Here a new band of retro-thrash once Again, which is not a bad thing but so little very good in my opinion, because the mainly of bands bring nothing new to the scene rather and many are only a carbon copies of the past and does not have too much imagination. The tracks are weak in Concepción, speaking specifically from those created by the band 3 tracks only, that are typical of thrash metal in the 80's way and mixed with THE FORCE AND VIOLATOR, but with a very weak vowels that do not fit into the music, being the worst part of this work. The music is simple and brings nothing new to the thrash metal scene, but it isn't bad, there are some rhythms that sound interesting, but when you start the vocal parts you feel the urge to turn off the CD player. The best thing is the cover version of BATALHA FINAL of TAURUS band (Brazil),very well done. If you want to improve you have to work real loud and change the vocalist urgent!!!... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... …………………………………................................6.3/10
Not often I hear some bands Uruguay, already is in music and news. VLESDY is the 2nd band of black metal that arrived to me in years of this brother country, and I am sure that this is the more active of the Uruguayan scene by the comments I got for many friends. Truly I didn't surprise in terms of the music, which by the way on that side of the South of the continent in general the majority of bands are very influenced by the European sound and this is no exception. HAIL LUCIFER LORD OF HELL' is going in the vein of the early GORGOROTH/DARK FUNERAL, very crude and basic, without much mixture or pretensions of technique in making elaborate tracks, the mainly of tracks are speed, hardness and power. I have to say that taste much serious lie, it is a band of basic black metal without many innovations, but nor do I dislike the music. I hope a next wok that makes them to improve production and conception of best tracks……………………………………..7.1/10
Vlesdly gmail.com

TREITUM: ‘1936’ CD SPAIN 2011- 6 TRACKS:
Honestly this work is overwhelming for me. I must admit I am a big fan of doom metal in its purest essence and real melodies without modism or tragic or environmental testing to give this ambient of funeral. TREITUM is a band you just know but no longer see their true potential. This work is a masterpiece of classic doom metal done before by PENTAGRAM / St VITUS, with a small dose of remembers to first works of MY DYING BRIDE in the lethal dose of sadness, only that something small in that memory, because the riffs are completely inspired by rhythms from beyond the grave, very slow tempo, very little depressive, doom metal is simply in the strictest way of heaviness. The tracks are very long and extremely doom ala St VITUS, which can sometimes sound a bit monotonous but if one takes care rhythms are powerful firecrackers of death and its very different from each other. Definitely a return to the bands of the late 70's and mid 80's with a fresher sound ... great work .................................................................................7.5/10
Basically we are dealing with a band that respects the word DEATH METAL well played, great power that many people love in the 80's, with no additions or rare or gore grind rhythms, only DEATH METAL made in the old 80's. the band maintains that crude, dirty sound morbid art of playing guitar riffs and crushing out, perhaps because one of its members played in that great band VULCANO if not gods of South American DEATH / BLACK METAL. So infector is faithful to the sound made by the Brazilian gods. The music is fast, morbid and total power, both in riffs and vocals. The tracks are smooth and facts should be unapologetic about the fact that people are matures and they knows what they wants and gets it. A band that plays death metal and 100% pure South American way. Do you needs know more. The best thing about this work is that it includes 'FROM THE BLACK METAL BOOK' track tribute to Vulcan. GREAT WORK………………………...............7.5/10
For me this band was a great find, I had already heard of them when I was in house of ALVARO (Ex guitarist of NECROMANCY and SATAN FLESH) a few years ago, at that time for some beers and was drunken I does not pay attention to the music, after a few years I got the CD, which came out first on tape and has been pressed in CD format by the Bolivian label RAW BLACK CULT records giving us the pleasure of listening to this very good band and not let it into forgot it. This band was a project of two insane minds ALVARO (NECROMANCY/SATAN FLESH/HELLSMOKE) & SATANAEL (BESTIAL HOLOCAUST) and is very different from their previous bands. This is a black metal that is on the ways of depression, sometimes with soft rhythms and others go for a mid tempo black metal to reminds to done for ISENGARD. This work is more serious SOUTH AMERICAN response of this band. This work seems to be divided into two times, the first time the tracks are stronger in riffs and sometimes parts faster and other mid paced with some guitar solo's. The second part of the final tracks are full of arpeggios and depression in a slower, the vocals are not quite to my liking but that is by mixing the sound engineer, but no longer a great work. Also we have added four bonus live tracks not included in the version tape. The artwork is very good and high quality of the booklet highlighting the cartoon. good work………………………………………..7.5/10
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