare atmosphere to the track. Awesome stuff………………………………………8/10
CARNAL RAPTURE is one of these bands that prefer work so hard to do a great product before putting out a new production that is of very bad acceptance on behalf of the media because they're very carefuly with production and sound recording of their stuff to maintance to their followers always searching for more and staying totally satisfied with their music. But sincerely I liked only a bit this release 'cause I'm more into BLACK/DEATH music than thrash/death/progressive metal but still I must be totally objective with this work. I cannot leave to mention the great develop of the bass player, without doubt is the high point in this release. All musicians have a great performance and have a great manage of their instruments on high musical level and are so talented, Maybe can be one most technic bands nowadays that I've heard lately. anyway,I had lost contact with them some years ago and stay surprised when the package arrives, inmediately I think if the musical way has changed
but when the Cd had started to run on the cd player I comeback to heard the same musical sound than their previous promo that I reviewed some years ago but in this time it would be more technic than ever and And it that there have spent several years of the first time that I heard CARNAL RAPTURE. For my opinion even they do not know to where they go as music, it is a bit difficult to describe it, it is going to power to progressive to thrash and a bit of death metal, until Jazz music I found it. (speaking about band music, conception of the tracks, and arrangements). The vocals parts has been the unique thing that it was easy to describe it, DEATH METAL. Usually I've listened only brutal bands since 1984 and is a rare experience to me to meet bands of this kind and more when they are musicians with very much talent is difficult to do a review. leaving apart their musical way I must to recognize the way of play of the bassist is similar to PRIMUS / ATHEIST and all tracks are mid tempo sounding into many metal styles. interesting work to whose that like the music very well done and like to experience new sounds.................................................................................................................................................7.2/10
In another chance I had occupied about of the Cd debut album of this great black/death metal band form USA, called 'DOOMSDAY DEVICE', these time I told that the band is playing an osbcure death/black metal that usually comes from USA, when I spoke of that is because they're inspired by 80's old glories days of bands like: SADISTIC INTENT, IMMOLATION even more bands like that. But also it seems to EQUINOX/DEMONCY AND DEMONIC CHRIST and it say a lot as band. I've listened with patiently to every track putting emphasis in the creative performance of the tracks to see if the band has progress in comparison with the CD debut and YEZZZ!! the band has got progress as musically as inspiration overview and It is what I notices for the high quality in the conception of the musical arrangements, brutality that they add to every song with cool rhythm changes, also they're adding many atmospheres in each track as intro's, is not for add soft melodies it is more well is giving darkness with great guitar develop and rhythm/riffs conception without fall into mediocrity is better say that band is ultra meticulous with arrangements almost sounding like DIMMU BORGIR at time, but take care these guys are not loss their brutlaity and osbcurity with the keyboards... I never said that technic bands aren't bad but many technic bands usually are very carefully with the arrangements and is losing strenght and power to do a great album but is not the APOCALYPTIC VISION case...This is almost perfect album so much as concept, as every existing element in every composition, everything this one added well and it has one because, in general lines this one band up of the top a difference of death/black metal standard bands with great atmospheres, cool intro's, keyboards with hateful harmonies, that it will be tormenting your rotten soul. 'LEAVE NONE LIVING' is an awesome album that hit on the top of 2008 as one of the best album and I can a sure that is true!!! If you 're into darkness, occultism, antichristian and antihuman topics and music this is for you get it now!!!................................8/10
Sometimes is diffulcult to try to do a review when your not is sure about of you listen, maybe is the fact that I do not consider metal music , for many people and by the meaning all sounds are catalogue as music but that not is meaning that only a few notes or atmospheric sounds can be called METAL music. And for this reason it was a quite difficult to explained in this article. DISTURBIA is based on a few rythms, atmospheric tunes without solid bases only to be a satanic influenced on and band members have a satanic ideology or obscure minds introducing in creepy sounds and call it BLACK/MELANCHOLIC metal. Sorry but I do not agree with this concept. If I have to describe it this can be BLACK/MELANCHOLIC/DEPRESSIVE/INDUSTRIAL/EVIL SYNTHS osunds ..only that..Sorry again but I dislike this kind of music because I like so much when I listen up the guitar riffs, the drum beats so hard and raw vocals in the metal music and I do not find it in this kind of bands.. I do not need from atmospheres or sound strangers I only wanna metal to maximum volume.....??????
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