I know that they are a relative a new band and surely nobody's have listening their music but to start I want introduce to them as a new blasphemic act from BOLIVIA which hails specifically from STA CRUZ, the same land than bands such as: BENDESAR, LORD BLASPHEMY,/ SUBTERFUGIO. And with a good effort they have gained a respect into the Black/Death metal scene. They have released 3 demo's, 1 CD (including 3 demo's) andf a 7¨ Ep released in ITALY )the first apparition on Vynil of Sta Cruz band)by this cause I think that they have fought harder and needs a strongly support to spread their message. as you know by the black metal way their proposal is more focused to raw Black metal in their most purest essence, No female vocals, no keyboards, the music still sounding at time a bit monotonous but levaing a side that, is totally acceptable and teh best thing I think that is the concepts about satanism into their lyrics and minds as the best. However in conclusion the band in ideological form are right, it giving a their music a perfect esthetic. Personally I knew about them around 3 years ago and I have a good friendship with them but these friendship doesn't leave blind to be a good critic to their works. Well, afetr some e mail exchanged I spoke wityh LUIS (Blasphemo) and josue zabala (Conciliabum) and we have decided that hour arrives to be including in HEADBANGER Pages, therefore this is the final result I hope that you'll enjoy it!!! read it or die!!!
1.-Luis, ¿How have you been?I think that is the first apparition of XERBETH in our pages and I ‘m sure that only a few guys are knowing this Black metal, So please give us a brief introduction of your band? ( It’s a bored question but is necessary to be an unknown band in the Black metal circuit )
Well. Greetings and cheers first of all, Rafo. Here you are the boring biography, haha…. Xerbeth was born in late 2005 with Holocaust and Blasfemo in the line – up. Then, in 2006, Demoniac takes the place as drummer, session comrade who is continuous in the the damn and macabre fight; and then in 2009 Conciliabulum enters to the official line up as basse player who is nowadays being part of the fight.
Our current stuff is:
- Xerbeth - Fuerzas del mal-demo tape edited by Diabolous prods, a limited edition of 500 copies.
- Split xerbeth/satanic (satanicas fuerzas del mal) under rec 1000 copies, tape format.
- Xerbeth – xerbeth (demo tape edited by diabolous prod 500 copìes and under rec.1000 copies) re edited in USA by Warkult Prods. 1000 blasphemies in a pro CD format.
2.-The first time that I ‘ve had contact with you was around over 3 years ago, it was happened when I visited your city Sta Cruz, in these chance we took about your band as entity dedicated to spreading the black plague over all the world,l the band was formed only for 2 members, after 3 demo’s out, recently the band has got stablished with a permanent line-up with the inclusion of CONCILIABUM ( Bass player)..Why did you take so many time to get a stable line-up? Was difficult to find a real people with a strong compromise with Satanism in your current scene?.
That’s right, comrade. It’s very difficult to find serious people. In the past we made some mistakes allowing some people to become part of the band as sesión musicians in order to collaborate with Xerbeth, but as the time went by we realized they weren’t the right people to play with us and were fired as the shit they are, and we needed some time to find a stable comrade, and Conciliabulum is a comrade who deserves to be with us, due to the fact he is really committed to Black Metal from a very long time and we consider he is a person who knows what he wants, and now he is the official bass player of Xerbeth. About Demoniac, the drummer, he has cooperated with us since the very beginning, but he is a session musician, and that is because he leads two bands, a Black Metal band, which is Satanic, and a Thrash Metal band, which is Attack Metal. And that’s what Xerbeth is. Nowadays we are not thinking about introducing any other member to Xerbeth. With 4 damned it’s more than sufficient to whip the face of any Christian sheep or fucking mother fucker poser or Fucking white metal.
3.-What is the meaning of SATANISM to XERBETH as band and their own life of each member of the band?
Conciliabulum R.- The denial of the stupid and pathetic face of the weak Christ, submissive. SATANISM IS LOYALTY, DEVOTION, ATTITUDE, AND EXALTATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL WE ALL HAVE INSIDE.

4.-Why did you choose the XERBETH name and not a current DEMON name of Our ancestral civilization as INCA'S or GUARANIE'S?
Well, Guarines comrades? Demons? Most of them were colonized by the missions and they believed in chamanes (a kind of Andean wizards) but at the end it was a weak culture because they let themselves to be imposed the Jesuit missions fucking religion. But we respect the cultures we have here in Bolivia, as you know, Bolivia is a multicultural country, and what we have here is a cultural diversity, and it is respected by us. But it is pretty different to what we, as Xerbeth, want to represent. Because Xerbeth doesn’t only represent to a demon for us, it is part of what this macabre beast did in ancient civilizations, where the ignorant scum was killed, rebellion and destruction to all that shit who didn’t have the balls to do things. That is what Xerbeth represents in Etruscan times. I think it matches what we practice. We are people who drive mad the shit creatures and Christian plague, and we spit the weak people who surround us, or the fucking garbage who are at some gigs, we spit all that shit. Always by the side of Satan.
5.-XERBETH is a band of the strong thoughts, expressed in their music & lyrical point of view, I'm speaking about the deeply worship to the 80's black metal roots, these times when the BLACK META tunes were conceived under RAW/DEATH concepts by bds such as: VENOM, CELTIC FROST, BATHORY, early MORBID ANGEL, POSSESSED, DEATH ,etc. Nowaday, with the invasion of goth and keyboards How do you see the actual Black metal movement? Whats need more or less? What's you concept about bands with tons of atmospheres, keyboards and others freaky shits?
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. VENOM, CELTIC FROST, BATHORY, to us, most of the bands of those times were such a great influence, comrade. These bands crack our heads at the time of drinking or when we do some drugs (cocaine), arghhhh…. We also have more bands from this sides.I personally destroy my head listening to the macabre Metal made in Medellin, bands such as Parabellum, Nemesis, Reencarnacion, Blasfemia, Astaroth and more raw bands . Those are the bands that are always in the brain at the time of composing our blasphemies…arghhhhh… And about that keybords shit and more scum, I don’t care about it, we don’t care about that shit, because that shit is going to disappear on its own.
6.-If I'm not wrong 'FUERZAS DEL MAL' is your first recording, it was released at 2007 and in the same year others demos were released, a split tape with SATANIC band, in both works yo've had to DEMONIAC as guest drummer. How often he have added to the band sound? and How was the people response to both demo's?
Well, the demo “Fuerzas del Mal” was the first step of Xerbeth. This bestial demo was recorded by myself. 4 hymns of total war plus a cover, a track of the insane band Maniac Butcher. Thanks for the support to Diabolous Prod. (Belial, greetings in jail, I’ll take this copy for you, hehe). This stuff was released in a tape format with 500 copies avaliables.
And that damn year, the split with an allied band from Santa Cruz was released too. The band is Satanic. It was released in a tape format by our comrade Loco Gonzales from Under Rec. This material had 1000 copies.
For these two releases our friend Demoniac, leader of Satanic, recorded the drums. He has always collaborated with us, since the beginning.
Nowadays, these 2 releases are completely sold out.
And about the answer by the part of the public, as I said before, I don’t care about it, but we have traded a lot of stuff in different labels all over the world, and given tapes to real bangers from worldwide. That’s enough for me. The Cheap gossip of a ridiculous scene is nothing to me. We don’t care about what they say about Xerbeth.
I always said to our comrades to stop talking to those pieces of shit who full their mouths with critics and more shit, that in the end, when you are in front of them, or when time goes by, they suck your balls.

7.-Then came XERBETH demo 2008,a demo tape that went in the same way than previous works, inclusively there's not changed the way of build the music and lyrical parts. all of them were written in spanish and english and musically are RAW /FASTER black metal. Since the beginning the band had clear the way of BLACK METAL that would be played or on the run the band has adding some aspects to build their own sound?
That’s right, comrade. We have always kept that raw sound, since our first demo to the last stuff. We don’t need to play some likable sounds or tones in order that everybody likes what we do, ambient stuff or more shit, only clear ideas captured in the instruments, straight to the sheep’s face and his sons, spitting on those posers and more shit too. In our screams you’ll find the same stupid things taken from a little literary or philosophical book, or phrases from some pseudo Satanists, fuck off with that, only true things and things the band do or think, and all the lyrics in Spanish, except two tracks, besides them all the demos are in Spanish.
Before creating tracks we always drink some Xerbeers, do a lot of cocain, because the lyrics talk about a part of it and the total disgust we have toward the bastard pig and his faggots and all those shits there always are in the gigs, they are not saved. I hate all that shit and the lyrics capture all of that and many more things; and in every ritual of Xerbeth you can see damn blasphemies, burning crosses, bullets, weapons, pins, drugs, arrrrggghhhh… a lot of alcohol between other bestial things….
8.-Well, I want to talk about the lyrical overview, by your track tittlesI suppose that SATAN is merely named as entity, at this point I think that it is the meaning in the traditions and beliefs of JUDEO-CHRISTIAN. So , it means that your lyrics are based upon the BIBLE BOOK and the christian definition of SATANISM as their own. Are you agree with this..?What would to say?
Holocaust: About the lyrical part, we have always expressed clearly about saying Satan would only be an allied and not a God or something similar, because it would be synonym of what the Christian religion has been among others…setting someone like “God” as shield. Well, about if we are based on the bible, well, in a limited reason I could affirm that. As you said in your question, Xerbeth Do Agree with the idea that the Satanism is something own, something everybody practice according to the personal point of view.
9.-XERBETH is a band that read a lot? (I asked this by the fact If is necessary to have a good knowledge and a good intelectual background to help in build the lyrics in any band)
Holocaust: Well, Xerbeth is used to read and appreciate a lot the art of well done literature. This is to have a developed ideological point about what we treat with and believe in, what has sense for us and we are constantly trying to practice as well. We also have the idea that to do the lyrics it is necessary to have a wide knowledge. This is from the philosophical point of view of what we are talking in our lyrics, because who does the lyrics and who form the band must be committed to what they say. They can’t, and mustn’t say bullshit, things without a sense or try to seem what is not characteristic of this person or band, that would be living in a childish world created in a lot of ordinary and trivial imaginations (as those that have been appearing nowadays). Even though I must accept that in the very beginning I thought these superfluous bastards would disappear by themselves and they wouldn’t be a shame for the Metal music anymore…But now that I see they are multiplying as rats, I think they should be whipped as Je$u$ was before his death, so in that way they learn to respect something that was born in the real rancor to submissive people!
10.-How do you see the use of the PAGAN concept, specific about the ANDEAN cosmovision in many bands of this side of SOUTH AMERICAN?
Holocaust R. In relation to if we are interested in South American Bands who take the pagan concept to an Andean interpretation. We are not so into it. Each band who take this emblem, is for us something interesting to be listened, just that.
11.-'DEVASTADORES DE TEMPLOS GASTADOS' 7''Ep, is a split version with MASTURBACION CRISTIANA band from ECUADOR , it has been released by UKU PACHA rcds a young label stablished in EUROPE , How did you take contact with them to this production? How many hours did you take to record it? How many copies were released? How do you feel about the record musically and production?
A long time ago, Satanil, vocalist of Masturbacion cristiana, got in touch with me and proposed me to do this macabre splir in Vinyl format and well, we knew this band and we completely liked the music they do, so we decided to do this split, and their drummer, who has a record label in Italy, decided to release it in a 7’’ Ep vinyl. This production was released in 500 copies, 300 in the classical format, which are black colored and 200 copies in red color.
This recording took us 6 days, because we recorded the tracks instrument by instrument, and we all didn’t have much time everyday, but in the end, this bestial production was released. To this stuff we counted on the support of our Brazilian comrade Danilo from Desejo, a Brazilian Black Metal band. He cooperated with us with part of the guitars recording ( aarrrrggghhh great solo, Danilo). Currently this release is totally sold out by our part (Xerbeth), but you can contact the record Label Uku Pacha from Italy if you want to get this damn vinyl of collection, this classical macabre device.

12.-this production has been pressed on Vynil format, I think that is the first apparittion of one band from STA CRUZ under this format, right? About this, do you think the bangers xpectations of it has been satisfied?
Well, in Santa Cruz we are the first band of Satanic Radical Black Metal that releases a real cult format. Every member of the band are real admirers and collectors of this format, as we are of tapes, and releasing a production in this format was something we were hoping due to the fact that we have two tapes and this was the only thing that was missing, because what the scene from Santa Cruz think is something I don’t care about. I know there are a lot of people who have supported us from the beginning, and only those people are the one who are worthy to thank. Nowadays, there has been some people who support us in some way. We are not so into the scene of my country, but when we have to support real things, we do it. They are few times, though. Wait for our first 12’’ LP!
13.-Now, I knew that you have released a CD version of your demo's. Why did you decide to put out old stuff and not anything news recordings?
Well, A lot of time ago I sent my demo to my Mexican comrade from Warkult Prods, who lives in USA and he liked it a lot, so he proposed me to re-edit this Demo but in a CD format, and I thought it was a great idea to re-edit this demo in a Professional CD format, so 1000 copies were released. The first 50 copies include a patch by the part of my label Artes Negras Prods. What we would never release would be a CD-R because we don’t like that format, but what tape and Pro Cd means, it’s great!
14.-XERBETH is not a band that played shows a lot in your current scene but is making differents shows through other cities like ORURO, SUCRE ,etc. Do you prefer play out to your city?Why, please explains? What type of stage have you planned if you get an ouside tour?
Well, in 2007 we went on Tour with Satanic presenting our Split in the cities you mentioned before. We played in Quiaca, Argentina, too; but just till there. About not playing in our city, this is because they usually organize posers’ gigs, where they accept gossip shit from this scene, people without any ideology, who don’t have any idea about what they see, and that is why we reject any invitation to play live here.
But the times we play live, we do it when we see that real rituals are done and we can share stage with bestial bands or comrades that come from above to present some stuff.
15.-Any differents ideas to put out in your next realeases?
Very soon we hope to release a 7’’ Ep Vinyl, a split, and to finish this damn year, a 12’’ LP, and a year later we’re agreeing to do a fucking tour along all South America, so be prepared, comrades, that in a year time we’ll be in your places to destroy brains!
16.-Very thanks for your answers, here I let you a space to your last words?
First of all, Thank you for the interview, Rafael. We hope to see you soon in Bolivia again to drink and intoxicate, and then, we’ll sure get some whores to fuck. Greetings to all the real bangers of Black Metal.
Hail Xerbeth, in the impious empire of Satan.
Luis I. Arce Rojas(BLASFEMO)

1.-Greetings HUGIN, let's go to the interview. BLODARV is a relative old band where the band members have a good background behind, specific speaking of you its including some band projects such as: MISANTHROPIA, HUGIN, ARANRUTH and others. What can you say about them?
well all of my previous bands, as those you mention + others are now mostly laid to rest, but the elements that I represented in those bands have in smaller or bigger ways become integrated in BLODARV.But there is not much "News" to say about these bands as they have been put to rest. But If there are some that are really interested in tjecking out some of my older bands here are some links. SKJOLD www.myspace.com/skjoldtheband ARANRUTH www.myspace.com/aranruth1995 SANSAGER www.myspace.com/sansagertheband. I can mention though that SANSÂGER, (one of the older projects) are right now re-recording 4 of our old tracks for a mini re-release. these tracks are finished within this month , and then we will have to find out where it should be released. Its not so that we are "re-arriving" to the scene with SANSÂGER,we are just doing this re-recording of some of the old tracks for now, because we think it deserves a re-recording
2.-In which way these previous experiences have determinated or contribuited to the development of BLODARV, so as spiritually, musically and lyrical overview?
Hmm, in a way you could say that MISANTHROPIA Gave me the knowledge on how to record, compose, and express myself and my thoughts through Musical art. In ARANRUTH we went into studio, and I learned that process. In SKJOLD I experienced the process of taking a band to the stage, and here I learned about playing live. In ESSOUPI I learned the world of digital recording, its possibilities and its limits, etc.etc. Beside this, its obvious that my writing skills, and the process of getting your mind down on lyrics constantly has developed along the years through my bands, and in all as these bands stretched over a large period of years, so in many ways they have been there, side-running with my own development through the years, but its difficult for me to point out more certain points on exactly what part in BLODARVs development the various bands has had.

3.-Previously I've read some BLODARV interviews before I do this interview and I've had an inquietude, in All your answer about your lyrical overview you 're speaking about entities, visions, energies and within forces into your mind & your soul. Could you tell us what kind of visions & entities Do you have when are you writing, in an inspiration time or creative process? How were these visions are influenced on the building of your melodies & music?
Oh, a very long and good question. But you see, I have these visions, and are surrounded by those energies constantly. Sometimes their presence is stronger than from other times, but its not something I switch on and of from time to time. Some of these visions/glints/dreams/energies has had a lot of influence on the build-up of the tracks, and some are more represented in the lyrics. An example could be a track like "where the beast dwell". That track is entirely build up, upon a transcendental feeling I often go in to when I philosophy, and those tones I use in there are the sound that I feel the trance sounds like in my head when transformed into music. Another example could be the sound you hear in the beginning of the track "Natteskarn".That sound is a sound that I only make when I am "possessed" by a certain soul or energy that I sometimes connect with during the night. Its hard to describe but its like a power that shows me images and tells me stories and gives me visions,. Its not like the visions I have during daytime, which I can not switch on and of, but still control in some way, but instead its a very uncontrollable force. The only thing I can "control" about it is that I always knows when it will be there just before falling to sleep, as I see (and this may make no sense to many) some very characteristic white statues in short glints before entering the "Deep" sleep, and then the "Possession" begins. But I cant control it, stop it, or start it. I guess there's allot that should be explained before any of this I say makes sense to the most readers, but to get back to "that sound" I talk about in the beginning of "Natteskarn" Its a sound that I make that "wakes" me up from the state I am in during this "Possession" I (so I am told from people who have slept in the same room as me during this) Scream that sound louder and louder until it wakes me up (I only hear it the last time I scream it/the scream that wakes me). I have also been told by a person that were in the same room as me during on of those nights, that I had my hands around her throat, screaming the sound louder and louder into her face with my eyes open looking intense into her eyes, so she actually thought I was awake. It wasn't a pleasant experience for any of us I must say. this has happened several nights. And during this I get some of my most powerful visions and words burned into my mind.. All right my friend, as you can see this was allot of explaining for ONE sound, but basically BLODARV is filled with influence from my visions, energies, demons, so going deeper into it here or give more examples would take up all the space in your mag hehe so I will leave you with that for now.
4.-Your lyrics are extremely personal written and How can we say it, a little bit philosophical & spiritually written, but I want to know, How these philosophic thoughts & spiritually can be united to SATANISM as concept?
In My opinion Philosophy is one of the most important essence of Satanism, I mean if you don't philosophies how can you find answers to the questions you seek, and seek deeper. and if you don't have any spirituality, why are you then interested in something you can not touch or take a picture of.. I think it goes hand in hand. Anyone who uses their mind as much as their brain, must has philosophic thoughts and spirituality (though I am not sure "Spirituality" its the right word). And I use my mind more than my brain. But I guess it depends on what people believe to be Satanism.
5.-You have grew up in a small town, in a house nearly to the church of the town, Inclusively you 've had to the priest as your neighbor. How often has this case contributed to your hate against the Christianity and your point of view about the catholic church? What more can you reveal to this experience some negative as positive points?
Other things has affected my views more than that church and having the priest as a neighbor but surely as a child it had its impact, but mostly in my early years of growing up. I will say it this way. Growing up right next to the church, with the constant interrupting sound of the church bells, drew my attention to the church and Christianity already as a very small child. And when a thinking child hears bells from a building he wonders what kind of building this is, why does these bells ring all the time, why does people go to that building on Sundays etc. why does this place mean so much to the people around me. because personally as I child I HATED that sound of the church-bells in a way I couldn't explain, and in the beginning I just wanted to know the meaning behind this irritating bell, and why it had to be there. But with questions came answers I didn't like and new deeper questions appeared and as any with a healthy mind would have done, my hate for this religion, the blindness of its followers and their so called "God" grew way beyond hating the bell.. Hate plus wonder. This was grown-up adult people, how could they fall for this masquerade, that I as a young child could see with my 7 years old eyes and mind. But not just that, how could I (being just a child back then) change anything! It gave me allot of thoughts and frustrations.. I guess the fact that the church and the priest-house were that close to my home kept my hate burning, as it stood there as a constant monument of mockery, ringing its terrible bells as a constant reminder of its victory over the thinking man, standing as a monument of a world I didn't want to be a part of.

6.-What's the meaning behind BLODARV name?
free translated BLODARV means “passed on in the blood”, or "Inherit in the blood" I chose it be course I wanted a name that symbolized the essence of the music and lyrics, which are very personal. A name that represented all the things that BLODARV is. All my visions, demons, souls and energies. A word that represented the inherited ability to sense things that most others don't sense, a word that represented my strong connection to a long gone past,a word that represented energies, and infinity and all this together and more was behind finally choosing the name BLODARV
7.-Listening some tracks of CIVITAS DIABOLI album, I've had notice about some influences of PUNK and conventional ROCK'N ROLL, it was done according with Black metal atmospheres that BLODARV plays. So let Us know If you're into other musical tendencies? If It was done intentional. did you want to open new fronts to BLODARVs music and get more listeners?
No, no, and no hah. Because I actually don't like punk at all, Beside BlackMetal I like some Old HeavyMetal bands and a very few things that could be categorized as Rock'n'roll.So no definitely not intentional, but then again, I just make music from my soul, and I don't think when I make a riff for a song" this is a blackMetal riff",or "This is not a blackMetal riff" I just play what I want, and what I feel like. Its Honest Music, and all I have created in BLODARV I have created The way I wanted it to be, not the way Other wanted it to be. Not from what is categorized as "true BlackMetal" by today's BlackMetal plastic-kids. I wouldn't know if I had ever made a punk riff, because I don't listen to punk..But One thing I DO know, and that is that I NEVER make something with my art just to get more listeners. If tons of listeners were my goal, I would play something else. I am One with my art because it keeps me breathing and holds me alive, and gives me room to express myself, that's why its such a good co-operation hehe
8.-Following with CIVITAS DIABOLI album, Is this a concept album? Where did the title come from? How was the recording process of it?
Not really actually even though there is ofcaurse a linear wire between the tracks/lyrics,(and also a wire between these tracks, and tracks released on the "Soulcollector" and "Mysteriis") but its not a concept album in the sense were it stands out with 1.theme or something like that. The title "Civitas Diaboli" means "Home of the Devil"/"Where the Devil lives", but there's also a link/connection in the title on something that happened in Denmark in the early 70's. (The track "winter of Alice" plays a part in this also)
As for the recording process, it was quite a difficult process, as BLODARVs members lives in very separate places in Denmark, looking back now, I would have really liked the studio I have now (HammerArt & studio's : www.myspace.com/hammerartstudios), because then I could have put allot more power and atmosphere into it, but with the equipment I had available at the time, I think I received the best result possible with that equipment. It went on like this : First I send the composals on guitar for Ynleborgaz(sessiondrummer) with instructions on how I would like the drum rhythms to be. Then Ynleborgaz Recorded the drums in Copenhagen, send the drum-tracks back to me, on Bornholm. after this I learned Pest and Huul the riffs/composals. Pest (lives on the same island as me) then recorded the guitar here on Bornholm and a month after, Huul came to the island (Huul also lives in Copenhagen) to record the bass. After this Me and Satinae Ma put the vocals on, and CIVITAS DIABOLI was brought to life
9.-The addition of SATINAE MAE, how much has she added to the band sound? Did she change the way of you wrote songs?
Satinae Ma has done a good job in taking over the female vocal, that was done by Isaz in the earlier days. Its not easy to get into such a closed circle as BLODARVs Universe is, both musically and spiritually, but Satinae were already into the universe of BLODARV years before joining the band, and that has given her and us a great advantage.I believe Satinae has added allot of atmosphere to those parts she does on the CIVITAS DIABOLI album. Satinae is still improving her vocal every day,which is only natural, but I have no doubts that she is the ONE for the band. When this is said, nothing or no-one can change the way I write songs.

10.-I asked that, because when we listen CIVITAS DIABOLI tracks that inclusion of the female parts looks like if the singing was so far that its almost unlistenable, as came in from beyond. What kind of atmospheres did you want to create?
We wanted to create a dreamlike floating vocal for the female parts, almost ghost-like and very cold, as if it was carried by the winter-wind.This was done to fit the concept of the lyrics and the story of the album. We tried various styles with Satinaes vocal for CIVITAS DIABOLI, and found that one to fit the atmosphere intended for the album well. Again we had to compromise abit on our equipment available at that time, but we came to a result we liked in the end. Satinae Maes vocal will be used in more different ways on the next album I am sure.
11.-You've worked with ISAZ (Ex- DENIAL OF GOD). How was this experience ? which were the main goals of working with her?
Me and Isaz has always had a good relation-ship to each-other, so surely it was great to work with her. It is not that it was something sudden that happened over night, it was actually planned from the early beginning of BLODARV, and Isaz was actually supposed to have been on the "Mysteriis"demo., but various things made it difficult, and so the actual co-operation only started later on, on the "Beyond Life" demo. I don't know if you can speak of a main goal, but I needed a female singer for BLODARV to do some of the parts in the lyrics (as they were written as "Direct speech" from a woman), and I knew Isaz and her own band FEIKN (Great band also!) we had allot of the same thoughts and idée's about various things, and in all we just had a really good connection from the first time we spoke, so it seemed natural to ask her about joining forces in BLODARV..She accepted, and the rest is as you know history.
12.-After nearly 16 years into the scene, what keeps you hungry, speaking in a musical mode?
Well, I don't really count the years if you know what I mean, Its not so that because I am getting older I am thinking "its time to retire" ha-ha.. Its not an option! I express myself and breathe through BLODARV.So to stay in your metaphor, BLODARV Is the food I feed on.. so what keeps me hungry, can be answered in few words..The same thing that feeds me.
13.-What are you feelings to playing alive? How would you describe a BLODARV show?
We enjoy to play live in BLODARV, because it gives us the possibility to spread our demons from the stage, to feel the power of a room filled with strong souls and energies..How would I describe a show.. A black Mass added music. It’s about creating atmosphere, both for us as artists, and the crowed that views the show. We use allot of symbols and imagery as snow, fog, blood, spikes etc for our shows. things that are just good for “underlining” a message and for visualizing the song to the crowed, if you know what I mean..
There is nothing more sickening then watching bands that don’t even do the effort to create some kind of atmosphere.. They just go on stage and play like it’s a fucking 9-5 job, were they just have to play their tracks correct for an hour, collect their money in the bar, and then everything is good! Hell no! We give us self 110 percent live, and we want to give the audience an experience in the universe of BLODARV that they cant get by listening to the CDs. We respect our listeners enough, not to just do some half-hearted show, but really give them something back for their support and dedication, and that’s also a part of it. But the corpsepaint, spikes, symbols, smoke,snow etc, is a natural part of the universe of BLODARV, and that will never change, we want to feel home on stage, and all those things makes the stage more personal.
Now its just a natural part of playing live to me, and there will always be paint,spikes,symbols etc at BLODARVs gigs.

14.-Back to your releases, What is your favorite album and why?
I would say "Soulcollector" The gate-fold LP version for several reasons. Its Vinyl, and no matter what, nothing beats vinyl releases. Its a 55 min long release on 12" LP with additional 7 "EP included in the gatefold containing the last tracks.It has a great poster inside + Handwritten lyrics printed in cover + its limited to 500 copies!And it holds re-recorded tracks from 2 older demos+ new tracks(at that time), and there is even a Bonus-track on the LP version, that you won't find on the regular CD version,and also its very representive on the universe of BLODARV, so that will be my choice for now .
15.- If you could only play one track of CIVITAS DIABOLI album to turn someone on as a BLODARV fan, what would be and why?
If I should choose only 1, which is quite difficult, since BLODARV can not be defined through 1 track, but if I have to, I guess it would be "Natteskarn" as the Lyrics is a part of the continuing tale of Amlechs children (which on past albums has been represented through tracks like "Heksen" "Langt vaek fra livet" "Beyond life" and more) But i guess to people out of the North, the Danish lyrics would be a problem, to them I would recommend "Until nightfall". And even though we create faster songs, that variants a bit in style from these tracks, (and in general each of our tracks has their own life)Both tracks gives a good representation on BLODARVs universe. But again I think people should listen to the entire album.. Only play1 track for someone, is like reading loud a few random pages in a book.
16.- Your album has an misanthropic and depressive ambient. How did you achieve that?
Well I just try to create the best possible ambience I can with the equipment I have available when I record an album. The equipment I've had has changed allot through the years, and therefore there has always been allot of work in creating the closest possible result to the ambience I wanted on the album. Its about having a goal for the album on what I want it to sound like, and then come as close as possible. Now that I have opened HammerArt & Studios, and gotten my hands on equipment I have always needed but never had, I am able to get even closer to an already planned result for the ambience in the recording process, this will definitely give BLODARV an extra boost in atmosphere. By that it is not said that BLODARV will have that clean "Sterile" sound of today's metal, just that the atmosphere will be more intense and more powerful!
17.-Do you have anything else in mind to release soon?
Two of our latest recorded tracks (were recorded at the same time as CIVITAS DIABOLI) entitled "I hulernes rige" and "Sharpstone Mountain" will be released next month on SelfMutilation Services in Mexico on a split with among other BLACK HATE, ACEDI etc.etc. So keep your eyes open for that one, it will be posted on SelfMutilation Services website when its out.(and also on www.myspace.com/blodarv) Then we will -as I mentioned in the beginning of this interview, also do a mini-release with SANSÂGER on those re-recorded tracks
18.-Anything else to close this interview?
I think that's about it. Thanks for the interview, And May the devil be with you! 666 Hugin

Someyears ago I spoke with MITO ESPIRITU (MYTHIC METAL PRODUCTIONS-owner) about CHASKA band, just he had signed recently with them for their debut album, He explained to me about the High musical quality, the highly talented musicians and their excellent development on Flauts and choirds as by the good arrangements of the tracks, and the kind of metal that they're playing, very influenced by the ancestral peruvian music more known as Andean Folk...So I stayed intrigued by his sound but also I thought if the band would be only a merely carbon copy of another great act from peru as KRANIUM band, then I decided I may listening it and I did it and stay wonderer...Some years later the PURURAUCA Album was out getting a great reaction in the metal circuit and I had the chance to saw it alive when they played together to MORTAL SIN in AREQUIPA and really I can proof that the band is amazing I enjoyed so much the show i cannot expecting less after a good comments that they had...before to following interview I have to add something else, If you never have got listened their sound, the band performing sound like DARK TRANQUILITY with several ancestral touches with ANCIENT INCA's instruments...So, let's go wit this fucking interview:
1) Hello and thank you for those words. CHASKA was formed in Arequipa - PERU, at the beginning of 2002.
Nobody especially. When I thought about forming the band, I just knew it would be a band with a metal structure in general. No one had the
intention of creating a band of some kind of metal in a specific way, and the lyrics had to go in some direction. The band was taking form in a natural and spontaneous way. Everything happened on the road.
2) Arequipa has many good things and is a good place to live. The metal support in Arequipa is great, and the band feels this from the very
beginning. The response and support of the people in Peru to CHASKA was great from the beginning too. The band feels very well and we are
very grateful for all that.
The band is ready. There are some offers and we hope everything will be concreted in the future.

4) The demo appeared in February 2003.
In December 2002 in Arequipa, the band took part in a rock & roll contest organized by a local radio station, with many bands of different genres. CHASKA won the contest obtaining as prize the recording of two unpublished songs. Then, in February 2003, CHASKA released a demo
entitled with the same name of the band, including two tracks: "Sweet Lover" and "Imperio Caído".
5) Our debut album, Pururauca, has very good comments so far. We are very happy with the final result of the whole album's production. We are very satisfied with the recording done in Arequipa, with the mixing and mastering realized in Lima, and with the whole graphical art realized
in Arequipa. Also we are very satisfied with the finished product presented by the peruvian label, Mythic Metal Productions. They believed in us from the beginning, and gave us their full support always.
6) Nothing at all. Almost everything the human beings create can be improved, because almost nothing is perfect and doesn't have to be perfect, necessarily.
7) The show in Arequipa with Mortal Sin, was great. CHASKA was the opening act for the australian band, that night. Playing in Arequipa is
always very exciting and that night was not the exception.
8) I think Lima is a city that can offer to a band, a wider field to develop than the rest of the other cities of Peru. Even, by its geographical location. As a result, the band recently had the opportunity to play in places like the central highlands of Peru.
9) Again, thank you very much for those words.
The idea of forming the band was in 2000. After a long time looking people to be part in this project, CHASKA was finally formed in early 2002. The first live performance was in June 2002, in Arequipa. In February 2003, CHASKA released a demo entitled with the same name of the band. The demo allows the band to play in many different places of Peru. CHASKA plays in some cities like Lima (the capital of Peru), Tacna, Mollendo, Juliaca, Puno, Cusco, etc. Besides, in early 2005, the band played in Arica - CHILE, and also was invited to be an opening act to SEPULTURA in La Paz - BOLIVIA. In the middle of 2007, the band presented in its site on MySpace and in a promotional CD, two new tracks: "Bicolour Cannibalism" and "Tuta Ch'aska", as advance of its debut album, Pururauca. In 2009, the band released its debut full-length CD entitled "Pururauca", this album was produced by the Peruvian indie label, Mythic Metal Productions.
Many people supported and supports the band from the beginning. A lot of people. I take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated
in the band until today: César Molleapasa, Álvaro "Gordo" Valencia, Juanka Campos, Christyan Aller, Fernando Gonzales, Randall Nina, César
Atahualpa, Kenji Montoya, Carlos "Shogún" Acosta, Hugo Spina and Rafael Enrique Astete.
10) Sorry, but I don't know about these two kinds of metal.
11) I think that CHASKA is a heavy metal band. The people of Mythic Metal Productions suggested us to use the "folk metal" term.
CHASKA could be described as a folk metal band because the band mixes heavy metal with some folk elements from Peru.
12) The winds and the native or ancient instruments were always there from the very beginning. This kind of instruments are present in the first release of the band, our demo of 2003. Definitely, our 2003 demo and the debut album of 2009 are two very different releases. Were different years, different musicians, different recording studios, etc. But I think the band's style never changed. I think is not very appropriate to compare the musical styles of a demo of only 2 tracks with an album of 10 tracks. On the other hand, I would like to say that from the early days the band played about 5 songs, two of them, "Sweet Lover" and "Imperio Caído", were part of the 2003 demo and the rest are included in our debut album, Pururauca.
13) Mythic Metal Productions is a very young and small Peruvian indie record label. We are very pleased with everything done for them until today. They gave us friendship, trust and all the necessary support.
14) Not. CHASKA is not the first Peruvian band that used folk elements into its music. The band did not intend to be the initiator of any musical or artistic wave, or some ethnic wave, or whatever. We don't know if we are supporting the creation of some kind of musical identity in our country. Simply, we seek to create music and perform it our own way.
15) Thanks a lot to you and all the people of Headbanger Magazine for this interview. Good luck to you too. A big hug to all readers of
Headbanger Magazine, and don't forget to visit our official page at MySpace: www.myspace.com/tutachaska.

DEVASTED is one in my opinion, one of the best band that I've listened hailing from EQUADOR nowadays and for this reason i took contact with them to be included in Our pages. the due conjunction in both metal styles as DEATH as THRASH in their music, the musical development and variations, the tenacious work in make a better product and gave Us an excellent quality of music, all in communion were the facts that made me think that I was in front to the best act from EQUADOR. When I knew that DEVASTED band came out from EQUADOR i was a quite expecting by the fact that none band band of these land that I heard had been great and I must to recognize it that DEVASTED had left a great impression in my mind. So immediately after some e mails exchanged I did an interview. i don't know if was good or bad but I believe that it can be better, but not for less you leave it to read it indeed...
1.-this is my first question that I do to an EQUADORIAN band, I supposed that it must be a bit INQUISITIVE. So, let's know why do you believe that EQUADOR has delayed in make to explode their scene and recently, it's giving to know about bands, shows, zines?
I think it’s because in this time people have more influence from other bands, I mean, not only a couple like Pink Floyd, Metallica, Guns’n Roses, among others, but some tools like internet let’s check out and obtain more information that was impossible to get in the past. Know a lot of bands can be invited to our country, like Rotting Christ, Deicide, Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Kreator, Exodus, Napalm Death, Mayhem, Belphegor, Moonspell, Gorgoroth, Suffocation, Marduk, Vader, Megadeath, etc., in this way , as you can see here is being created a whole metal scene, and aof course all these bands and other ones influence people to practice the brutality of metal, just like DEVASTED.
2.-DEVASTED as band is relative new, i'm speaking about only by their releases out, in seven years of existence only has put out a CONDENA ETERNA demo 2004 and it has been released in 2008 again. Why did you take that time to produce only 2 demo's? What problems did you have within the band?
Ok, first of all the band has suffered some changes in the members, as I’m sure you have read in our Biography, so it was only until the arrive of Andres and Daniel Cisneros in the strings (bass and guitar respectively), and the join of Jonathan Velasteguí on the drums, that the band become complete. Now the whole power, vision and the techniques used in the band has changed, of course in a better way. In the other hand some problems with the money to record a whole LP has limited us to present more releases, because it’s really hard to do that in our country, in which other kind of music like bacahta and vallenatos are very much more popular among people, and of course receive more attention and money when they play that fucking shit, that they call music.
3.-How I supposed it was by the line-up problems. Are you get the stability at last? What's your current line-up?
As we said before, in this time the band is complete and solid. We work as a team accepting the ideas from anybody of us. So Santiago Cervantes is the main vocals and also guitarist in the band. He is the older member and the creator of DEVASTED. Then, Daniel Cisneros is the second voice (the guttural one) and also the guitarist with death/grind metal ideas. Andrés Cisneros is the bassist, and always contribute with crazy ideas and riffs when we create new stuff. Finally, but not least important is Jonathan Velasteguí, our really appreciated drummer, who has grown with us and has developed a lot of strength, professionalism and the brutal feeling that a person needs to play thrash death metal. In conclusion, DEVASTED is finally complete.

4.-back a little bit ago, you have mentioned that you have released a video clip of DEVASTED track. How was produced? let us know if is something common in EQUADOR that bands are producing video clips before to have a proffessional releases out?
Well this video clip you are talking about was made from the previous drummer, who was studying design or some shit like that, so it was part of some kind of work for his university. As I said before we hadn’t release more music because of the money and the instability in the band, but of course having a video clip could help us to be known in other countries, and among the people in Ecuador, because it’s not that common that a metal band produce a video clip in our country.
5.-How did you help to spreading the actual sound of the band?
Well the band began playing black metal, but actually we are playing a complete different music much more elaborated and powerful, leading to the thrash/death metal that moves our heads. Daniel has influenced the band with some death metal riffs and guttural voices that DEVASTED hadn’t before; in the same way Andres put some difficult riffs that increase the complexity of the band, and finally the drummer we found is a crazy guy with and opened mind that helps a lot when we are creating new shit.
6.-In the beginning of the band, musically speaking it was focused to black/thrash metal. Now the musical way has changed to thrash/death metal. Why did you turned to death metal?
Because it’s more elaborated and brutal, and the people that hear or music in live shows get really excited about the scene that we present. Black metal is really cool but doesn’t allow us to express our real power of creation.
7.-speaking about of CONDENA ETERNA 2008 demo. How do you feel about this demo, from an insiders point of view?
It was good for us because it let’s see that we have much more to give, it’s not that we don’t like it, but now we play much more quickly and we need urgently to record some new stuff to show to the people our whole potential.
8.-Why did you decide to re-released and not recording anything new?
It wasn’t a decision we took, as we said before, we haven’t record anything else yet because we weren’t in our actual point of brutality, and because we didn’t have the money to do it, but now we are close to release or whole LP with at least eleven songs.

9.-Did you have some previous experiences in other bands before DEVASTATED formed?
Santiago used to play in a band called Necrofago that was black/doom metal; Daniel and Andres had a grind project called Oppositor, and now Daniel is the vocalist of other band called Solus Eris.
10.-let's talk about your musical overview, I was reading your band bio and I took notice about you 're into occultism, satanism and everything like that. Exactly, let us know about your SATANISM ideological concept and How is help to build your music?
Satan doesn’t represent a deity to us, because it would be exactly the same stupid shit as believing in fucking god. Satan represents the opposition to the stupidity which some religions used to fool people. Satan for us represents freedom of thought and action, without fearing going to hell and falling in sin, how stupid people would be for thinking that having some sex or smoking a joint is a sin, and that a stupid jew died for saving our souls, jajajaja it always make us laugh.
11.-Nowadays, We have many bands preaching the christian values but inverted to define 'SATANISM' also as iconography is used to give a satanic vision. But also we have other side to define it, it is a free will, the own path. What do you think about this? where the satanism concept goes?
We just asked this question in the previous one, satan is not a deity, it represents freedom!!!
12.-I've read in some BOLIVIAN band lyrics, they're writting more and more about of our ancestral culture, I speak about INCAS, and now I know about of EQUADORIAN bands or shows promotors that it includings some QUECHUA names. leaving a side some territorial differences or fuck like that (I never seen before to MEXICO, GUATEMALA, HONDURAS ,and others fighting for the AZTEC empire), is not better joined all together to put on the top our old values and fabulous culture like did before and still continues doing the NORDICS. What is your point of view about this idea?
Well we respect any idea, even religious ones, but are not focused with our music in preaching for our ancestors, maybe it would be a good idea, but we are not talking about any Nordic god or believe in our lyrics, we just talk about our feelings and they have to be brutal as our music is, this represent the freedom of thought we were talking about before.

13.-QUITU RAYMI, DARK MAMA, are only a few show names that always are making in EQUADOR. Sincerely I liked so much the show names, it s writing in QUECHUA (except by dark). Are you thinking in write some lyrics in our old language? Give us more details about both shows?
Well the organization of these shows wants to let the chance to people discover a little bit more about our indigenous culture, and it’s cool, but I’m not sure that people get the message. Personally we haven’t thought in writing some shit in quechua, we put more strength in creating the music, the lyrics are something secondary for us.
14.-In your band bio you have mentioned that is coming soon their first full lenght, from the demo. how was writing songs done this time around? Do you have a tittle? would be a self released?
Yes the release name will be OPOSSITOR, because it represents our way of thinking reflected in our music and lyrics, and because it was the project that Daniel and Andres used to play in. the writing of the new stuff was an effort from the four of us, and Daniel has taken the lead in the lyrics writing, we have also adopted some songs written for Daniel and Andres for their project, which have disappeared for the complexity that DEVASTED needs.
15.-Any different recording techniques would be used in this full lenght?
Well I’m not sure how to answer this question because I don’t know the details, I’m really sorry, the only thing I can say is that it will be very much different from Condena Eterna, I mean we’ll have a concrete sound, like Morbid Angel or any other band.
16.-I saw a flyer show in your photos that you sent me and I stay surprised by the quantity of bands that it is including to play together MONSTROSITY. Talk us about of this festival? What type of stage do you have planned?
Well we were very excited about that but we have some problems because Daniel has he’s graduation for university on may 26, also the organization didn’t want to help us with some some money to go there, and finally the festival was closed jajajaja, maybe for the next year, and talking about our show, we give exactly the same energy to all of the concerts we have, because we really enjoy what we do!!!
17.- Anything you'd like to add to this?
Thanx for the chance to talk about DEVASTED, it was really cool to answer this bunch of questions and we would like to play in Peru some day. DEVASTED is for real; we will keep playing as hard as we can always making the best for ourselves and the people to which we play. Stay brutal
Daniel and Santiago
Contactos: Daniel Cisneros: gustavo593@hotmail.com / 022473506 / 098968385 Santiago Cervantes: santiagonqs@hotmail.com / 022402011 Andrés Cisneros: legalisecore@hotmail.com / 022032311 / 095934751

1.- MALKAVIAN was spawned at 2002, from the ashes of DEATHLESS, a well known band of PANAMA from the beginning of the 90’s years, that had a relative success, inclusive his first recording was through out by the well known record label AMERICAN LINE PRODS. Listening very well both bands I took note about substantial differences, speaking about of musical field. DEATHLESS played DEATH/THRASH metal, specifically, and MALKAVIAN NOCTRIFER plays only BLACK METAL…What did you have in mind when you created MALKAVIAN NOCTRIFER to play a totally different style to the made it in your previous band? Why did you change of musical way?
We had a good time with DEATHLESS in the 90s. Indeed, we performed a lot of live shows at Panama City, Chiriqui and Costa Rica; twice in 1995 and 1996 at San Jose and San Pedro, Costa Rica. In addition, received a great support from mexican label AMERICAN LINE RECORDS when IGNOMINIA first album was released. Unfortunately, I had to left DEATHLESS due to differences and went to recruit new members for a new Death Metal band. Early in 2002, Luis Troya (ex-DEATHLESS), Flor and Ukas (former vocalists) were looking for a bassist to make a Black Metal band and asked me to join. At that time, our band was called NOCTRIFER. I took charge of music due to many difficulties between former guitarist and drummer to complete a song. I grew up listening to BATHORY, HELLHAMMER, CELTIC FROST and this motivated me to take control of NOCTRIFER.
2.-The band was born under NOCTRIFER name, then it was changed to MALKAVIAN, then , once again it was changed to MALKAVIAN NOCTRIFER…Tell us, the band have finally got the stability at last? Why Did you have many names changes?
As mentioned above, due to many differences between some band members, UKAS, FLOR, TROYA, KENAZ and me made another band called MALKAVIAN, where new guitarists were recruited. We're playing same songs created for NOCTRIFER for two years. That is the reason because the band is called MALKAVIAN NOCTRIFER now. I think we now have members more dedicated to all this than in the past. I've been working with them for about three years ago and all is well now. At this time we are using both names for promotion and remind people that we are the same band that started eight years ago, yet we know about the existence of other bands named MALKAVIAN in USA and Italy, so most likely that we wouldn’t use anymore that name and the band be called just NOCTRIFER in the future.
3.-Something that caught my attention, is the fact that many people have a clear idea where are going, but on the road they’re comes down in mediocrity, I told you that, because in your old line-up you had included to FRANCISCO a young guy that is a good musician but he haven’t an ideology own and sincerely he haven’t anything in mind, he played in SORROWSTROM an UNBLACK metal band ( look at metal archives). What is most important to the band, the musical side or the ideology concept?
If you are talking about KENAZ, I think that you are wrong. I don't remember that he was part of SORROWSTORM, but certainly was formerly XATRAN vocalist and lead guitar many years ago. XATRAN was one of the first band of Black Metal to appear here in Panama and started when my old band DEATHLESS was disbanded in 1997. Regarding to what I think most important to make a good song, if you note most people is attracted first by music and then lyrics where finally find the ideology thoughts. Therefore, for me it's most important make good riffs and rhythms to call the attention. Once I complete this part then think about the lyrics and whatever fit with them.

4.-About of this case, I know that exist more here, there and everywhere, the Christian infiltration on the metal scene is bigger and PANAMA is not the exception of that, Inclusive EQUINOXIO (another well known black metal band from PANAMA) had to someone of them in. PANAMA have a great legion of musicians, there’s no doubt but many don’t have a strong ideology behind. Tell Us is difficult to get musicians with strong ideologies to this kind of music in your country?
Panama have less than three million of people where most likes caribbean music. It's hard to find people having the same preferences about Metal. I think that happens in all Latin American countries in due proportion. Panama is so small and hard to keep a band together. Here most bands play three or four years, then disbanded due to different circunstances. I can count the number of bands who've stayed together for more of five years or people that keep loyalty to this kind of music on two hands. Many people think that have a band it's great but ignore the serious effort behind it to maintain the stability and consistency.
5.-Something that I hadn’t clear. Why DEATHLESS band Died? If the band had a strongly supporting to the underground scene. Which were the principal problems that led to his death?
The band unfortunately broke up in 1997 by a series of differences in that time, however, I want to clarify that late 2007 DEATHLESS formerly members and me joined and playing at a music festival organized by a local radio station. We planned to record a track from IGNOMINIA to promote the live show after ten years of inactivity. ''Beyond The Nightmares'' was the released again with a new sound. We've been talking to record a new album but nothing have been decided yet.
6.-Why MALKAVIAN NOCTRIFER has delayed seven years to record a professional stuff? Maybe it could be, by the fact of became of the a well known band and it takes the doubt that the new product hadn’t the same expectative of the bangers or were trying to get a due equipment to produce better than others productions made it before?
The delay is due to lack of responsibility and inconsistency from some past members, so basically for this reason were replaced. We started again with new members and rehearse same old songs over and over again while the recording sessions were put on standby at that time.
Panama have now new recordings studios with better technology. In the past, bands were recording on same studios where salsa and reggae music also was recorded, so for this reason I decided to wait and get a chance to record in other country.
The importance of being member from DEATHLESS makes me feel sure due to experience obtained and think that I've been doing well after these years. There's no better manner to confirm it that the great support and loyalty from our fans. They are the "fuel" to keep MALKAVIAN "machinery" running smooth.
7.-Strictly, Speaking about of the musical way, ‘THE ENEMY OF THE NEWBORN CHILD’ is the promotional track that you have in offer now. I listened this track at the fall of 2009. If I ‘m not wrong, it was without mixing, How on this side of the world said, In direct. The musical proposal goes to the same vein than IMMORTAL ‘AT THE HEART OF THE WINTER’, I’m speaking of riff tunes, rhythm changes and different drum velocities. I liked so much but to be honest the first time I dislike with the female vocals, I thought that it was happened by the recording sound in direct. Now, it was professional recorded and have a good mix and the female chorus is sounding good. How was recorded this production? What did you have in mind to the female vocals when the track was created? Do you want sound to someone?
That's right. We released a rehearsal version of this song to make some tests but not for promo. The official version was launched in December 2009 as a single and it's can be downloaded from our Web site or any website related to Metal or Black Metal in Panama. You are correct, about IMMORTAL which I admire and respect but if you look deep enough will find our roots have elements really inspired by CELTIC FROST and BATHORY.
At this moment, I am focused to finish the recordings of upcoming album. Once completed, we will work with some people which organize concerts and shows to promote the new album here in Panama and other countries in the area. Also, I would like to inform you I am writing new songs that probably will be performed in live shows.
About the female voice in our songs, note many Black Metal bands have been a female vocal presence in their songs; from CELTIC FROST with old songs as ''Return To The Eve'' to modern songs like KOVENANT with "Sulphur Fest.'' We follow this line which will be used in upcoming songs.

8.-Did you listen to LUXURIA DE LILITH from BRAZIL? This band is sounding like yours, it is luxurious, lascivious, blasphemous and why not DARKEST too!!! Where MALKAVIAN NOCTRIFER goes in the musical aspect, to the SOUTH AMERICAN way or EUROPEAN black metal way?
Our sound have both, I think but as we are part of Latin America, people may find in our music a sound more South American than European. I haven’t heard about the band that you mentioned yet but it’s good to know.
9.-I know that I can be expecting for your first release that I think it will be out soon. What kind of ideas Do you have in mind to this recording? How many tracks do you have?
There are tracks of NOCTRIFER where the sound have yet the old-black metal style, like battle hymns. The new songs have more speed where were included more rhythms and riffs changes. We are currently recording the fourth track. Most probably we will launch a new single to promote our upcoming album.
10.-Would be a self released? Or Did you get a record label to put out this work? Do you have a release date or yet?
We didn’t make a deal with international label for its release yet because I thought launch the album in Panama locally first and then make some deal with any interested label to promote the album in Central and South America. The date expected may be between June or July. Once everything is finished the date will be announced.

11.-When we spoken in EPOCAS bar, drinking a lot of beers in PANAMA city about of ATHEIST,SATANISM, ETC. We had some ideas and concepts flowing, some of them were about the persons of ANTON SZANDOR LAVEY and ALESITER CROWLEY. Do you believe that both persons were essential in the construction of the ideological concept of MALKAVIAN NOCTRIFER band? What Kind of Satanism does the band practice?
Crowley or Lavey. Both philosophical tendencies has very interesting things, so I like to include them in different songs. We are not a band that follows a specific trend. That would be inconvenient, because we know there are fans who have different points of views, we prefer do not discuss religious, political or philosofical beliefs with anyone because is a waste of time. At this point, I could say that we are following the eleventh rule: "When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him." I like this rule.
12.-When are you writing the tracks, Do you create the melodies and then the lyrics are added? How is the creative process to MALKAVIAN NOCTRIFER?
That's right. Although, at the time that I'm doing the music is when get ideas for the lyrics. I need to do the music first and then focus on the lyrics. Then, I meet with the band to rehearse the new song where each one puts their personal touch or add more things. I have to mention that we need a lot of beers to rehearse our songs, so I guess they are also essential and important part of the creative process, hahaha. Just listen "The enemy of newborn child" and enjoy it with a cold beer.
13.-I know that band members likes of WITCHKRAFT, BLACK MAGIC, SORCERY, etc. Tell Us , if that is something essential in the MALKAVIAN NOCTRIFER career? Its fact happened to the inclusion of VANESSA LUNA (female vocals) in the band? (I knew that she like so much these topics)
If you practice a religious or philosophical trend I think that is stupid announce it to everyone as a vacuum cleaner salesman. Like I said, it depends on topic that we prefer to use for each song. Every song that we have are different from one another. I was inspired at that time to write a song related to the witchcraft, druidism and Wiccan Sabbat of Beltane. The song is called "The Fires Of Beltane". LUNA wasn’t involved in the making of this song because she wasn’t in the band at that time. However, after we playing this song in a live show she was recruited to join the band where finally she added the female voice that you listen on chorus part.
Each band member has their personal and philosophical beliefs which are respected among us. Here’s no one imposing their thoughts about the other as happens in other bands. That’s just for assholes who likes to follow another asshole. We don’t work in that way.
14.-PANAMA have a good musicians, good equipment but the scene is still poor, there's some people that goes to shows but they haven't any compromise with the scene, with some exceptions like OSCAR and lately EUCLIDES owner of HEADBANGERS PANAMA WEB SITE and shows producer too!!!, Sorry I forgot it I have a special mention to RAUL MORBO, an editor zine with 20 years of activity, What do you believe PANAMA needs to be consider a strong scene?
As I mentioned above, I guess that we have same difficulties like other countries in its proper proportion. Our metal scene is small due to our small population. We don’t have too many places to give concerts. Due to this, bands prefer to make deals with concert and event production companies outside of the country. We don’t have enough support from local record labels or radio stations in Panama, but the interesting thing is that we are getting better proposals outside. Most of all, we have the support from people who have Web sites about Metal and organize concerts for us. We hope that now change the situation in the future where most of the bands are releasing their albums and productions. Raul Morbo and Euclides Panafff are making good things for the small scene that we have here.

15.-What others bands with a strong compromise on the scene Do you recommends it?
I may mention many, but I think would not have much space here to answer the other questions that you have pending for me.
16.-Which are the next steps to MALKAVIAN NOCTRIFER? Maybe a tour like support to the upcoming album?
At the time, I'm just focusing on Panama, Costa Rica and Colombia, where in the past with DEATHLESS received offers to play. I do not discard some live performances in Peru or Brazil where we have friends who surely would be interested in coordinate live shows once the upcoming album be released.
17.-Thanks JAVIER, good luck with your upcoming album, here i let you to last words to close this out?
Just thank you for the interview and congratulate you for the time spent all these years supporting to Metal music with your fanzine. Unlike others, who in the past were called themselves ''true metalheads" and after five or six years leave all this. I would like to say to all metalheads that are reading this: Don’t surrender and move on! Keep your courage, loyalty and fight for this music. Hail!

So far stayed these times when the heavy metal ruled SPAIN, since the beginning of 90's years we had an explosion in SPAIN with tons of good DEATH metal, grind & gore metal bands. then, when the 90's years fall down, appeared in the scene the most infamous underground way than musically is expressed by BLACK METAL music. there's bands such as NUMEN, MORTINATUM, FOSCOR, CRYFEMAL, EMPTY, PROCLAMATION ,and plus more
after this the kingdom of darkness has risen and it just seemingly looking for by only one way that rules the SPAIN metal scene, nowadays.... BLACK METAL is sinonimous of SPAIN and surely with MARTHYRIUM is filled the file od excellents that will reclaim the black metal throne and probably they could be choosen as the new black/war meatl kings by SATAN indeed. After 2 demo's out with excellent background and comments behind I took contact with them so fastly as I can and I did an interview and probably is one of the best of the present issue. So read it now!!!
1.- Listening your release I have noticed that some SPAIN bands as yours have taken WAR metal as flag, the same as PROCLAMATION had it, perhaps the only difference is focused to what kind of WAR/BLACK metal are playing, if is influenced by BLASPHEMY/BESTIAL MOCKERY or in your case by CONQUEROR/REVENGE/DESTROYER 666. Do you agree with this perception? What do you think? Why do you believe SPAIN is giving several black metal bands to the scene, turning as a big scene into the underground?
Marthyrium is not a war metal band, this genre is just an important influence in our music as we praise bands such as revenge, blasphemy, conqueror or destroyer 666, which are included within these two sungenres you mentioned before... but they are not our only influences. In our music different elements taken from different styles (death metal, thrash metal...) can be observed. We have always have clear that we do not want to became in a fucking clone with nothing to say.
The scene was saturated with bands trying to release again and again ‘transilvanian hunger’ or trying to be just the same as the norwegian old classics... Maybe the reason why some really interesting bands are appearing, and as a consequence the scene is growing, is because these bands are releasing bestial and violent stuff away from the northern influences.
There are really good and hard working bands in the scene, such as PROFUNDIS TENEBRARUM or BALMOG.
2.- It’s a bored question and is sounding like a cliché but I think that is necessary to do it. Please give us a brief introduction about it? What's the mean behind of MARTHYRYUM name?
The name came (as usual) during a night we were so fucking wasted sourrounded of empty beer cans. At the end, among all the names that came out it was the one we most liked, we chose it as a sarcasm of the figure of christ.
3.- Do you have a stable line-up Now? What was the principal problem to find the perfect musicians to MARTHYRYUM? What conditions must to have one person if want to join in the band? Why Cythraul left the band?
Looking for a bass placer is nothing what worries us at the moment, we have a friend helping us as a session member for gigs. This new add has supposed an increase in the quality of Marthyrium in many levels. The force fullness in the rhythmic section have never been so fucking apocalyptic as it is now. We have a good level so we sound as a fucking war machine.

4.-The band was spawned at 2006, only a few years ago but your creative process has been intense and productive, you have put out a 'RITES VENGEANCE OF DARKNESS' (SELF PRODUCED) and 'MORBID OMEN DEVASTATION' release. From the first production How many changed the musical way of the band? is so usual to speak about evolution, it happened with the band?
“Morbid Omen of Devastation” has supposed an important step at a production and compositive level in our path and a great advance with respect to our previous work, “Rites of Vengeance & Darkness”. The songs in the EP are nearer to the sound we’re looking for, a perfect equilibrium between a clear and worked sound not dismissing absolutely the violence and bestiality of the songs.
Obviously, this can be seen as an evolution, trying to catch the sound of the band, firstly of all we are musicians and we evolve, so our music does too.
The care with we have treated every song in the EP has been reflected in the good reviews we have received and in the impressions of those who have attended to a gig of us... this is something we are really proud of.
5.-In your own words, what kind of things MARTHYRIUM are adding in your music to make it different to others IBERIAN bands?
We don’t care in adding certain details to our songs to make them different from other’s band songs. These differences appear spontaneously in a natural way always trying to avoid fashions in the scene.

6.- Let's go to the lyrical overview and your satanic way, When we read your tracks titles we can notice that is focused into degradation of the human race, holocaust, massacres, war but at time is mixed with tittles as INFERNAL, BESTIAL as satanic influences, In which points of the way the human beings faults can be consider as satanic facts?
Marthyrium lyrics turn around a innate feeling in men, something intrinsic to his nature... hate. This feeling is what drives men to his own degradation and self-destruction as the vehicle of devastation and massacres generated by war... the fucking apocalypse will be unfold, destroying completely the decadence in earth. These explanations could serve as a resume of the main themes in our lyrics, though we always try to give and anti-religious message too. We could say that there exist a duality between the blasphemous and the chaotic.
Because of this last detail we use certain Concepts as the ones you have mentioned, our lyrics could be misunderstood but they don’t have any kind of Satanism in them. We just see it as an opposition against all the sacred and pure, it is the banner of the unreligious fight against the sacred. All of our lyrics have a lot of work of ‘reading’ getting to know religious and secular texts and thinking about the stuff we have red to get conclusions, trying to depict as exactly as possible what we have read.
7.-We know that human beings are self-destructives and always are thinking is make wars, where do you believe the humanity goes?
Humanity is walking towards his fucking self-destruction...to the final Armageddon.
8.-in first impression to someone's MARTHYRIUM by the lyrics can be consider like NIHILISTIC band & it could have some totalitarian affinity. What do you think about this comment?
Marthyrium does not have any kind of ideology linked with any totalitarism or politic branches of it behind.
All of our lyrics are filled with an important charge of nihilism, that’s because the satanic influence that you mentioned in the previous question is completely out of place. Our lyrics are based in an anti-human thought, no politic, no totalitarist or satanist.

9. - Come back to your music, how did you start to create 'MORBID OMEN OF DEVASTATION' tracks? What are the principal motivations when the draws come in your mind?
The idea of “Morbid Omen of Devastation” came just after writing “Bestial Avatar of Obliteration”, when we were writing the first song of what would be the current edition. The two songs get on well with the lyrics that Tharngrist was making and gave to the whole a concept so interesting and homogeneous. We started to think about the possibility of doing a series of fixings and edit both songs in 7’’, so we talked with the record company, Antichristian Front Records, and they decided to support us once more. As soon as the songs were ready the started with the edition.
It was an important motivation to have our first EP 7’’ as the bands in our style have traditionally done.
10.-How do you feel about 'MORBID OMEN DEVASTATION' from an insider’s point of view?
From a more personal point of view, this work has supposed a step forward as musicians and as a band. We are proud with the result we have obtained, and we know this experience will be useful for future editions to be better.
11. - What kind of rehearsal schedule do you have? How many hours per week do you rehearse?
It depends on the moment we are through, if we are getting ready to enter the Studio or preparing an important gig we rehearse between 2-4 hours per session, once a week.

12.-How's the reaction been to the shows?
Marthyrium is a band for live gigs, we are a fucking war machine whose banner is the fucking apocalypse. Our songs sound more strong and brutal alive, when we really transmit the feeling we don’t transmit in the CD. Music is lived in a more intensive way when you have a band in front of you spitting shit with a frenetic rhythm while every shot of the machine gun – bass drum is a crash in the fucking chest.
Public’s reaction in our first gig with the new line-up has been amazing. Comments of people in the after-party were very positive and they enjoyed all the bands participating in the Black Metal Assault, it was a nice return to the stages.
13.-How would you describe the new unheard material of MARTHYRIUM, Speaking in both modes as lyrics and sound?
Speaking about our new material is a little bit precipitated, because we are starting to write new atrocities. What we can say is that it will be even more bestial, violent and frenetic... it is our main idea.
We want to shape the line they will follow, and the thematic core in which the lyrics will be placed... though the antihuman factor, apocalyptic and nihilistic is assured.

14. - Any different recording techniques will be used for your upcoming release?
We are very fond with the methods we used in the previous occasions, so the variation won’t be significative. What is going to improve is the quality of the equipment (amps, instruments...) which we will use in our next visit to the studio, which will have a positive effect at the end of the recording.
15.-What are the future plans for MARTHYRIUM? What's on the horizons?
Right now, we have in the horizons our first album, although it is very soon to talk about that. As we have said before, we are starting to write the first songs and shape the thematic line in which we will base the concept of the album.
Being working in the new stuff limit us quite a lot at the time to play gigs. For the moment we will take only serious offers because preparing a gig represents a kind of break with the writing rhythm and lose even more time than the expected.
There are thousands of ideas in our minds, but it is very soon to speak about it as I have said before... we have to wait and time will tell.
16.-Anything to close this out?
Thanks for the support.
Black Metal Devastation.

ITALY is truly one of the most great underground black metal places in the world, from the beginning of the 80's years, many bands have surprised Us, One by one with strongest albums and each one better than ones. Since I had contact with this amazing scene so far years ago when I knew to DEATH SS, BULLDOZER, NECRODEATH,SCHIZO,INCINERATOR,BLACK PROPHECIES, MORTUARY DRAPE and others past bands. The scene had a rare dreaming at the fall of the 90's, Until that appear on scene BLASPHEMOPHAGER and ARS MACABRA that italian scene has rebirth again into the black metal scene, both is given a new way to the black metal strictly speaking of it. After some mails exchanged with the leader and frontman of the band I got this interview, So just read it and I hope that you'll enjoy it...
1.-under what circunstances ARS MACABRA borned in the black metal scene. did you have joined in others bands previously the ARS MACABRA formation?
Me and Nero Baratro used to work at concert venues we met and decided to start up a band.
I had another band but was more grind core type of style, then I concentrated only on Ars Macabra
2.-From the beginning, ARS MACABRA has given a great respect to their own tongue, these that spoken in the Roman empire. First, the band name is written in LATIN, then came your first demo that also its an overall latin worked out. let me know, it was intentional to teaching to others about your ancient culture? How many hours did you take to learn the LATIN tongue?
No we don’t want to teach anybody anything ,we just thought Latin was a more powerful language to use certain kind of topics and themes.

3.-Everybody knows, from ITALY has emerged great bands such as: BULLDOZER, NECRODEATH, DEATH SS,MORTUARY DRAPE, NECROMASS, OPERA IX and plus more, each ones of them has gave us a good times and good recordings too. What do you offer us as news that above mentioned bands haven't made it before? Do you think that would be very difficult to get the same respect and devotion of these bands has gained? If the ARS MACABRA split up. How does the band wanna be remembered?
From the bands you mentioned although I know all of them I dont have a single CD or songs from them.
To record and produce something new musically is a real challenge today and I think is “the real challenge”, we think we offer a more crafted and valuable songs than whats the average bands today can give, we spend a lot of time to have the get the best from our ideas, and we try every time with each record to make a step forward.
Something I can see is quite rare within the world scene, I don’t listen too much black metal unless for 3 or 4 bands ..death metal is even worse..all has been done musically so far..
Remember us? I don’t think so..
4.-Does your 'ITER IN OBSCUTITATES MENTIS' demo differ so much from the actual stuff? How was conceived this demo?
That was 1989 and since then we have changed quite a lot, if we were mentally and technically still at that level that would be quite bad, the demo was conceived with a lot of ideas that werent refined and arranged with the experience we have now, was more raw and instinctive.
5.-Come back to your lyrical overview, I know that ARS MACABRA members are worshippers of SATANISM as movement and as entity, but in the ancient history of ITALY, there's a good PAGANISM fonts that maybe it can be used as inspiration to your tracks. Actually, Do you have some lyrics with any message about of your ancients ideals and traditions of the Roman empire ?
No roman empire and all that tendency to make referement to that period is really backward, nowdays we don’t have nothing to do with that past . I think that taking inspiration from thing of the past like traditions,heritage shows a lack of arguments that you can develop and bring out by yourself, if you don’t have ideas or topics to sing and play about it means you don’t too much need to play and sing after all you could take eventually in consideration to be a cover band at that point.
We have the chance to say something why waste it with hystory or topics on arguments that can be more carefully and appropiately covered at school or university? We are here to say something that Ars Macabra want to say not to copy some fucking old-same-shit old roman empire or other of those clownish attempt to look kool as they were (supposely) some our ancient ancestor.
I think we can do a little bit more efforts to make some of our own lyrics with some contents coming from our thoughts and reasoning instead of being lazy and talk about our ancestors whatever could be roman or viking or whatever...we leave that stuff for the clownish tourist money-stealing of those lame individuals dressed up in costume at the Colosseum...

6.-ARS MACABRA has many years of activity, and at this time only two full lenght were released. what was the reason in 12 years of career have 2 outputs only? ARS MACABRA is a hardest band to work, if a record label want to get sign with yours. What would be the contract terms?
We have been always been plagued with line up problem and changes , the underground is not big enough to have a renovation here and so there are always the same persons all over from the club owner to the promoters to the guys who plays in the bands and there are few inputs to push new kids to make a new band with a different approach to the style and so on.
There millions of kids that play but you dont make out of them just one that has the right head to create something a bit out of the movement, they are all stereotyped with no chance to use their own head.
Today metal and black metal is just another fashion and trend like is gothic or neu-metal there are tons of kids who would play black metal and regularly go to their churc ,university work just as normal fucked up individuals in this nation with nothing to rebel against cause everything has been obliterated and nothing to say cause their brain is just fucked up (even worse ) like those of their parents, I noticed that majority of today kids who approach to metal or black metal is the same as a person can approach to practice a sport or a a social activity instead of going to play soccer or go to the cinema or disco with their friends , having a band is “nice” and “alternative” or stylish, and all ends upright there...simple and shitty like that.
No message to say, no music to create on your own ideas,no terrorism or destabilizing manifesto to express, their dull brains are just concerned on having the right “ooohhh scary!!” look, dress up , get at all the cost a label or endorsment and have a big tits ass naked girls in their t-shirt ads...
....if still there are out there real LABELS tell me cause really I dont see what is a valid reason to get signed to somebody that would do exactly the same work you can do (and sometimes even way way worse) and at the same time put a hold on your music and ideas....
7.-While listening your 'DAEMONOLATRIA HYPNOTICA', I note that the band hasn't liked the soft and atmospheric black metal tunes that nowadays is strongly into the mainly of black metal bands and movenment. more well the album is a raw black metal ODE. How were the songs written? What do you think the actual melancholic & atmospheric movement?
I come from a different approach when it comes to metal and is from the extreme side, many new black metal musicians comes during the year from the dark-goth symphonic side which wasn’t present when the black metal started , since everything with time gets contaminated I think is natural that every style get many different directions and differences, I think that is not the matter of following a different direction within the style but more important is to keep the attitude and approach genuine.
Many new black metal kids get into this genre as a normal music style there is anymore the need to have an attitude in metal neither less in music in general, there is no need to be rebel to society, or burn churches, or kill nuns or have a social sponsor to have some attention...this thing is starting to get really old and stale, most metal and black metal kids follow this trend cause are 99% are sheeps and buy every piece of shit their loved bands put out.
I personally got tired long time ago of the same old bullshit from most of the actual famous and non famous band, is such a grotesque circus.
So the mellow and atmospheric ambient music is relative when even the most on the paper extreme bands and labels submerge us with bullshits about being anti-christian bla bla bla and instead then their real intent is just pure commerce and sales.
But the depressive thing is that the mentality is strongly endorsed by bands that never in years have never ever seen a cent or never get a reimbursement or get paid at a venue (actually they pay to play)...the “posers” mentality has been already so drilled in the shitty minds of these new kids that approach music that I see there is no turning back. I prefer listen a real dark ambient band than a actual metal band.
8.-Are you a fervent followers of DAEMONOLATRIA?
Sorry but I don’t understand the question.
We do not follow anything or anybody we live, we experience, we die.
9.-What do you think about of:
I don’t understand, where is the question, sorry.
If I should talk about all these people/topic I think the interview will be sidetracked and it will be extremely boring for me and the readers. (hahaha-ed)
10-When 'DAEMONOLATRIA HYPNOTICA' was recorded you had in mind an idea, when the end
product was in your in hands, and it was listened, Did you stay fine with the finally realization?
Do you mean if we were satisfied with the production of Hate Induced Trance? The answer is yes, even if lacks a bit of dynamic and the drum sound is not of my taste, is not that natural, and the overall mix is to my taste too suffocating it tires up my ears after a while.
11.-'DAEMONOLATRIA HYPNOTICA' was released by ELEGY music right, then next album 'HATE INDUCED TRANCE' was put out through SINISTER SOUND RCDS from CANADA. Why did you change o record label? Before you left ELEGY music to sign with SINISTER were there any other offers?
We changed label cause they made the better offer, all the labels we contacted in between were not of our liking.

12.-Speaking of 'HATE INDUCED TRANCE', the production wise, it's full and I think the best product than previous works, in your own point of view, What did you do different? (speaking on musical way only)
Is more elaborated and more refined and at the same time has more impact.
Daemonolatria was still paced and not aggressive as I think is HIT
13.-the only one thing that I disguss is the art covers of both albums, Who designed it? If you could to change anything of that, what would be?
Next time I would do it , I think I am gonna take care personally about the artwork, so far has been always been a compromise for me to be free of concentrating only on the music but from now I wanna take care myself of the concept and realization of the artwork.
14.-How important is it to have the lyrical overview on all your releases. Do you want to turn people on to the DAEMONALTRIA, SATANISM, WITCHERY and OCCULTISM?
Lyrics are important and after all is another they complete your art, lyrics have to have at least a message I think.
No we don’t want teach anybody anything. Everybody is able to do his own experience we are here to play and do our own experience.
15.-ARS MACABRA as had some line-up changes. Are you with a stable line-up , now?
Everybody is useful in the band as anybody is necessary.
But these seems to be the most stable line-up before this one we had many parasites that wanted to be in the band just to say I am in this band, parasites.
16.-Talk us about the band shows and performance. what are your feelings to playing alive? What type of stage Show do you use?
Is a ceremony in all its deep significance, is a union with the spiritual and magick, is an invocation. An essential of Mysticism.
17.-From The latest work 'HATE INDUCED TRANCE' ever have someone else in mind to produce? How many tracks do you have writing to this time around?
I think I will produce it.
We have 5 tracks so far that we will record, but have more tracks in the making.

18.-very thanks for your time, good luck with the upcoming releases. Do you have anything to add
Thanks to you and good luck with your zine and keep up the great work!

ANATOLIAN is an unknown place and mysterious by the underground metal scene of this side of the world, for this I'm proudly to introduce to WAR ANCESTRY in Our pages. I think that WAR ANESTRY is a distinct band of the commont bands nowadays that brings day to day in the scene, perhaps is the fact that the band is formed by females members only, but to be honest not is nothing new to me, because since 1982 I knew to ROCK GODDES, In EUROPE this kind of bands were usual to saw it in shows, I speak about bands leadership to female members, as ACID, etc.. But until WITCHES ( a 80's french females band, exclusively THRASH METAL) that another female band do not caught my attention. their music and overall thrash/black work is personal and it has good elements there, the excellent develop in choirds, sometimes is seemimgly to LORD (BLACK/THRASH from FRANCE)but in the variety of rhythms is your composition is doing the differences. Anybody knows that TURKEY is a hard place to play black music indeed and it's giving more respect to her work. well, not more comments and let to BUSE comments more about her band....
Because when we play with female musicians, we come across with a more natural and friendly environment, in past times, we played with bands that male musicians exist. The environment was more formal and hard at there. Maybe this is a good thing but now we prefer to play with female ones, but it doesn’t mean that we don’t play with a band that contains male ones.
While we are performing that music, we don’t have problems of our country, because our country is not as rude, hard and islamic as foreign people think. Turkey has 2 faces. Modern cities and less developed conservative cities. We live in a modern city, we can go to concerts comfortably, we can walk out with different wearing styles, we can play in concerts at bars, despite we are females. Here is many female bands and musicians and there exists a myspace page. “Females in Anatolian Darkness” is a creation that supports us and we support it. People who want to know Turkish female bands and musicians can visit the page from myspace.
First of all, when our band’s name was “War Ancestry”, because of several reasons the name of band changed and it’s renamed as “Ancestry”. “Ancestry” means descent. It again derives from our band’s basic worths and “Ancestry” inspires from Turkish history and culture. In Turkish culture, descent concept is very important, so we called the band as “Ancestry”.
Firstly, Ancestry inspires from its own history. For example, the first song that we published, the name of “191919…” comes from May 19, 1919. That date is very important for Turks. Our great leader Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK started the independency war of Turkish people that we won. We pay importance to our history, so we preferred to write first song about this subject. We also discuss notions about history, like wars.
We reflected our recent history to our songs till this time, but at future we are thinking to reflect another anatolian cultures that you talk about. As you say, the geographic area in Turkey is really substantial and culturally wealthy.
Most of the comments we took are positive by now and it made us really happy. We’re close to second year of the foundation of the band and we’re close to publish our first demo “Battle ov the Fierce”. Our tracklist and cover page has been already published. After our demo has been released, we’re waiting offers and supports from our country and foreign countries for publishing our new demo. One of the track of our demo is the new version of our first record “191919…”. As I say previously, the name of this track is coming from the date May 19, 1919.
You’re right, we took this sensation from many listeners. With the old line-up and former band members’ talents and directions, that kind of style was formed. We think vocals and guitar tones mostly made feel that. But Ancestry is a death/black metal band. In our new staff and in first demo that we gonna publish, it will be sensed clearly.

Guitarits are writing riffs that forms melody and arrangements usually have been making together. After songs are arranged and changed, the last step is writing lyrics. Ancestry forms its tracks with these steps.
Ancestry always works for warming up people at stage and keeping alive the concert atmosphere. Both of covers and its own dynamic compositions. We make many covers of death, black and blackened death styles. Satyricon, At The Gates, Bloodbath, Six Feet Under, Sear Bliss and Kataklysm.
Our demo hasn’t been published yet, so we didn’t start. When our demo is published, we’ll be open to offers and compromising with a record label is a event that we want.
There’s a short time left publishing of “Battle ov the Fierce” but we already started to compose and produce new ideas. If we get over the duration of advertising faster, the album may come in a short time. Everything is related with offers and comments.
In world, qualified works have been made but we think amateur spirit shouldn’t be lost and it shouldn’t be thinked commercial in music. For example, there exists famous, known and in sight bands that we like, but there also some amateur bands exist that we like more than Professional bands. We only think that amateurs bands need more support.
We have many plans for future. Firstly we want to introduce our demo. We played in domestic concerts but we want to play in different countries’ concerts. Then we want to record our album and we want to proceed with firm steps in our music life.
You can reach us from our myspace page and be informed about recent news. Thank you very much for interview. Hail from Turkey to Peru our metalhead brothers and sisters!

I just want to introduce, As the new great apparition in the folk scene. This band is relative new but not for less leave to be great, and hails from ARGENTINAN , one place well known to have a strongly respect to the HEAVY METAL music and tons of bands of this style, but in this case, there's no doubt where the TENGWAR music goes, is very different than others of this country. they're building together SKILTRON (Another good FOLK/METAL band from ARGENTINAN) the folk scene and that's growing and growing to big steps. when I listened to their first EP I said fuck!!!
After TUATHA DE DANANN none band caught my attention of this side of the world, speaking about FOLK music only, but i stayed agree with the develop of those musicians and I knew that they should be interviewed so faster as I can do it. The band sound is unique and surely when the FOLK bangers know more about them and their musical proposal, anyone will go to buy all their productions. From the first impression you'll have an acceptable stuff, when the melodies runs they're taking your soul and thoughts and will go to journey into the TOLKIEN'S world,a nd you can see the hobbits running free through the deep forest and playing. HAHAHA!!! However, this is a new TOLKIEN'S band that I can asure is one of the best nowadays and soonly they will caught the world in his hands... The present interview was done under some drinks and I hope that you'll enjoy it so much as I can did!!!
1.-Please introduce yourself to PERU and the world? And How TENGWAR came to be?
Well, people from Perú, TENGWAR salutes you!! If you want to know about us, I can tell that we are a Folk Metal band from Argentina formed in 2003, mostly influenced by Celtic and Medieval music which we blend together with blasting epic metal. The band current line up is: Ferin on drums and percussion, Tryzwen on bass, Nighurath on guitars and grunts, Lian on acoustic and electric guitars, Feredur on fiddle and bodhrán, Graëwyn on recorders, flute, tin whistles and crumhorn, Khâli on Galician bagpipes and recorders, Halatir on choirs and devices and me, Thorvi, on the main vocals, Iberian lute and hurdy-gurdy.
2.-Where did the TENGWAR name come from?
TENGWAR is the name given by J.R.R. Tolkien to the main part of the writing system created for his invented languages as “used” by Elves, Men and even the Dark Lord. As a Tolkien fan myself I consider a good homage to him giving the band the name of his dearest creation.
3.-The band have around 13 members already to add their own's ideas, I say that by the fact that must be difficult to put of agreements to the hour of composing and build their melodies. How did you started to create the tracks? Do you compose thinking in a complete band or Are you writting tunes by each instruments then, all are assembly to all members?
To be precise, the band has already 9 members these days. As a matter of fact, from the beginning to now, I am the main composer and arranger. Though, every member can bring material to be considered but usually I bring the partitions and say “well, see if you can play this”. I have an Idea in my head of the whole band and of the particular parts of each instrument, especially in the melodic and folk parts. But of course each musician brings what we call “heart”, HIS OWN INTERPRETATION of the parts, each one adding spice to the preparation! Khali brings his Galician Piper ornamentations and guts, Graëwyn her medieval preciousness and Feredur all his Irish magic. All choir parts I work them with the aid of Halatir, our choirmaster. And last but not least, on the metal and rhythmic parts we work more closely with Ferin, Nighurath, Lian and Tryzwen to give each song the crushing power of a battalion of pagan bastards!!! haha

4.-the musicians have got a perfect accomplishment as band, the Assemby is done so perfect. How many time did you take to find out the perfect musicians to the band? How was the process selection done to each instruments?
Everyone in the band is a professional musician, things goes swiftly that way. Though, it is not always easy to gather the band in a same rehersal for the same reason that, being professionals, many of us have more than one project to attend. So we try to make the time we have profitable to the maximum.
5.-Must be difficult to play some CELTIC instruments, I think that in the band, have a strong study of them. Where the band members did learn to play these instruments? How many hours of study did you take per day to give us the perfect harmony in the tracks?
Well, I’ve been playing Celtic music (mostly Galician) for ten years and so do the other folk musicians (Khâli, Feredur, Graëwyn) with years of hard study and drinking!! haha
6.-Do you feel the expectations for TENGWAR are high due to the fact to have a great talented musicians?
I don’t know, but I think it is the fact that TENGWAR is TENGWAR and we are not trying to follow anyone’s path. We are true to ourselves.

7.-The lyrical overview of the band is based upon TOLKIEN'S books,Principally. But also it have a little bit of CELTIC/NORDIC mythology too. How was your introduction to the TOLKIEN's world? What other books are used leaving a side the LORD OF THE RINGS and SILMARILION as inspiration of TENGWAR?
Hahaha, not everything is Tolkien for us as you sharply noticed!! Our lyrical background goes from J.R.R. Tolkien to Celtic and Pagan lore and legend. Every place where epic stands or pagan swords arise is our place!!
8.-I've read about the fact that the band members has visited a GAELIC house in ARGENTINAN to learn more about the tradition and instruments, being yours currently of ARGENTINA, with different customs and language. What were the principal difficults that band members had to integrated in the GAELIC world?
Argentina is a country that received lots of immigration and a good part of it had Celtic origins (Galician mainly, but also Irish, Asturian, Scotish and Welsh) so, instruments as bagpipes are not rare specially in Buenos Aires. These communities are long settled here so –despite of their own traditions- they all speak Spanish, drink “mate” and enjoy “asado”!!! haha
9.-Well, the band have two releases out, let's go to speak on the first one. 'THE PILGRIM'S MARCH' Ep. its have two tracks only.How long did it take to get the two tracks that appear on this Ep? How has the people reaction been to this Ep? Were there more songs written that it were left to a side to futher recordings?
The reaction was great from the very beginning!! This EP was intended as a demo of our first full-legth album giving two tracks in advance. But it was not easy to achieve this major recording due not only to financial facts but also as a consequence of the band’s growing, changing, and trying to set a definitive line up without stopping playing.

10.-It was a conceptual Ep, based on TOLKIEN'S scripts only. To define better, is based on THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING. How was created or better I say re-created these history of the hobbits in combination with the music, And feel these atmospheres when we can close our eyes and put the CD of TENGWAR runs and say ?im living in the comarca (Shire) I'm a little hobbit, I'm living in a middle earth?
In a couple of months or so, maybe you have the whole!! Finally we’ll release our long awaited full-length and there you could find all your answers if you succeed in getting one copy!! haha
11.-Then, After 3 years of silence, TENGWAR comeback to Folk circuit with TENGWESTA QUENDION Ep 2008, other conceptual Ep, more based on CELTIC mythology, where the musical quality has progress more than previous work. Did you approach this Ep any differently than previous one?
Well, this is not a conceptual work, the songs recorded here are isolated gems that wouldn’t have place in the “conceptual” forthcoming full-length album but all were classics of the band that we wanted to give to our fans while they patiently expected for (not always so patiently, ideed, hahaha) the major work as well as to show the new TENGWAR’s line up.
12.-I listened at your myspace 'VISIONS OF INMORTALITY ' song and without doubt is the most heavy and doomy track of the band. Where the guitar riffing has took protagonism and there the concept of this track s directly to the most occult way of the CELTIC/NORDIC mythology.What were the feelings behind of this song when was the music written? Are you agree with my Idea?( a free cover of CELTIC FROST!!And the best ever done for a band!!!)
Hahaha, that track is a Celtic Frost cover we made for a failed Ukrainian tribute. The lyrics fitted our taste for pagan rituals so we decided to record it. The result is a free version in fact, and preserves only the riffing and the lyrics from the original; all the melodies are new. So it is almost another TENGWAR song!
13.-You've also had a few line -up changes along the way righ? PECCOR left the band and you have got recently a new guitarrist, to their Upcoming album, this addition has added anything news to the band sound? Are you a band that needs rehearse a lot when a new member came to the band?
The sound is thicker now and it really kickass due to a more aggressive metal work that by contrast gives more beauty to the folk parts. All bands need rehersal normally whatever the way they do it. More when you change musicians.
14.-Talk Us about your upcoming album, How many tracks are written to this album? Do you have a tentative tittle? it will continue as a conceptual album? Any different recording tecniques to this album?
Ahhh, it will be great!! There are 14 or 15 tracks being recorded at La Nave de Oseberg Studios. That is the same place where bands such as Rata Blanca, Nightwish, Tarja Turunen and Blind Guardian have recorded. A very good place to record indeed!

15.-Speaking about your previous works, it has been self released with the upcoming album I suppose that you've wanted a major record label, I think so. If you have got it, What is the record label name? What are the contract terms? How many copies would be pressed? How's going on the record label support to the TENGWAR album?
We are negotiating the forthcoming album with some companies from Europe and Japan in order to release and distribute it around the world. Who knows? Let’s see.
16.-I was sawing some Flyers at FOLK shows in ARGENTINAN, And it is including other bands that is doing more bigger and strong your current scene. What others bands are usually playing in a FOLK SHOWS in ARGENTINAN?
How's the scene where you've located at? What needs more to be consider as big scene your current scene?
We TENGWAR and our friends from Skiltron, practically created the scene at the beginning. Now there are more bands and the scene is getting very interesting. Some of the are Tersivel and Wulfshon that are very good and there are a lot more in this path.
17.-If you have get a contract to play alive in PERU, What type of stage show do you offer Us?
Well, we’d be glad to play alive in Perú, whatever the means, but of course the size of the show depends on the size of the contract, haha. One thing I can assure: you will get all from TENGWAR on stage, till the last drop of blood!! A battle shall take place and we’ll hold our weapons high and proud and maybe the gods let you fight with us side by side, with a mighty pagan clamor!!!
18.-How do you think TENGWAR fits into the FOLK scene of the undergorund metal music?
TENGWAR fits very well, my friend and we’re coming for more!!
19.-Any final words to close this out?
Thanks to Headbanger Magazine for the interview, horns up and pagan hugs to all metalheads in Perú. You we’ll hear from TENGWAR!!
Official My Space:
Official Website:
Official Facebook:

Ever since my first trip to BRAZIL I wished so much to include an interview of this band, I think that's the fact to have a great friendship that we did in these chance when I was in SAO PAULO and spoken a lot with LEANDRO FURST (Leader and Bass player of the band). Too much blood has running since these times but at last I decided to interviewed to this band. As you can see this band is hailing from BRAZIL and the bands of this place have seemingly ruled the SOUTH AMERICAN scene for a long time and surely to the end of the days too!!!DEVILISH plays Raw and faster BLACK METAL and If you want to know it, its band is guaranted totally by their facts and loyalty to the black art and thoughts about the black path. they haven't neither respect to the judeo-christian GOD and rightfully way, speacially they don't give the otherside of the face or the right hand, for this reason i'm strongly sure that it was one of the best things that I did, for this you'll never escape of their sorcery when you get any release of them and listen to up volume and specially when you read this interview. Well, after a couple of demo's out and working on their upcoming full lenght, there waiting for you to discover to them, do it or die!!! This interview was done in someday of fullmoon in the middle of the forest under of some beers
spells with LEANDRO FURST, here's what he had to say!!!
1.-Where did you take the band name? What is the meaning behind the name? And what was the reason of founding devilish?
My greeting, big brother.
The name of the band is a simple one, meaning evil, malign and so on... This name represents what we express with our sonority, with total blasphemy and opposition the Christianity.
I believe the reason of founding the band was to join similar beliefs using black metal in order to cultivate the dark and open the eyes to the dirty Christian and religious situation, which tries to steal Satan power day after day.
2.-DEVILISH is a satanic band with explicit lyrics and thematic. Do you have problems with the audience that goes to your shows for this cause?
We do not have problems with this in Brazil, due to the religious liberty in our country. We also do not bend to anyone, we face anybody to death when supporting our beliefs.

3.-Following with your lyrical part and life style. I know how is your compromise with the satanism and how you take your own life and precepts. can you tell us what kind of path you're following i'm speaking about luciferianism,left hand path, church of satan or nietzche way?
We are engaged to what we do, but as we have Satanism explicit in our lyrics, we feel free to write was is true for us. We do not write about politics themes, the politics included in Christian trash is enough and we already fight that.
Still about the topics mentioned above, I believe everything is a little mixed in our thematic sometimes, but we are explicit anti Christians, satanic and blasphemers.
I don´t know much about the church of satan, but it seems to be a Christian inversion, though there are rules and having these rules makes it being apart of the natural Satanism. About the luciferianism, there are interesting concepts and intelligent points of view for those who like the subject. About the left hand way, this is a very personal choice and many people can´t live with that philosophy. About nietzche, he was an anti Christian philosopher, not a Satanism follower. He lived fighting the Christianity in a politic way, there´s nothing mystic about that.
4.-Talking about the nietzche way. recently when I was in BRAZIL I've listened about radicalism in bands from CURITIBA, STA CATARINA AND PORTO ALEGRE that it having draws or ideas about whites supremacy. I found that like something utopic becomes from brazil. first one doesn't exist races, by other side BRAZIL is a country with many inmigrants sons. What is your point of view about this? What bands do you never seen alive for this cause?
As I said before, we give credit to satanic and mystic situations but not in politic contexts. In order to have an elevation of the satanic consciousness you do not need o have or to be from any race, only capacity and spirit are enough for this evolution and clear vision of obscure things that surround us.
People that take or follow this politics vision in Brazilian black metal are losers and weak who do not know the satanic power of our position in the universe. They are stupid and decrepit we fight with honor humiliating them in all situations we have face to face.
There are some bands in Brazil with this beliefs, but they are a few and don´t last long, it´s not worth to mention them, but sooner or later they follow their Christian way, and this is not in the south region of our country, and it´s also unfair to talk about this region that cultivates this kind of idiot philosophy, because this is minority and there are many fucking great Black metal bands that exceed these weak minds.
5.-We're knew around seven years ago, until now I saw the deepest respect of your satanic roots and black metal way. Also I can note through the time the band evolution from first demo to latest work. how have been the band evolution around of 10 years of career? which have been the goods and bad points?
This evolution has been developing naturally through the years and our resistance of keeping with the black metal. The evolution always exists, due we develop technically and philosophically, because in the beginning of the band we didn´t know how to play very well and we didn´t know how long that would last either. According to the vision we got nowadays of not worrying so much about the musical evolution but to the satanic evolution, it makes easier to create our compositions.
I believe the negative points were our lack of experience and the positive points were our evolution day after day and at each new material we released.

6.-Lately, for your work it has been difficult to get a record deal to put out your first album also if I'm not wrong to get a stable line -up. NOw what is the condition of the band? Are you ready to devoure the world?
As you know, here in Brazil it´s hard to get a company to record underground bands sound, and with our parallel jobs it gets harder to have time for good dedication, but i would say that our current dedication to the band is reasonable and everything is alright.
We are in a stable group, always preparing a next material, even if it takes long to be released, not depending on being through a company or an independent work . Answering to the last part of your question: yes, we are ready to devour the world with our black art.
7.-Remembering my first trip to brazil I saw a show flyer hat was including DISSECTION/DEVILISH bands. Could say us about this experience to shared stage with DISSECTION?
It was a great honor for Devilish, we did not have time to stop and talk to the dissection, but it was one of the few real satanic bands, and we are proud of being part of their way in some simple moments. May necromants evoke John...
8.-When the draws does to your mind. How do you stat to build the structures of the tracks?
It happens in different situations, sometimes during moments of hate, and other times during philosophical moments. All the songs are unexpected situations, in those our black spirits get the chaotic and obscure atmosphere at the exact moment.
9.-Come back to your latest work. How was the people response about it? What comments did you had by the media?
The comments are positive, for those who do not like the sonority this is due to feeling ill facing what causes them disgust. But comments have really been very positive, the negative comments are about the recording but not the songs.
10.-What do you think he south american scene needs more or less of?
The Brazilian and South American bands are quite different from the rest of the world, I believe people all around the world that admire and worship the black metal must pay more attention to the black metal of these countries. I guess the only thing missing for the South American black metal is the lack of support for recording and concerts.
11.-What bands do you appreciate nowadays of BRAZILIAN black metal scene and others foreigner lands that deserves our respect? How do you see your curent scene?
I don´t like to say Brazilian bands names during interviews, because sometimes I can commit any injustice, but some bands that must be observed are: Malediction, Tenebrous Infernal Abyss, Crue, Unholy, and many others which names I do not remember now, but those who appreciate the black metal will soon hear about and will be ready to listen to their composed blasphemies.
Although we have a good band, we still need better structure to perform better concerts and better recordings, but this is something we can overcome with great effort and the support of friends like you.

12.-After a couple of demo's when is ready your album debut?
Our next job will be a debut, but we are still deciding about being it on a CD or vinyl, moreover it´s been 10 years of an always active band, we do deserve that...
13.-Can you give us an advance of your next release in tracks conception?
I would say the thematic remains the same, with some variations and deeper black feelings. The songs are good, with some new elements, but still following the crusty and raw line of Devilish band.
14.-What is your perfect stage to play alive? How is a devilish show?
We always try to pass our profane and obscure atmosphere in our concerts, and in each show there´s a notorious evolution we can feel in and outside the stage through those positive comments everywhere we go, and it makes us feel very proud. We hope to invade South American stages soon and show everybody our black art.
15.- Anything you'd like to add to this?
Big brother Rafael, it´s a great honor to be part of this underground artifact and you know you can always count on us when being in Brazil.
Blood, honour and glory.

If I'm not wrong, perhaps is the first time that VENEZUELAN BLACK METAL appears in Our pages and its better when the band interviewed is representative of the scene and have a higly background behind. Inclusively they have been nominated as the best new band at 2009 by the specialized critic and media of this land. I know that somebody is asking: If exist BLACK metal in VENEZUELAN, perhaps by the fact that VENEZUELA is only knowed to petroleum (oil) and musically speaking to be home of GILMAN (80's heavy metal band cult) but nothing more. lately VENEZUELA is a good place to international shows where bands such as: METALLICA, CARCASS, MORBID ANGEL, etc. has played there. So its your chance to know more about of this country and bands. KHRISTENN CORPSE caught my attention from the first notes that I heard in myspace to be a band with high musical technic that is mixing soffisticated guitar riffing with due keyboards using, not is beign merely like a decorative instruments or giving gothic atmospheres that it sucks!!! More well since the beginning of his tracks they're try to give it all, his blood, his life in each rhythm, it beign something that all hellbangers should be appreciatte. They have 3 releases out and KHRISTENN CORPSE could be a relative new band that still awiat to get sign with a record label to explode all his potential soon, but I prefer that you' ve read this interview to know more about the latest happenings of the band and here's what KHRISTENN CORPSE have to say:
1.-To someone that never heard about KHRISTENN CORPSE band. can you give a brief introduction of the band and detail Us how's the way of the band, both as a musical and ideological?
A: KHRISTENN CORPSE has approximately 7 years of training consists of 5 members soon began searching for a Sixth, we play a hybrid of black death metal fused with melodic elements which for us is defined as melodic black metal porn about our ideological themes reflect an attraction to such issues as witchcraft, facts, post war, especially pornography and aria raze (Nazi) umm it's strange because between us we have 2 members of a raze including me of course. It's just hard to explain in every sense of the word. E here our current members
lhysta (lead vocals)
Black stigmata (lead guitars)
Rheblys (keys & synths)
Demonium (bass)
Cuarthym (drums)
2.-What's the mean behind KHRISTENN CORPSE name?
A: KHRISTENN Corpse means we emphasize a Christian society that utterly deplorable and ignorant through the history of humanity and its current system of so-called "martyrs" in today's world governing with their lies to the herd without any intent to be called human.

3.-How would you see the current situation of the VENEZUELAN scene? How's going on in terms of shows, supporting and media?
A: Actually is very similar to Latin American countries where there is currently little support in the terms of the global extreme metal scene little by little we are showing a wide degree of evolution over the past 10 years, literally move and stay in this world is very difficult at present in our country is not going to deny there is but little support though most are of interest.
4.-I've read that KHRISTENN CORPSE plays melodic /porn/ black metal. Could you give us more details about it? In which way you combine PORN black metal into the concept of satanic ideology?
A: umm we really exploit the issue because our beliefs are based on the problems of our society congenial Venezuelan reality at its highest point. For example The Bible has so sadistic and profane elements that gives us a kind of satisfaction when writing our songs. We explored many subjects other cases it is the book davidito (davidito book: Origins of the family) is about child pornography and abuse of minors.
5.-Also I took notice about the fact that you're into Nazism thematic, Your lyrics are building and designed upon this content? What are your personal motivations to follows this politic path?
A: I really do not feel any motivation to create black metal way but our way and style, we see the Nazi theme as part of reality the dark history of humanity does not see it as corpse khristenn personal identity as we are born Venezuelan this land. Simply because that is the reality we focus here as a starting point.
6.-I wanna go deeper into your nazism thematic, some ideas comes in my mind HOLOCAUST & RACISM. How's your perception of both topics to understand the history development in your lyrics?
A: Yes you are right, the Holocaust is a part or rather inspiration for our issues, now I have much information about it through family friends who lived through those times including (Poland) and passes it on to me through their experiences, as to the racism is not so much for something or rather a question of rejection of human behavior, which is typical in any society. And now that you mention Eroticult Goreholocaust is a clear example of this theme

7.-THE KHRISTENN CORPSE demo 2005 had some problems to be spreading. i your words what happened with this release?
A: Umm had some problems in our first job and we had no members listed and as for record labels or something legal at that time was rather difficult, including the arrival and departure of several members hinders their diffusion in the country and that some members took it earlier this recording work as purely personal benefit.
8.-You have release two Ep's at 2007 . Why did you decided to put out two albums and not a full lenght CD? What was the benefits in terms of spreading?How was the people response and media?
A: We're doing the long-playing record (LP) inform you called GROTESQUE possibly see light this year under a label (still under discussion), the reason was rushed 2 jobs by issues of identity, as well? Many people ask us what we as a band trying to be as conceptual as possible in our work and if it is to name each item or every little thing we do that then we will live and feel each item to the plenary. Regarding the response from the public and media simply can say EXCELLENT many people support us because it is showing another side other than what they are black metal bands from Venezuela.
9.-So making 'SERPENTNATION' was looked at no different from 'ELEMENTS OF AN EROTICAL AGONY'?
A: In regard to subject matter that would translate is different elements of an erotical agony, not only have 2 issues is Eroticult Goreholocaust but came by to pay tribute to the Holocaust and the fall of silly races and religious ideologies . In other words can say KHRISTENN CORPSE - CONCEPTUAL identity as a band of this genre.
10.- I was a quite satisfied When I heard some tracks of SERPENTNATION on myspace. it show me a professional band with cool arrangements and a good develop on choirds and keayboards too. But it seems likely a CRADLE OF FILTH (on vocals) & DIMMU BORGIR in song structures. Are you agree with this perception?
A: umm we have said so in several countries both in Latin America and Europe, is currently corpse khristenn influences those bands of course but it's not really the goal to achieve or seem to be them or be labeled as such, also say khristenn corpse live has some affinity with marduk and anorexia nervosa, does not bother us and take us but we are slowly translating our own identity in terms of structures of subjects, images etc.. just listen to our new work is GROTESQUE and the general public is on your side and say in the matter.
11.-What bands are you listening lately?
A: We feel some sympathy for European bands such as mor dagor, Belphegor, anorexia nervosa, Darkthrone, Impaled Nazarene, Carach Angren, Dark Funeral, Kult Ov Azazel among others but also in Latin America are very good examples among them include Luciferian, noctis imperium Thy Antichrist, Carnarium, Astrea domains, pryon, Belzec, regnum mortem, oculto sur, metzeli,sagoth, etc.

12.-How were the songs written, are they born from far riffs that comes in your mind? or Are they individually written and the arranged by the band?
A: very good your question simply I (Lhysta) no answer to that guided me in no riffs or complex database, just my way of seeing the outside world and perceive my total inspiration for my corpse khristenn are the problems of society war tyranny, sodomy, pornography, etc. actually handling a wide field when writing a theme for khristenn corpse, and of course include myself always in reality as such that is my main argument of social expression.
13.-Do you have got a record deal? Are you writting new tracks? Do you consider to KHRISTENN CORPSE a band that rehearse a lot?
A: this topic already have a breakthrough single is finish recording the album and see what happens in this regard, GROTESQUE contains 8 tracks including 2 new versions of Eroticult Goreholocaust and apostle of the sacred death, only have to wait the final result and every person who furnishes with your comment on that course and test is a constant of khristenn corpse forever.
14.-future plans
A: As I discuss only have to wait awhile to make our new work GROTESQUE that its soon be available to the public, among our future plans we are looking to arrange a tour (they will soon have more information)
15.- very thanks for your time, any last comments to all black metalheads?
A: If you is grateful for all the support from distant lands brothers thank you very much for all and mostly thanks to the fans of our music both here in Venezuela and Peru as elsewhere in Latin America and the ends of which reach these writings, we'll be back soon my brothers. hell yeahhh Greetings from Venezuela.