At last the full length is out!!!! (I asking for a while to release to do a better review, become the demo sound sucks!!) Well at first sight I must to say that recording sound is very acceptable, at least my ears are bleeding for the music and nor for the bad sound!! Musically I took note a progress in comparison to previous works, its more developed and the tracks are not boring by the constantly rhythm changes, the CD starts with MALLEUS MALLEFICARIUM is an into with arpeggios on guitars and keyboards, it sounding like a horror film, the track is opening to CORPSE AS MY CABIN is a track more influenced IN DARK FUNERAL tunes but always I follows disgust on the vocals parts. PORTAL OF CONTUSION its smell like early MERCYFUL FATE & DARK FUNERAL (is a bit strange but is true). FOR THE SPIRIT THAT WALKS IN SHADOW & 1635 tracks are my favorite tunes over here!!! Both tracks are confirm these influences that I above mentioned with leads, mid tempo, heavy & doomy parts (awesome heavy metal tracks). the follows themes are not merely a carbon copy of others each track have contain interesting parts that it does so appreciable to listening in comparison to previous works. it show us a better accomplishment as band through screams intros atmospheres and obsesives rhythms that brings in you had it is giving an acceptable performance to be their first work. If you are looking for scary and creepy black metal I´m strongly sure that’s you need…………………………………………………………………………………………7.3/10

It`s a fucking great Dark/Death metal that comes from the pits of AZTEC hell!! When the first notes came out of my Cd player, was thinking that THE CHASM and without doubt I think that is a brand mark of MEXICAN DEATH METAL. Mexico everybody knows that has given too many good death metal bands with a evil sound as. CENOTAPH, SHUB NIGGURAT, TOXODETH and others. then I think that INFINITUM OBSCURE has got to trapped the best things of them to create his sound but the true is very similar with THE CHASM sound but who care when the evil darkness & Satanism is there . Musically the band in upright thanks to the talented musicians that is making elaborate dark melodies that in each notes that you listen you are awaiting for more, it leaving to the CROWD SATISFIED after a previous work entitled show us a nature band with high grade of professionalism and unadulterated fury that they invoke, they are plainly determined to launch a campaign to be leather in the underground scenes and know that they are got it!! My favorite tracks are “seeding darkness” “messenger of chaos” (awesome) and “scepter of malevolence” the band is not original but the music is simply marvelous!! Everyone that needs death metal to live, sure you got it. Enjoyable stuff!!!..................................8.9/10

OPUS INFERI “candeias negron” CD promo demo 2008-4 tracks:
I took notice about this band after the Bolivian tour that they did in 2009, thanks to PEDRO FLORES ( zine) who spoke me about of a good performance that they had in Santa Cruz – Bolivia show then, I contacted to them, after a couples of mails I decided to visit to them and have a personally contact in my last trip to CAMPO BRAZIL, I was received by SENHOR DA MORTE , who gave me a place to sleep and drinks some beers too!! We spoke a lot and he gift me to spreads CANDEIAS NEGRAS promo CD immediately put on CD player and I have hear the first notes that reminds me to MARDUK , it having a bit raw sound but still you can define their music as simple followers to this Swedish black metal band. The Cd promo it includes over 12 minutes of music and you can find two video and bonus what they did alive in a CAMPO GRANDE SHOW, and all viewers can proof the band potential. The music is raw and faster than much black metal out there but I left that the guitars could had been more technic and louder, sometimes its sounding very raw rhythms, a bit understood. However, is a typical black metal band that brings in the BRAZILIAN scene to gain a space in this hardest way.
Video bonus: “CANDEIAS NEGRAS” & “TREVAS ETERNAS”…………………………………………6.7/10
After a couple of trips around to Sao Paulo Brazil I was looking a show invited to MARCELO FORMIGAO and I knew about this band then I had contact with band members who gave me this release. I supposed that it will be another extreme Death metal band but I was wrong. NECROMESIS is band a technic death metal move into 2000 sound, a bit evolutioned that includes some stoner touches in their tracks, to those guys the music is taking seriously is for matter that production is very careful with a good things on sound recording very professional the arrangements of the songs. it have a good combination of developed guitar rhythms psychopath and complex riffs. Its being the best points there, the tracks are not fast but also are not slow at includes parts fast drums and others spiced. The vocals are not louder or raw are very understood and obviously I rescue this point. then, I can compare to put on tracks a few similitudes between latest SEPULTURA albums with something of STONER METAL , making of this product a strange Death metal but not for this bad. the CD contains 5 tracks of sharp death metal, very innovative in guitar rhythms and a bonus including a HEARTWORK of the death grind CARCASS, a young band that impressed by their technic and cool arrangements but still a think that they can do something better a good work to be the beginning……….7.5/10
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