Those guys that know about me, over my musical tastes, they knows How I Loved the NWOBHM and still continues loving it. It is because I started with heavy rock and then it was changed to NWOBHM. Well, this band is playing this kind of metal style and they’re friends of my Arm partner of LONDRINA that give me home when I visit it to him, for this reason I would try to do an impartial review. They’re 5 pieces that comes From LONDRINA/PARANA. And I had the chance of saw it alive on the stage, but these time I was a quite drunken and also I had musical euphoria and I didn’t time to hear it as well as I had liked it. So I can’t see the musical errors or hear If they’re talented musicians or not, even this Cd promo left me with a good taste on the mouth because is very illustrative to knows more about the musical path of this NWOBHM band. Well, I must to start. It is beginning with a classical overture ‘HAIL DVORAK’ (of the tcheco ANTONIN DVORAK) with high riffs potential and drum beats are influenced by old speed metal bands that combines so well with the vocals parts that is singing so up as he can do it. The track is not a great track but it looks like we’re in front of 80’s band. The guitar develop is attractive but I dislike the bad sound recording, the mix of the bass & guitar is awful, this is not leave to appreciate the music is better or worst. Then continues DARK ALLIANCE, is only a good track nothing memorable. UNDER DRAGON is a mid tempo track with simple riffs work with a great guitar solo.
WORLD OF DARKNESS also is a mid tempo track but is more eating than previous track. If we talk about their influences it would be a mix between the earlier MERCYFUL FATE demo’s, GRIM REAPER and TANK. It can be sounding a bit strange but some riffs and tracks structures makes me remembering all this bands…BY music as musical structures I can define it like a good work……………………...6.7/10

BULGARIA never has been a seedbed of metal music, I had contact with a few bands there, around over 8 years ago. it was a well known in their country I still remember the band called NOCTIFLOROUS THORNS’ that it had a perfect musical technic a great overview behind, and also it had a great performance to play metal music. Now, CLAYMORE back to show us as BULGARY country has grow up in the metal circuit. It have a great development with high and clean technic, but still Is so hard to define the kind of metal music that they’re playing, but this reason I dislike a little bit this product, because they’re travelling into the experimental music between black metal, techno, heavy even thrash metal too. But I still recognize that they have a great work on guitars and a good accomplishment with keyboards too, it includes good rhythms with full of beautiful arrangements , very clearest, very clean, and it just makes it a good work by the perfect communion of all instruments. The bad point is the black metal line that it goes from black/heavy/thrash…techno…etc, etc….by the way the sound is very good and very listenable……………………………………………………………...7/10

I’ve had contact with PENTACROSTIC music so far years ago, to be more precise at the beginning of 90’s years, when they’re playing a raw/Heavy/doom/death metal. The time has running until our days and this latest release has left me surprised, whatever by the musical quality they haven’t of envy to none of EUROPEAN or NORTHAMERICAN death metal bands. This Cd brings on the Brazilian scene as one of the best works of the present year, having a high level almost only similar by EUROPEAN OR USA bands. Of these times the band has changed a lot, many line-up changes and every one has given something to do a great album. Nowadays, the band has achieved more matures and the potential has grow up a lot. Technically I think that performance of the band is precise in each note. It’s a mix between MALEVOLENT CREATION & VITAL REMAINS music. all of that is impregnated of BRAZILIAN death metal too. It includes astonishing guitar riffs that is combined with fast & brutal slow parts with high technic level, where the guitar player show us a great develop and a great taste in the mouth to the end of the each track, by the good work on the cords. The vocals parts cannot be to otherwise are sounding so brutal as the music. Maybe is done at same level but he is singing so perfectly that it is understood. My favorite tracks are: MORBID DESIRES, SIGN OF BETRAYEL & DAMNATION FOR ALL SINNERS. Here’s no doubt this is a masterpiece that it would be one of the best work of the present year and you’re strongly urged to get it now!!!! ENJOYABLE STUFF!!!..............................................................................................9/10

Who can Imagine from the Caribean lands, where they have custome to play happiness music, bachatas, merengues and salsa music or anything like that, from there could be coming two unmercyful black metal hordes, it could be sounding a bit strange but is true!!!. The two hordes have a great interpretative quality that makes we have more against the judeo/christian religion. This split comes with a good overview and art cover, it's printed on cartoon and the CD-r is pro printed, but I must go to the content because that is your interest. first comes INNSMOUTH, is a band with good creative quality that plays mid-tempo black metal mixing with speed parts it includes fast riffs of long supported, in the DARK THRONE & JUDAS ISCARIOT vein. the track 'dreaming in the cursed forest' is the perfect shown of that, where we can hear it, cool rhythm changes that goes from down.tempo to fast parts, breaks and good blast beats, bery good band!!!. then comes HACELDAMA, is a bit different than ones, they are going to speed to mid-tempo, also it includes a better recording sound that leaves to hear it so well. the sound is clearly and we have appreciate the fast guitar riffs, cldest but at time they have adding some breaks & good rhythm changes, with a sound that is mixing the coldest of NARGAROTH and the forcefulness of CLANDESTINE BIZARRE and the depression of XASTHUR. If you don't believe me only plays 'THE LUST MOONLIGHT' and you can prove it,three band in only one!!!. The present CD-r is a good work that show Us that any place you can do a great black metal and stroking the NAZARENE face with hateful sounds!!!!good work............7/10

I don’t know How I can start to do this review, to be honest I do not want to hurt the susceptibility of the band because this work is really bad. I Really think How they can did it, the sound recording is awful and it’s works are just who told me how ca be possible that nowadays exist bands that can be recording something so bad like that. But I must to admit that musically the band is good, the arrangements are a quite good, the guitar rhythms also are good but the disappointed when I put the CD on the Cd player it was sounding bad and including the horrible vocals, I didn’t understand anything when he sung, he only screams like a child over 2 years old, it was like a child take the microphone and he had started to yell for first time. Sucks!!!. The band plays black metal to mid-tempo with some fast parts and a few interesting guitar riffs. My favorite track is:
CORPSE AS MY CABIN, it contains a good musical structure in concept and where the vocalist sung better. But you should hear it to understand it, I don’t have more comments to add now, only that I’ll be awaiting for a new work with best recording sound to do a better review……………………………….................................……...6.2/10

This band is a project of NARG (Ex –HADEZ Vocalist) and I did a review this same release with another name some issues ago. I didn’t that it will be re-edited with only two tracks adding. When I took this re-recording CD-r I thought that LORD SANGUINARY had left a side the project to turning like a real black metal band. The CD-r it including as above mentioned only 2 tracks more as bonus in comparison another production and it has been recording with a better sound but the tracks still continues shorts with intro’s and outro. I think that all CD-r with 8 tracks has running time around 15 minutes only. What else more I can say!!!. The tracks structures include only 2 or 3 rhythm changes and it maybe can be the disappointed on this production. Anyway, by the NARG development I think that he wants to be a VARG VIRKNESS response a la Peruvian to be only one mind in creation but saving the distance. He needs to be more creative to become like VARG. The LORD SANGUINARY way is based on NORDIC BLACK METAL, simple but not is effective by complete because the music is sounding very monotonous, but still it have strength and he has putting out all his heart in this production. Therefore , this release is listenable not is perfect but I enjoyed it yet!!!
Dark_killerprod@hotmail.com ...............................................................................6.5/10
Another compilation of LEGION OF TCHORT again out!!! I think that is the most prolific guy in the PERUVIAN metal history. He continues putting out releases so fastly as he can do. The CD-r is including mainly black metal bands but still not forgot it to including some thrash and death metal bands but the ideology of the Compilation is truly underground in all his forms. Well, after this brief intro I must to start with the review. LEGION OF TCHORT #6 comes on pro printed CD-R & offset art cover printed with a good recording sound is not awesome but very listenable. The first band opening is TEMPLE OF MAGGOT, plays fast black metal very influenced by GRAVESPAWN (specially on the vocals parts), then comes SATANAEL with their bloody black metal , very aggressive with 90’s influences, Also they have mixing thrash/black sounds of solid bases, awesome music!!! ASTARIUM is a RUSSIAN band that plays symphonic black metal with keyboards well used. SACRILEGIO plays Vampyric black metal, very faster, ultra furious and is singing in their own language, interesting.!!! EREVOS , black metal in the GREEK way with beautiful harmonies a lot, faster drums, keyboards bot not is atmospheric it is something typical in GREEK bands but they have adding something else, THRASH touches. Maybe is one of the best band on the CD!!! KAISERREICH is another ITALIAN Black metal band of excellent quality. Also it’s so aggressive and faster. NIBIRUS typical black/death metal, obscure and morbid. HEATHEN untypical metal band that combines POWER/THRASH/DEATH but adding black metal voices to mid tempo playing. ARTEP is a Canadian symphonic black metal band with aggressive vocals a la WATAIN. COCAINE COWBOYS plays THRASHCORE in the 80’s years. GORLOCK plays melancholic ambient/Black metal to mid tempo. SOTHERN EXTREMITY Black/death metal a la MORBID ANGEL early. DESOLATION plays Black metal to mid –tempo, of simples rhythms and easy riffs develop. MASS OBLITERATION is another Italian band, but in this chance they have playing classical Death metal. NIERTY plays bombastic WAR/BLACK metal with good rhythm changes but I dislike the drum beats because is a programmed drums. SHADOWS OF THE NORTHERN EMPIRE is a band more focused to Symphonic black metal with keyboards playing to mid tempo, but is not reason to give it the first word to keyboards more well it is left a side. CLAYMORE , black/Death metal with guttural vocals & keyboards. (it’s so strange) playing to mid –tempo also. LILYUM, Faster Black metal influenced by old Black/Thrash glories...Excellent!!! DEVIATOR another chaotic metal band but in this chance it is very understandable. VARTRAS also plays Chaotic Black metal with coldest riffs & raw rhythms. ABSULABASHY, Black metal from South Asian-east, is a mix between BAAL BERITH, SURRENDER OF DIVINITY & IMPIETY…simply awesome!!!................................................................................................................7.5/10

In my trips through to BOLIVIAN land , precisely in STA CRUZ, I knew to GARACHO bass player of this band but he never gave me any release of his band, until only few bands ago, when after continues trips I stayed in STA CRUZ around
one month, We spoke a lot and exchange some underground ideas and after words comes and out, he gift me this release. So at last I got it and truly I’m not expecting
it, but it was worth it all this time awaited. DEMENXIA music is based on Extreme Death metal bands including some Thrash touches but it is very soft almost (imperceptible) wit different topics on lyrics, more influenced by politic, world problems, and unusual topics to death metal band and is rare that death metal bands are singing about things like that. Also is formed by three pieces that is including to CHICHI (drummer of Black metal band called BEMDESAR) on drums, GARACHO (BASS&VOCALIST), and TURCO (guitars). They’re performing extreme Death/thrash metal, in the most known way than others bands like INCANTATION has played. Musically the band is not comes down to monotone, more well the tracks have a good rhythm changes that conventional death bands needs it. It just did so good to Death metal listeners, Good rhythm changes, fast parts, slow parts, thrash parts, sometimes are sounding a la INCANTATION/DEICIDE others THRASH metal. The disappointed is the recording sound is poor, the mixing is very bad. They should be changing the engineer sound their works is not acceptable. About lyrics I don’t know What’s the purpose to put on lyrics politic themes but If they want put on Our minds topics to be thinking about the human being, evil, politic, communism and things like that I prefer play only HARDCORE music. In general all promo is a good work………………………………………………………………………………..6.6/10

In many if not thousands of bands that exist in Brazil, which for many are unknown, in which I include myself ignoring all those bands like this ABYSMAL FOREST and can not be otherwise follows the draft from brazil nowadays , BLACK METAL. They are battling for almost 13 years on the scene and just this demo brings us the first 2 demo's 1997 'HYMN TO THE SOUL ... HYMN TO THE MOON' AND 'CHILDREN OF THE MOON' demo recorded 1998 + 2 bonus live 2 shows in the year 2007. Both with a relatively acceptable sound and a very simple production. The band showed its furious black metal style where the design themes of lasted long given to many changes in rhythm and with a development on keyboards to create dense atmospheres are common in such bands, the accompaniment is heavily influenced by Greek bands where the keyboards and guitars accompany the cover while the background areas, without creating many atmospheres or upstage the bases of guitars, or other more crap. The vocals are scratchy, angry, very aggressive and wild. I will wait for a better job to give a verdict sound more deep and real, for which there is a good work ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..7/10

This production is the maturity expressed in years that has ARUM within the Brazilian scene. Here they prove to be annexed as the oldest delicious wine, they show that time does not pass in vain and the sample is the high performance and technique in each subject. Themes including Mid tempo, very harmony, with very good arrangements of exquisite technique, adding the female vocals at certain points made by the wife of Marcelo vocalist and guitarist for the band, named Fernanda Ferreti with that beautiful voice coupled with the acoustic guitar harmonies in an excellent musical work. The fast parts are made with great quality because they are made at a pace that fully appreciates the quality of the riffs. The sound recording is very good and the production is very well done. The CD was pressed by the American label KILLZONE RECORDS have an excellent design and sound recording.... Good work ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..7.8/10

Over 25 years into metal music I have been listen to everything of this music, thousands very good and some bad ones and on the last one we can within the latter might qualify AVGRUM. Already in 2000, very few bands can sound so bad and have the luxury of editing. The concept is very wrong black metal touched intermittent cut riffs, rhythms mixed, digitized sometimes very bad sound and recording. Truth is not as ventured to record something like this without having a plan, a good studio and a sound engineer who can erase the flaws and give added value to the sound... There’s always something for everyone taste, but for this humble editor does not like anything means is really bad........ ... ... .5.2/10

Usually we're used to hearing Polish bands that play extreme black metal or death metal, because this time I want to introduce a band that differs from these styles and exquisite musical technique have combined the power of the metal after the morbidity of death metal rhythms walking up and down across the fingerboard of the guitar, no doubt the guitarist displays great skill and technical skill, with very mastery of the guitar rhythms and riffs giving not as aggressive but leave the music played in the final product satisfied. The speed is mid tempo in its majority; other issues are more moderate speed metal thrash and death metal influenced on vocals. The sound recording could have been better if that had been in we would have a great product with a band of great potential. With what I heard completely satisfied with a thrash / death metal with a little of old school. Very good one.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .7.7/10

Giving a fast hearing on this I found something inconsistent in the typical Brazilian black metal. A mixture between Brazil and the death / black metal American, a strange fusion very brutal but very effective, where the speed of death metal riffs and fast rhythms change bind very well with the destructive drum. Imagine black metal death metal Diabolic Brazilian with a mixture of American DIABOLIC / Morbid Angel that more can come out of that mix. Well imagine that is what is on this cd-r. The themes are different from one another and also different from what it does offer as a band ALMIGHTY EMPEROR (I say this because in their line up includes a former member of ALMIGHTY EMPEROR. )

Here is a band that I was pleasantly surprised to hear, because I am a great admirer of WANKA sound that my view is the only site in Perú with a metal sound to play itself is not elsewhere in the country, and that is highlight. In the vocals is indisputable for those ignorant to recognize is KARMA JOHN hearing his previous band and PAGAPU SARCOMA (another great band of Huancayo), with his typical style of singing and the metal itself with those screaming endings who makes him unique here not the sound SARCOFAGO but WANKA sound. The music as always is common in the bands there, without much change of pace but those who are, there are perfectly placed, short subjects executed with precision, fast rhythms and simple but very effective with heartbreaking vocals, deep sense of ancestral As good respectful of the past millennium. There are letters in the native language or other in Spanish that makes them rich in music. A cd-r of KAY PACHA who have a very promising future and makes me predict that this band is ready to record a professional CD soon ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....7.5/10
www.myspace.com / kaypachaband
This band is a single member that I don’t really know what is doing on here in this humble zine, prefer a very skilled person who’s relate to music reviews in magazines FOLK / CLASSICAL, because this music really has nothing to do with the metal, is a pagan-influenced music, based on mythology SLAVA therefore is folk music mixed to instruments used in this culture and classical instruments. I'm not a musician or a music arranger conservatory neither a music teacher to give the true dimension of this music, but I will add to that is soft, ambient and folk, which I was pleased to relax and have more knowledge of the music of this great culture ………....8/10

Band was composed of a single member that does a black / death metal fury, ultra fast (not a scheduled drum?), with good riffs that remind me very much Arkhon Infaustus mixed with BEHEMOTH. The themes were created and recorded in 2004 but recently published in 2008. the design and ferocity of the music is very good except that I dislike the drum machine, I think that is the weakest point of this recording but the rhythms and solos on a high point, no doubt that the influence of BEHEMOTH marking Vladimir’s mind when creating themes. The whole CD is extremely violent, ideal for people with nerve problems. My favorite themes are: Hurlea La Mort, Orgasmic Fetid Breath, for the harpsichord intro and then accompanied by a great riff. This CD is interesting proposal technique and high quality music for one member to imagine when you have all required members to give their live music will be as direct torpedoes to destroy everything at your fingertips on the horizon… optimal work ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7.5/10
I am not very fond of the Goth music but I like the female visual (hahahahaha!) And their women, but I liked this band a lot since his first tune, because it is not usual Goth-cliché, is a perfect band design in the structure of the issues that goes beyond the typical neoclassical female vocals and keyboards, this is DOOM / GOTH with some good heavy riffs that reminded me of the first albums CATHEDRAL and CANDLEMASS, hence the subjects spent listened and doom those rhythms blend perfectly with the soft female voice, indeed a pleasure for the ears and severe as the parties could not be otherwise by the male vocalist. The themes are not complex but very well made in design with great development on guitars and vocals. I'm not used to hearing this type of bands but this production makes me see that I should explore this field more deeply. Very good work ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7.8/10
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