This work is the most raw prove of true sound of the band, because it is a live recording, clear and direct without makeup. Now the 5 tracks I sounded in his true dimension, of simple riffs, sometimes a la BULLDOZER/VENOM, others are mixed with something of HRADCORE/PUNK FINNISH,and combined with the first times of impaled Nazarene, these bands make it without a doubt the sound of this work. Many people will think that this review is somewhat different from the work ' ritual of lust diabolical', Basically is very similar to this work, but to be a work alive, these always gives us the bands without much musical arrangements or half words. The only thing that I dislike of this tape is the few tracks that has 3 tracks sung in perfect sound 80 's, 1 intro and 1 instrumental , then 3 tracks. The sound mixing are not good, but neither is it poor (I hear Worst) it leaves to listen well. Something interesting thing is the fact that the tracks are strongly influenced by a raw sound, pure & crude is mixed with the rough sound of the tracks sung in Spanish it is doing of this mix something very powerful working on tape is very well done as all the work of UNDER RECORDS FROM BOLIVIA, who has been really fantastic for giving us a new piece of SOUTH AMERICAN BLACK METAL ART…………………..7.5/10
Previous to this work I did a review of their EP ‘ BACK FROM THE UNDERWORLD’, Which had a great pleasant impression to me, leaving so clearly the high level of the black metal bands from SPAIN. This work does not do any more to confirm the growth of this band, although of this work includes previous tracks of their EP ‘BACK FROM THE UNDERWORLD’ and only two new tracks were included. And both tracks are showing how the band has grown of the beginning until our days, a growth both in the musical line , professionalism and lyrics… This work has been released by AZERMEDOTH records from MEXICO and it included a MEXICAN tour as supporting to this recording and others countries from South American introducing this work to all black metal bangers, and it had obtained good critics of the specialized media and this zine was not stopping to saying the same of this work.. GREAT!!! ABRAHEL is a band that it leaving their underground path and advances to big steps to be between the great names of the black metal movenments soon. The tracks are well constructed under solid bases, when we speaks about solid bases I mean that the rhythms are complex but very strong that they receive with any easily the rhythm changes without losing force. Sometimes it is difficult to think of comparing bands but ABRAHEL its going to the way left by EMPEROR with its respective own sound. Undoubtedly this album meets to us to a stable band on a way that goes directly to leave a trace inside in the black metal movement. GREAT WORK!!!....................................8.5/10
Lately nothing surprised me about the band sounds. Specially if the bands are coming from SPAIN. The bands has taken extremely care in quality of production and music, there’s in all tendencies such as black metal/heavy/doom/thrash/grind and of course extreme death metal, powerful and heavily. Surely the first idea that you’ve in mind when speaks of Spanish band is AVULSED, but in this chance I have another point of view, this band is keeping these brutal riffing but adding more influences of great bands in the riffs construction, that it includes more deeply in technic likely NILE and adding the brutality parts as BRUTAL TRUTH. This is the best side of the work, that surely it is the most interesting fact on this LP. .Another important fact is in the parts of the arrangements in guitar that he has many cool arrangements that makes it appear to NILE and for me it is a very important part in this work that elevates him to a good level. Each track keeps high doses of extremism with the fast drums characteristic in this type of death metal, with guttural vocal without falling into the GORE music, making highly eating all tracks. Very good performance and a great discovery for me to learn how new bands with great future… good work… … … ..7.4 /10
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