Once again NOCTURNAL has surprised Us with this new band (Sincerely, I don't know How I can call it, band or project). First was NOCTURNAL EVIL, then came PROFANATION and Now comes INFERNAL CURSE. But, the principal things here, s the fact that NOCTURNAL kept the true war metal essence and concepts through of all their projects and I must to recognize it. As well We must to say that him is respec and loyalty to tehir old roots of SATANIC/WAR metal are keeping so intact ijn each note of their releases. Well, after this short comment I would continue with this review INFERNAL CURSE is atwo piece of WAR/BLACK metal hailing from BS.AS -ARGENTINA,their first realese is BLACK FORCES OF EVIL and the second NECROMASS INCANTATIONS contains 5 tracks with a playing time as is usual in bands of this way, of almost 15 minutes only. Anyway, the production is made to the old spirit, including a rudimentary tape with photocopied art work, but let's go to dedicate a space to the music. If you're into WAR/BLACK metal and you know about them, their music is based upon BLASPHEMY, CONQUEROR,GOATPENIS sound, So they're playing as faster how they can, with intro's in the same way than bands above mentioned, but here NOCTURNAL have added a bit difference in comparison with their previous bands, it seems like ABHORER, LIBATION, NUCTEMERON (BRA)...and say that its more influenced by South-east and South american bands...Arghh!!! The music is basically simple,Faster Raw black metal without breaks and not melodies switches only aggression in a just specified tall. the lyrics are rwaness and it enough to destroy everything. the art work is more focused to the old black death metal from BRAZIL 80's and principle of 90's (EXECRATION, IMPURITY, EXPULSER NUCTEMERON). in comparison to NOCTURNAL EVIL, INFERNAL CURSE came along withy high progress and I think the feeling follows in the same way but principally the band has got an evolution and mature in the way of playing WAR METAL, without see the others works of bands of this style, more well, they're believe in their own capacities and possibilities...amazing WAR/BLACK METAL.......................7.5/10

Man, How I can star this review.....hummm...Well BLACK PAST plays basic BLACK METAL to mid tempo with decent guitar roffing, nothing new but not for this bad. the tracks selection is good ' cause its including a complete Black metal spectre like depression, satanism. melancholia, vampyrism and everything of the dark way. the tracks are not longer and not extremely developed , but nothing easy to create this depressive atmospheres, but in a few words its nothing brilliant, but very listenable, Principally If you are aflling into the deprerssion and nostalgie. the music is not intense, something rare touches here and there, all of this is playing to mid paced on drumms. I think that the band hasn't forgetten the 90's true Black essence for this cause the production is very easy to eat but don't leave nothing to be remembered. the art cover is printed on cartoon and the sound recording is very low and poor but still listenable..............................................6.2/10

the first time that I've heard SUBTERFUGIO was 'VOMITING AT LIVE' CD released at 2001,after seven years later they're coming back to the scene with a new album, But before they have released 'COMING BACK TO HELL', previously to their upcoming album. Speaking about this EP, it was out at end of 2008 that in essence it has no changed to their first album , only a few things has been adding and the band has suffered some line up changes. Juan Alberto (bass & vocalist) & Sergio (guitar) left the band and it were replaced by Alberto fajardo (bass) and Daniel on vocals, with them the band has gained to be more ferociousness and velocity, and logically the musical structures by the time the band is formed has got some interesting improvements, despite beings a only one guitar player now, I think that is no necessary add other more to be sounding more aggressive as strong ot raw. musically the band is more uniform than ever, it kick your balls with their gore rhythms and grinding riffs that it seems like NILE/CANNIBAL CORPSE/MORTOFOBIA (another Bolivian band). the tracks are building with extreme care to give Us a good end product, the vocals parts are guttural but not for this is understood, is not grinding that usually is come out, morewell is very strong but complety listenable. 'COMING BACK TO HELL' is opening this EP, si a pure holocaust, faster and intense more into gore stuff. 'WITH THE DEVIL INSIDE' is another grind/death stuff. Other tarcks are: WHEN THE SOUL IS ROTTEN, 'EL HACHERO DE NORMANDIA' , 'PURULENT OBSESSION',its a lethal weapon that show Us the essential spirit that made this band. If you're looking for destructive Extreme/gore/death metal with plenty of grinding rhythms you must contact to:
Great review! Subterfugio is Bolivia's best metal band by far! I do disagree with the comparison you made in Mortofobia. I've seen both bands live and Subterfugio totally owns! and to compare them would be like to compare the WNBA to the NBA! Cheers!