Fucking great Band!!! for those who are into Death metal scene is no unknown band, but if you need an intro I tell you that they're coming from SWEDEN & have some releases ou with relative sucess. it just was the fact of say great band. Some years ago I recxeived some DEATH GASM promo packages including 2 releases of them. Both products were my favorites albums, inclusively were playing in my CD player for a long time.Well, In ths chance I've received a promo EP called 'OMEN' and after I played this EP amny times I can say is a magnificent piece of work, Based on typical SWEDISH DEATH METAL like bands as DISMEMBER and NECROPHOBIC very easy to digest to all death metal listeners. this Ep is including four tracks of faster and unstoppable Death metal almost as the latest work of NECROPHOBIC and it includes a live track too. I think this CD is a masterpiece in a small box that is a journey to the beginning od SWEDISH DEATH metal with long tracks but no for that tedious or misunderstood, more well are perfectly developed with rich rhythms, powerful screams where the vokills where the vocalist is leaving the life in each note(the vocals is no guttural but if stronger).'OMEN' is opening this EP that reminds me to NECROPHOBIC, by the morbid guitar riffing and velocity of drumms. 'INVOCATION' & 'THROUGH DEAD DREAMS DOOR' is following wit the high quality in ranks of Death metal music. This production is certainly a great acquisition if you're looking for morbid and faster Death metal...........GREAT!!!..............................8.5/10
Lately I've heard some South american band that is playing aggressive 80's black metal without cleaner and well working in structures and conceptions of the tracks. I do not wanna to say that is bad or better, there's a thousand of followers that can aprove it or not, but the true is the fact that many blacke metallers from South american, specially from Brazil, Bolivia and Peru are playing pure's 80's black metal
influenced on, and it is Basically HELLSMOKE too(not keyboards, no female vocals ).I'm not into a rebirth of these golden years but I support all true feels behind of those worpshipers of these kind of black metal from 80's years, So As you must be know in these times the develop on choirds were simply , more based on 4 or 5 rhythm chnages only per track, sounding at time monotonous but it's not nearly as bad as you can imagine, more well sometimes is good 'coz it was done to bang your head. Also the tracks are shorts but consistent I think that best description of that it would be IMPALED NAZARENE (EARLIER),ANTICIMEX even VENOM music.YEZZZ!!! This young band has a hardcorish/punk/black metalk attitude and I enjoyed that, fast drumms and raw vokills are making totally aggressive their music, and take note they're pissing the beautiful tunes of every technique pretension than others bands are using constantly with stupid progressive feelings. The black metal is Black metal only...................................................................6.9/10
to get it write to:sacrilegus_@hotmail.com

BARRABAS is a BRAZILIAN RAW/black metal band formed at 1990 but it was sleeping per 18 years and recently has become with new line up to try of recovering all time loose. mainly influenced by a variety of musical sources that it goes from EUROPEAN black metal o currently mode to play black metal that is easily to reckowned it, by the form that they're composing his tracks. If we need compare to them, we must to say it is similar to earlier MARDUK but isn't a merely a cabon copy of them. Because they have adding a bit owner. The art cover of this CD-R is printed on black gloosy cartoon and pro printed inside and it contain 5 tracks that brings you down like: POISON FRUIT, DARK CUSADE TO THE LIGHTS BANE, MUNDANUS IMPERIUM, KAOS & INVOCATION OF THE FOUR GATES. All of them ae conceived under the same statement, blackenest hymns to satanas with coldest rhythms, harsch vocals and the most faster drums beats and riffs, all with traditional black metalatmospheres. Recently BARRABAS has put out their split album together other black metal from COLOMBIA and soonly will be out their first album too. POISON FRUIT is recommended for all black metallers that is seeking raw and intense black metal............................................7.2/10

At last I got it!!! I was expecting for this jewel for a long time and sincerely when I knew that it would be out I took contact with the record
label to do a trade and now I can say it I have got it!!!LUXURIA DE LILLITH is a BRAZILIAN band based on lujurious, orgasms, sex, fetish, satanism, etc...topics with high dozes of exotic rhythms, unusual sound keyboards that is not a merely supporting and female chorus in different ways than others bands using. The tracks are building with a huge background with tons of riffs & decent draws where each riff is one piece that accomplishment so well with the lyrical parts also it is including chorus to do a perfect song. It could say that all tracks are awesome in conceptions and creativity... I think so!!!. Each track has its own personality as well as lujurious and your soul is doomed to feel these insane rhythms, whispers and screams that blessed all song. i think that all tracks were conceived by the bizarre imagination of the leader and frontman who write all tracks and don't leave nothing to side. they are given a uniquely original conception in each song that nobody did it before into the black metal scene. All tracks are highly recommended!!!....8.5/10
the CD is available on IMPALED RECORDS from BRAZIL