miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013
This is a band a little forgotten by fans of the Brazilian black metal. It is a band that took too long to release an album, so perhaps I think the reason for the missed one. I had contact with them over 7 years ago to more, I don't remember well, I had to go to hear again the demo that they sent me years ago, because of them I interviewed a few 6 or 7 years ago, so that we know if the music had variations in all these years, and I can say that very little except for the good sound of recording music continues heavy/ dark/ half time with a few variations of fast black metal tracks as an opponent means changes with time, rapid vocals , very strange at time to sing, others more sung with cries of crow, does not growl / not strident, a black metal more philosophical I would say. A band that combines syncopated, with many changes of pace, with a sound very good. This work is the best tribute that the band could give his legion of fans of black metal, by waiting…very good work!.....7.3/10
I have written about this band and along this path without leave to tell the truth to advanced in both the musical and in the recording quality. This is perhaps his best work, I hope will be a preview of their Lp, but still have some shortcomings that makes it at times boring and makes you turn off the CD player. The topics are best worked with rhythms of best quality always long sustained nothing complex but if of great intensity ... very similar to MAYHEM ( saving the distances) is perhaps because it is their primary influence. The drum beats sound better than at other times to times fast with some good rolls and changes which mate very well with the rhythms in guitar…here comes the part that always I said SILVA BLACKER (vocalist) must stop shouting both…saturates the tracks with unnecessary screams, too many treble that used to fill gaps in the tracks.. the best tracks are no doubt of the same band FUNERAL MAYHEM, THE BLACK KISS, HIMNO AT LUCYFER… this work includes as a bonus extra THE BLACK VOMIT (SARCOFAGO) not very well done… listen best covers but this understandable is perhaps because it is recorded live. THE FREEZING MOON AND DEATH CRUSH (MAYHEM) … … …to be your favorite band these came out best achieved.. With SILVA imitating tirelessly to DEAD… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ……………………………………………………………………….7.1 /10
blackerband Hotmail.com
Back to the past!!! It is a new film? I was so tired to see how many bands want to be old school without have a true feeling and basic 80’s sound. I was totally fuck off with that. But certainly I was wondering when I had this masterpiece in my hands, I told me true Germany bands spite thrash again, and yeZZZZZZ!!! This new thrash metal band plays aggressive /speed 80’s Germany vein in all real dimension, I Don't know why other bands from other countries who want to play 80's thrash not getting the true sound of the German thrash only they can achieve so much quality. When I refer to this band I'm doing the true worshipper of the German thrash, I am not going to the musically quality because their sound is easy to do technically speaking , the music is fast but simple riffs, very to the sound of early KREATOR/PROTECTOR/ SODOM/POISON/only usual in those days nothing complex with sufficient force and ferocity that'll make you jump from a building without having ever smoked anything strange. The recording have a poor quality, not because they have been recorded as well, is by the record label of which has been released, it seems to me that the tape recorder where he recorded the tapes had headers a little dirty. But basically it stops listening to and what you're going to find is everything a true thrasher you want to hear ... quickly, crudity, and something of hardcore punk but also the European… this material is 100% recommended for the Thrashers…………………………………………………………………………………7.5/10
Recently I got this masterpiece of true Heavy/speed metal in old school vein. It is as if the GIRLSCHOOL had never stopped to play, saving some distant it is only a comparison. Because the music is inspired by this band plus others too…PANNDORA is a female band from MARINGA- PARANA (one of the best place to life) that plays only true a basic heavy/speed metal based on ancient heavy cults like RUNAWAYS/GIRLSCHOOL/ and remembering some touches to CIRITH UNGOL, Inclusively I remembering to LIVING DEATH and OZ bands. Specially in the vocals parts, it’s sounding great…But always are adding some newest rhythms according our times with good a decent tunes on guitars with some guitars solo’s not memorable but very well done too. The bass player is following in better way than others bassist and is very precise in to be a complement of the guitar rhythms. At the drumming parts, the dry beats of mid tempo of a good drummer it makes that all tracks are sounding very heavy as hard rock and Undoubtely with the help of a good vocalist. The 11 tracks here are complety eated for a day of rest, that day that you want only to listen simply to metal. Without fear of being wrong it is perhaps along with HIGHWAY and VIRGIN KILLER some of the best bands of women that they practice of this side of the continent that they sound enough good … well for them and that they continue with the good work that they should come far. ……..………………………………………………………………………………………..7.4/10
For these who did not live through them 80's and had access to the whole big Brazilian scene, it will be difficult to know something about they and more of its sound to them. They have fighting to gain themselves a space for more than 25 years with a powerful death/thrash metal speaking about the material thrown in 80's, strictly. Definitely, in those years the musical was dirtiest, more aggressive , it hurts that only they edited a work in those years, after more than 20 years they turn back with a work based on the sound 80 but weaker in its sound, more in the way of the thrash simple metal not complex at all of basic riffs much but very basic … I would say who remained in 80's but with few musical evolution … the band seems classified in very simple guitars and a drummer that does not manage to go out of the sound of empty drums of 80's. the recording is done in the same way that was recorded in 80s, but I am wrong it is analog recording . This had to be a bonus but the truth that I prefer the recording that they did in 80's. Without doubt in these years were another feeling, another time … for the lovers of this type of pure sound without freshness, simply and directly, very honestly, they have to obtain it but if you look for quality this is not for you … ….is the truth………………………………………………………………………………….6.7/10
In my last trip to Brazil I met a lot of people, many bands and I am expanding the musical spectrum in my head. Tons of bands I met some very good other simply good or bad, within the first group is DARK OPUS that without arriving to be wonderful, the music is in its fair measure no more nor less, why you placed it within very good because there is no excess is everything in the level that is needed as a band. Some things that I liked was the keyboard does not saturate the tracks. it is used in perfect harmony with the rhythms and heavy half-time, giving you the perfect atmosphere to the tracks sounding to the first of ROTTING CHRIST only on keyboards. The music does not have a main highlight of any member all is well even with touches that goes to very fast parts, Immediately, passing to atmospheres and half time with a sound of the early 90's in the purest GREEK style without leave to have the strength and vitality of the Brazilian bands. A great contribution to the black metal scene of BH. Without doubt what they will do them in the future. I hope to hear soon a new work more professional, Although this work comes on professional CD-R , what it would be better to have an industrial Cd where sounds can be heard best with best equipamments, because the band deserves a better professional study. To be a first work is a very launch, Perhaps it the fact that their members already had previous experience including playing in another band of folk metal known like 'Barbarian Warriors in search of Wisdom' , but that does not detract from this work and musical creativity that this band has to compose their tracks….great work…………………………………………………………………7.7/10
Once again we find another band of Retro-thrash metal coming from the brother country of Brazil... A country recently dedicated to exporting thrash metal without barriers and by tons. The truth is this market that is saturating the thrash market with full band repeated without much creativity coming to sounding sometimes odious in comparison to bands of the glories days of thrash metal. I do not mean this sounds bad, but is another rather than copy or you want to follow the path of VIOLATOR, without sounding so, is a copy of the thrash Bay area with some German thrash riffs without sounding as well. What I can add that we had not been said before of the retro thrash...Here, the best are the riffs as work on guitars is always good, to make good thrash is to have good guitarists, and this band has good beats, just that it sounds repetitive... I have no more comments……………………………………………………………6.3/10
This is the best surprise that I found in this last trip, a band of Death metal as only Brazil knows how to create them. Without more announces I will say that it is perhaps the continuation of large monsters of the Brazilian scene, playing at times to KRISIUN, RAEBELIUM and FUNERATUS, very influenced by the speed of the drumms of those blows fast and furious, of those that you displace head, sometimes include some samples that can come into conflict with the borders of the black metal also evoking DARK FUNERAL in vocal parts but very rarely, the sound will of parts to ultra-fast changes to mid tempo that makes them a very high value. In spite of the fact that this is a CD-R promo the band already has quality and are about to launch its first professional work ... which will break the insurance world metal scene, giving BRAZIL another great death metal band that insurance will conquer the world…. Excellent work……………………………………………………………………….8.4/10
Previously I did a review of LORD IMPALER some issues back, In these times I was greatfuly surprised by the high quality of tracks of this greek band, but certainty this work it exceeds what has been done for them before. Each track is motivated by the honour of the ancient Greek warriors and inclusively I think they are back in time and they’re going to the old oracle as inspiration font. The tracks are most developed than before, it contains a full speed parts but also rhythmic parts, mid parts, all combined so perfectly that I saw a consistent growth in all their lines…Musically the band is getting a mixture between NECROMANTIA/NAER MATARON adding their own sound that it do a strongly band in the greek scene. ATHOS was a new brand band from HELLAS I ‘m wondering with their sound, because they ‘re mixing HELLAS history with BLACK METAL.. not VIKING metal. More well, we must to call it HELLAS METAL…yezz!!! The tracks are powerful HELLAS metal, well structured, adding new thematic in their chords with rhythms that goes from the speed to slow and down tempo, enrichment with high. I’m very glad indeed to have this kind of stuff in our pages, because I was tired to see only tons of VIKING metal there, and it’s giving a new breath into the scene………………………………………………………………..8.6/10
masturbator interview
For many who do not know about of the glorious past of DEATH METAL in the 80's, without new trends and additions that have nothing of the true sound of death metal here is MASTURBATOR to give you a lesson in true essence of DEATH metal. This powerful band was born from the ashes of BESTIAL WAR, who together with other great band called NECROFAGO, wrote one of the glorious pages of the death metal Brazilian. Their former guitarist SIDINEI founded this great Horde at the middle of 1987 and has continued on the way left by BESTIAL WAR, being a band that has managed to remain faithful to the UNDERGROUND, and is time having a space and a real tribute to the true DEATH BANGERS in the world. It is why MASTURBATOR is in our pages to you speak to us a bit of the past, present and future of them and the real scene death metal underground. I leave you with this interview with a living legend SIDINEI and MASTURBATOR.
1.-You have almost 26 years of career silent, but always respecting the true way of the underground. What keeps the flame burning within to follows playing DEATH METAL?
Well, 26 years representing the death metal we see as something natural in our lives, we actually stopped a few years due to various factors, plus the love of metal is something undeniable he is in our soul is part of our real life and this has made us to come back playing again after a few years off. We stopped more than a decade, most were very excited to know that when the guys did not forget the many people and always charged around us and there we are again in full force with more life experience and more clear how important the metal our lives.
2.-In all these years that you have experimented into your career. How often change DEATH METAL as opposed to when you started the band?
Yes, today is very different from when we started everything was more difficult in terms of equipment and usually bands do not have much technical and productions were quite poor. When we started playing we had no base, had never seen a show or if you want to test other bands, because the big bands of the style we know today as Death, Possessed, Morbid Angel, Sepultura, .... Were also beginning their activities. Today there are large productions and renowned musical talent representing this glorious style around the world, plus the underground essence is the same for anyone who loves this style of truth.
3.-MASTURBATOR is basically a ROTTEN DEATH METAL band old school. It is a band that not seduced by new trends. Because us and adapted to the changes?
MASTURBATOR, Basically is a old school ROTTEN DEATH METAL band. Is a band that do not left seduce to new trends. Why did you appreciate the changes or new trends?
Well, we have always been fascinated by the old death metal roots, when we got back some people do not quite believe it would work playing the same old footprint. Other people have thought differently because I always saw us as a band different from the other, since the beginning of our ideal band was and still is doing something completely different, so we adopt sexual themes in death metal, then nobody explored something about it . At the start until the name came to shock a little more today is all normal is a strong name. We have no intention of changing our style or to match the new trends are so happy and true to our roots and are respected for it.
4.-Before to speak of MASTURBATOR, to specifically mention should go to the past, in the days of BESTIAL WAR. What memories Do you have of those years and the first battles?
The band Bestial war was a great school for all of us, everything was very poor we had virtually no experience ideal was always to make the sound more brutal world, satanic, dirty, fucking finally straight .... I have many memories good and bad, and all made ??us grow too. A great memory was our first live performance was a party despite the nervousness, it was a struggle to make the event more our union overcame everything was too much. Now a bad memory was our first show outside of our city, we sacaneados by the event producer that did not honor the deal and did not pay our expenses and we were on the road with no money to get home. Result had to borrow money to people back home, it was sad ...
5.- What did not BESTIAL WAR or Leave a side to have followed on the road until today?
I also really miss up because it was our base, most unfortunately it was not possible to move forward with the band due to various factors, we were so poor at the time and lacked everything, so we have no record of well recorded Bestialwar . More so I can say thanks, miss ....
6.-BESTIAL WAR after a short time the band changes the name to MISANTHROPIC CHRIST. Why did the band change the name? Did you had some tracks created of this time? there some tracks with that band creation? Do you play some tracks of both bands alive?
After the band ended Bestial war activities, there was an attempt to continue the work of Bestial war, with the name of Misanthropic Christ. During this period I was no longer in the band, the themes was the same theme of Bestial war.
7.-After came another change of name to INFANTRICIDE, even you have released a Split with MASTURBATOR, both were founded in the 1980's and shared same members... Basically, What differences and approaches between both bands and BESTIAL WAR?
The Infantricide born along with Masturbator, we rehearsed together and shared the same members, we are brothers. Each band followed his line always striving to do something different from other bands. The split was a tribute both bands sisters, we were always united in pro of the underground scene.
8.-Something characteristic in MASTURBATOR and the other bands that you played, is the deep love for pornography, beer and anything else rot. Basically you have a large collection of XXX and GORE films. It is the source of inspiration for your songs? Which are your favorite films that you would have liked to put background music?
The Masturbator began exploring themes pornographic, why we wanted to do something dirty and violent that no one did, ie real situations sadistic about sex. I think we were the first to address issues like this, it was quite controversial at the time so many themes and the name of the band, plus we always wanted it even something fucked up and despicable. Due to be very comical name, the name of the band has expanded rapidly yielding several magazine articles, zines and newspapers. As for films pornos not keep names, tenhos many favorite actresses Brazilian and other nationalities, Lorena Aquino (BR), Vivi Fernandes (BR), Natalia Lemos (BR), Cinthia Santos (BR) are all beautiful ....... and sexy.
9.-Who is your best ideal to make your thoughts more morbid? (Speaking, strictly of porn maidens)
The inspiration to make the letters at the beginning we tried to base in real themes about sex brutality putting the subject type "Sadic Manifestation of Pleasure." Lorena Aquino (BR), Vivi Fernandes (BR), Natalia Lemos (BR), Cinthia Santos (BR).
10.-What is your favorite beer? (the mine is HEINEKEN and SKOL)
Like several Brazilian beers and other nationalities, for me the best beer in the world is Antarctica Original I'm number one fan.
11-Speaking of beer and sex, The first demo is called 'BEER AND ROTTEN PUSSY', What reviews did you have receive of this work and your obsession for rotten sex?
Well, this was our first demo recording in K7 we put that name into something inspiring that we really like ie sex, beer and fucking death metal.
12.-I Still remember much the past, How if it were yesterday and the sound of the band was a mix of NAUSEA/TERRORIZER/AZAGTOTH/MORBID ANGEL/O.L.D. How often of these bands are still in the minds of the members of the band to create the tracks? Are you according to this perception about the sound of the band?
All these bands mentioned are part of our life, I've always been a fan of the old Morbid Angel Trey exchanged letters for many years. I think a little more difficult to define an influence agree with you more despite not playing well we know was obsessed in making a sound always quite different from other bands.
13.-'PORNOGRAPHIC horror', the second demo of the 92 was released in EP version + live. How many changed this work as concept and music to your first work? Why did you decide then released with a bonus live?
The second demo Pornographic Terror, was a work done at home, actually a demo test at the time due to lack of resources was normal underground bands doing demos as well. This demo was important to the band, we became known through this work, it was a natural evolution that the band spent. The bonus live ep came out in 94, put the music Pleasure of the Bitch, we wanted to assess the brethren that came with this music work musically different with more guitar solos.
14.-Something I did not understand is the fact to having to BESTIAL WAR & MASTURBATOR simultaneously on the scene in 1987 with the same members. What was the principal band when both were created?
Well, it was not simultaneous, the Bestialwar ended activities in late 1987, shortly after I started work with Masturbator at the end of 87/88. As Bestialwar actually formed in the ideal 85 to make the sound more brutal planet.
15.-MASTURBATOR is an explicit name. Did you have had some problems with censorship by name? What think the female bangers of the name?
At first many did not believe that we have the courage to put that name, the more we wanted to shock even type something for people to hate. Never had problems with censorship even because our country had already left military domain. Even today some people strange name a little more we do not care because most of them have no link with the metal underground, who really enjoyed metal actually very fond of the name and respect. We are welcomed by nuito bangers men and women, especially the girls they love the band and the name, they are much more buy band t-shirts.
16. Over 6 years ago was released a split with INFANTRICIDE, for lovers of underground PORN / GORE / DEATH METAL .This work was great. How was received this work by the media from BRAZIL? What satisfaction has given you this work?
It was really quite satisfying, because after all we are sisters bands, bangers welcomed despite the disclosure not be very large.
17. -'VAGINAL MASTURBATION' is your last work of the band. How many has changed this work in sound speaking compared to previous work?
This work is something memorable, a union of Brazil and Uruguay, the songs are the same and the ones.
18.-Something that I thought was weird is the fact of being a band from the golden age of death Brazilian metal did not have signed with any record label. The releases were made independent. Why didn’t have signed with a official record label until now?
We had some opportunities in the past, most unfortunately they appeared at times are so difficult really, this time we would have to move to St. Paul the capital, all the bands at that time did this course because it was there that things happened. Another problem was our family, we always helped with expenses for our family, we source from a humble family and our workforce at home was important. The fact that we live inside also very difficult, so we had just signed a contract for a compilation album called Wind of the millenium released by Demise record, the remaining studies were all independent.
19.-You are from FRANCA, a city of interior of same Sao Paulo. It is fact has an impact on the disclosure of the band and also to be of the interior has been more difficult or hardest to get signed of record labels from the capital?
Yes it is true, in the past very difficult in the disclosure of the fact we live band inside. Our strength has always been inside, here we are closer to our people underground death metal rules.
20.-Over 25 years of career, The band has played in many shows. What is the most remembered and why?
There were many memorable shows have always been very well received wherever we play, it is even difficult to speak what was the best. I'll talk about some pieces from our trajectory: Piracicaba-SP 1995 was a landmark concert, with a wild audience was really unforgettable, another show at Bar Lustrada fucking happened in Campinas-SP was a show that was in our memory and many headbangers there present. Most believe that the most important was in Passos-MG 21/07/2012 day since the first show back after the band was a show full of energy, and the crowd was delirious and it was exciting encouraging us to continue this battle.
21.-If a record label would like to sign with yours, what would be the terms of the contract?
Maybe it is not to impose our way of composing, type free to let us always do the old death metal without imposition.
22.-How do you can see the current death metal movement compared to the past? In your point of view the technology helped or affection to the disclosure to the actual sound of death metal?
The death metal movement today I see that the staff is much more musically perfected and headbangers were more picky about it, the technology surely helps a lot. In the past it was much more difficult, so it had to be all in the same race, summarizing over time did not interfere in those terms because I see death metal as the metal shed far more solid there. The truth is that death metal 80s is full of energy and brutality making their mark eternal soul that enjoyed death metal, the metal does not accept radical changes. The release today is far more practical and fast, the more I see that people are a bit saturated with information and not so much with so many good bands on the scene emerges not.
23.-Lately, What news is working MASTURBATOR, speaking strictly musical side?
Well I see that our new songs they come with more weight and musically was a natural evolution despite ever situate as musicians just headbangers doing something you love heart which is playing death metal.
24.-I know that the band is preparing their first SOUTH AMERICAN assault. How is going this project?
A tour through South America is something that would fill us with joy because it would be an opportunity to show our death metal for siblings who do not know our music. As this proposal we have in progress, hope it goes well and we can visit our brothers in south america.
25.-Any last message for the death bangers?
Rafael, thank you for your support, we are very grateful to you readers who had the patience to read this interview thank you for your attention, if possible get in touch with us. We always count on the support of real brothers headbangers of all south america We always put the people who like the band as something important to the band's existence, we are not professionals, we have an account of equality, so does being on stage or in the audience, the important thing is that we are headbangers. Thanks!! Sincerely and death metal forever.
sábado, 20 de julio de 2013
1.- Recently, the band celebrated 10 years of career. What can you tell us about the highlights and downsides of the band in all these years?
H- Yes, brother, it's difficult to stay together for 10 years non-stop in this scene. We had no splits, separations, breaks,... Anything. We are a 10 year old band.
2.- Leaving aside the musical aspect, I see that there's great union between the band members. You've been together for many years now. How do you manage not to argue and fight because of the usual stuff (like egos)? Do you share the same dreams for the band?
H- [laughs] I'm really not interested in my bandmates' dreams. I only know that we're like brothers and that we understand each other well, not only during rehearsals, but also at parties and such.
3.- The first time I've seen you live was about 5 years ago and you didn't have a bass player. Years later, I see you again —and this time— with a bass player. Now you have a stable line-up with Khaos (ex-Wisdom). What made you choose him? Is the band picky when it comes to select band members?
H- We're not picky. The important thing to decide if someone joins the band is basically just friendship. We need someone that knows us and how things work between us, not someone that joins or quits the band because of trivialities. Khaos, besides of being a good musician, is a great guy and international champion at beer chugging... I guess that with the last one he won our hearts.
4.- It's been 5 years since your debut album. What's new musically speaking? Why is it taking so long for you to publish new material?
H- We don't want to rush things and end up missing details in songs as happened on the debut album. But soon enough we'll be recording our second album.
5.- The first contact I had with the band was because of Carlos Cortez from Southern Hellish Prods (Argentina), a great mutual friend. He sent me your tape and spoke very well of you. How important was he to be known as a band in South America?
H- Carlos... A great friend indeed. And a drunkard too [laughs]. He helped us a lot to know people outside this country and giving us the chance to play abroad.
6.- To Arkham came with the second wave of paraguayan black metal, being maybe one of the most respected bands on the scene. How's the relationship with the headbangers? What do you think is the cause for their devotion and respect they feel towards you?
H- That's right. Well, I think that they respect us because they know who we are and also are aware that we remain faithful to black metal. I think it's already clear that we don't do this because it's a trend. Many people come and leave... If you know what I mean.
7.- Let's talk about the mystic of the band. I've witnessed that the band is loyal to metal as a way of life, specially, the devotion to women and alcohol, heheh... How do you see this related to the lyrics and music of the band?
H- Women and alcohol are a break that we take after finishing some lyrics of the band.
8.- Infecto Records released your first material. I thought that they also would release the LP as they did with other southamerican bands. Why did this relationship end?
H- They were interested in the demo. After that release, I lost contact with my friend Willian.
9.- That demo "Born of Hate" had a great impact outside but had some downsides too. How come that the band left everything in hands of the label? There was no adequate distribution and you never talked about that. Why did this happen? Did you trust that the distribution through the label was enough?
H- To be honest, only a few copies arrived here and we distributed them among our friends in Asunción.
10.- Just a few months ago I've seen that you released your album in Mexico. After knowing you for so many years I've seen the album, which left me a little bit dissapointed. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the music —which I find very good—, but the production isn't the best, but of low quality. What happened? Couldn't you manage to sign for a better label?
H- That's the kind of mistake we don't want to commit with our second album.
11.- You told me that you've had problems with the label because of some contractual issues. Could you tell us more about this so that other bands don't go through this?
H- We've heard that the quantity of copies they released wasn't the one we had agreed on. Because of that, they also sent us very few copies.
12.- Speaking of the CD, this one hasn't a drastic musical change, but the sound is more "nordic black metal oriented". It's more sublime and very influenced by Diabolical (also from Paraguay). What do you think about it?
H- For us, Diabolical and Wisdom are bands that marked a black metal style in Paraguay. We grew up listening to those bands and surely enough we may have been influenced by them.
13.- Tell us something about "To Arkham Forest". From where the title name comes to the composing of songs and ending with the production?
H- Well, I really don't have a lot to say about this album. Yeah, it's good considering it's the first record of our band, but the result isn't really the one we expected.
14.- After this you released a 4-way split titled "Necroblasphemy III". Is there any difference between the tracks featured on the split and those of the album?
H- This split has 4 new songs that aren't on the album. We haven't forgot these songs and are still working on them.
15.- How did this work between 4 bands take place? How's the relationship with the other bands that worked on this split CD?
H- Our scene is very small and —besides some metal stars— we're all friends or something like that.
16.- I've met you guys 7 years ago. How much did your band and scene evolve?
H- The band is beginning to be, what we would call, more demanding and we're demonstrating that with our new creations and live shows. About the scene, there's lots of new people who aren't sure what kind of metal to play, but also, there are great bands. And pretty women attending shows (I know you agree with that).
17.- What kind of ideology does the band have?
H- Anti-christianity. Black metal was made for this. There's plenty other styles for stupid stories, rotten corpses and alcohol.
18.- This is a silly question since I already know you guys: What's your idea of a perfect weekend? (I'm sure it's beer, women and metal, hahaha!)
H- If you're going to answer your own questions; don't dare to ask, tuja tembo reikoa! Hahah..
19.- What can we expect from To Arkham from now on? Where do you see yourselves in 5 years?
H- First thing is our second album and this album needs to be good. After that, we will keep on composing.
20.- Please leave a message for the south American and worldwide scene.
H- Time is short, alcohol is the law! Cheers, brother.
viernes, 19 de julio de 2013
JULY 2013
The first time that I have in my hands a work of this band that in a lot of time had listened only by name but I did not have the opportunity to listen to them . They were preceded of good comments and to be a 100 % honest I even have some doubts of its musical quality, basically for the fact of the simple arrangements and some recordings contained in this work, they are recording in low quality but it even is listenable. I do not want detracting of this work but to be a compilation of their previous works of the band it contains a few good things and the bad of the band too. Principally by the fact that the recordings are realized by low budget and sometimes the sound does not allow to appreciate the quality of the band. Leaving aside it is fact, the tracks are faster, simple, of basic chords but with a real sound, very raw black metal also is very much influenced by 2 basic currents, the South American vein and the Finnish vein associated much with the raw hardcore of TERVEET KAADET, ANTICIMEX and the first works of IMPALED NAZARENE, which gives a sound raw black entire metal. This work includes tracks of demos from 2009 to 2011, some of them present an evolution, which certainly I liked for its simple-mindedness and brutality. Interesting Tracks ‘GRAVEYARD RITUAL’ and ‘RITUAL DE LUJURIA DIABOLICA’ … … … … ……………………………… 7.1/10
This work is a sequence of their previous work called 'AVARKOPORSO' in musical concept speaking, arrangements and composition both in the structure of the same promo which include 3 tracks the same way the previous and in the same vein of the ambient black metal depressive. The tracks are written with a basic structure of 4-5 changes in rhythms at mid-tempo, with simple riffs and long sustained with mid tempo and slow rhythms, sometimes repetitive rather logical because each song is during around 12 minutes each one. This band belongs to a single member, which also belongs to the WITCHER band, though both bands go for the black metal depressive, Two bands are going in different ways in the music and inspiration. The tracks are sung in Hungarian idiom, doing this work more interesting which gives power to the voice. And the good news is that being from Eastern Europe they have a sound slightly different from the rest of Europe. Musically the band sounds good having some deficiencies in the sound recording that for lovers of the underground makes it more interesting.
lunes, 24 de junio de 2013
1.-BAPHOMET THRONE HELLS was born after 2 previous bands as SATAN FLESH and ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE, what provide us this new monstrosity that you didn´t gave us with your other bands?
B. A cleanly and more worked sound, lyrics with more vision and more spiritual conception and well structured in order to develop and canalize our capacities to the dark cult and the ritual of death that we execute .... Also many years of experience on the underground ambit placing us as a band with people who have enough national support and also South American support to break heads on our presentations.!! Hatred, anger and proselytism anti-Christian are still valid with BTH as with the previous bands.
2.-Talking about the sound, I heard it like the SATAN FLESH sequence, Could be this because you have enlisted to ASMODEUS, who is also a member of this horde?
B. - Actually those are two completely different bands. SATAN FLESH was an awesome band imposed by the speed, a band with a lot of technique imposing South American black metal, it´s a shame its descent this times. But now I announce a return under another alignment and even with a recording studio ...
I should also clarify that B.T.H. is a band that was born under the leadership of ASMODEUS, it´s completely his idea looking for a self-expression to which we were called and added into this big demoniac horde today ..!
3.-Something happened in your previous bands was that many of your songs were created in your room, using help with a PC and that in my opinion makes your recordings sounded too digital, Will you keep still using technology for the recordings of the band or will you use the old system?
B. - mmmm .... None of the recordings or songs of ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE were created on that way, those were created during our trials and on the classically way, structured in the rehearsal room.
Now used elements such as editing programs and audio creation to digitize any idea is not uncommon this days among the bands that have more developed awareness to exploit these technologies at its best, I have used these tools to capture my thoughts on my personal projects that do not have relation with my bands.
4.-The band is rather peculiar because they have not distributed material yet (at least you didn´t distribute yet when I saw him a few months ago), and you are being presented at many shows with very good reception. How much do you think it helps the name of the line-up to BAPHOMET HELLS THRONE acceptance of? What it offers the band on alive show to who haven´t had the chance to see them in a live show yet?
B. – Well the experience and the years that we have paying tribute to the metal it has given us a special place in our scene, all members of BTH come from different large hordes that have released great and unique materials in the history of Bolivian underground ... Asmodeus (ex Necromancy, Bestial Holocaust, Satan `s Flesh) Jesus Death (Atmosphere Funebre, Bestial Holocaust, SOS, Worship the Pestilence) and myself ( Atmosphere Funebre, Bestial Holocaust, Satan `s Flesh and other bands which I momentarily pass and bands out of my country which I recorded vocals as a Spiritualism and Pogrom of Arg in certain special topics)
5.-Why did you decide to put aside your ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE band, having you already built a name in the scene and be known by the specialized scene (magazines, radios, etc.)?
B. – I do not leave it aside although we decided to give us some time to be more awareness and canalize our dark energies on the devout essence of ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE this days, we are writing new songs between Jesus death and I, actually we are the only two ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE real line-up since the beginning. We had been friends and a lot of warriors on the line-ups of the band but none of them stayed into it for our decision, for many reasons we have excluded these allies of the black metal!
6.- ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE made several international shows in ARGENTINA and PERU. Can you tell us about those experiences? How did you find those scenes if you compared with the BOLIVIANA scene?
B. - With the same customs ...! All South America on the real underground scene has the same customs; it has the same limitations and the same potential. We enjoyed the metal excesses and we know pleasant people and great personajes, we lived the history of each country within its borders. As a band we did what we knew to do leaving the name of our country up!
7.-What are the most serious problems faced by your other bands and your current band with recordings, shows, trials, etc.. What did it make to don´t materialize your work or What endanger a professional album?
B. - The work of each members of the band puts time limits to us, especially to me because I work out of the town. After that we haven´t another inconvenient. and it will come soon the professional disk of B.H.T and later the ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE recording!
8.-Listening the songs of BAPHOMET THRONE HELLS, those are built on the same vein of SATAN FLESH, short´s, heavy´s and fast´s songs. The band wants to be the NUNSLAUGHTER of South America (hahaha!!)
B. - I think Nunslaugther wants to be South American hahaha!!! Or it used to be like that ... of course such a comparison is reasonable for the devotion that we have to true death metal, black magic, devotion and cult! Actually both ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE as BAPHOMET THRONE HELLS enjoy the blessings of the South American metal finding their own sound.
9. - Asmodeus accompanies you on guitars and JESUS DEATH in drums, Is this your perfect line-up? Why don´t you include a bassist in your live presentations?
B. – The perfect line-up, as you said, for the moment it doesn´t exist someone who coverts our ideological believes ...! And share the spirituality, the full commitment and devotion to what we preach, you can find a lot musicians everywhere but it´s hard to find people who has the courage or the guts to make real and extreme metal with Satanic or Luciferits slogans and precepts!
10.-Your BESTIAL HOLOCAUST begun with the recording of the spectacular demo ODIO Y MUERTE’ and the first Ep. both were fantastic. What you can tell us about that experience?
B. - The best and real times of Bestial Holocaust, it was gratifying to see grow up the name in a moment of true spiritual expression and belief of words philosophy and unchristian structures, it was for me an unfortunate event for a betrayal, during the facts of some nefarious Impostor made by a previous member of the band as well as the new members of the band assumed the head with banal ideas and plagiarism lewd, divinely masturbating in the past of a great horde ..!
11.-Why do you left BESTIAL HOLOCAUST? Talking about the way that you see after you left BESTIAL HOLOCAUST, do you think to that band lot change in the musical way?
B. - I felt betrayed by the people around me, the band have been predisposed to change their stance, sound and philosophy. We should looking for what is best for us and something whit you feel good ..! and bestial it wasn´t food for my soul anymore for the unrespect that Satanel imposed to the name ...!
12.-Talking about BESTIAL HOLOCAUST, this is the last question that I do of your first band, Will you keep using the IMPOSTOR song in your recordings or alive? (Knowing that the song is yours .. of your first band)
B. - I do not use anything in favor of ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE. We play the song because it belongs to us... the question should be that if bestial holocaust will continue using and defaming songs that does not belongs to them knowing from where comes the authorship and the roots...! Looking into this issue I throw words of threat and physical torture at the heads of the bestial holocaust prohibiting such a demonstrations and giving them to assume the replicas of our fury. After they plagiarize the final extermination they never touched the songs alive again, that should tell you something, isn´t it?
13.-Let's talk about the music, personally I call it pure DEATH / BLACK SouthAmerican metal, almost without EUROPEAN OR NORTH AMERICAN influence, your growled voice makes your songs sound more like a death metal music. How could you describe the sound of the band for whom has not had a chance to listen it yet?
B. - You have described it very well .. ! Death black metal or black death metal with the purest sound rooted in the Old South America!
14.-In the lyric is obvious the Satanismt, from the name of the band to each track, is it simply hatred to Christianity or do you have a preliminary study of obscure texts to write the tracks?
B. – We have assumed a greater awareness on the topics of the lyrics for each track, trying to provide it real proportions that our spirituality wants to express on that way we have been dedicated to the study of different pagan cultures rooted in the past parallel to demonic demonstrations, satanic, luciferists and ancient arcanes
15.-For many Bolivians and Peruvians who we share a common history, the ancestral issues are present in your bands. In your previous band ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE you included a track in Quechua. Are you thinking to also incorporate a pagan track in Quechua in this band, or maybe Andean mythological tracks? How were you with that experience and reception when you played that tracks alive by the bangers?
B. - Well I have studied different cultures and I found links between them for anyone who appreciates the magic that we can find in the Andean cosmovision this can easily the worldview this fact, so far I have not used a dialect in the songs for the moment as the same way that we did with Atmosfera Funebre during the times were we used the Andean magic in their songs against Christian Jewish dogma. In his time was well accepted, by more than enjoyed and savored for those who has heard and spirituality rooted.
16.-Many people doesn´t know of the important support you give to the underground and many bands, even losing money, often or almost always. What would you say to those people who see with envy this? What are the satisfactions did you receive to give too much support? Will you continue supporting the underground scene?
B. – I don´t fucking care the envy of people, it doesn´t help, it has not value and it´s just a shit for me, take into it can only hinder my appreciation of my life and actually I do nothing for those who fill the mouth of a fake illusion and live in a Yankees Nordic scene and fashion mannequins, their voice and their tongues only serve to devise poisonous on the scene of course always trying to get attention that they don´t have in their pathetic life, really doing nothing and being nothing for this, which for someones is our life, paying tribute and being devil worshipers of metal!
I work in favor of the extreme metal, for real devout underground people, I am the voice of Satan, Lucifer in my environment, I have been blessed by the lighting and the excesses of black metal!
I will continue supporting my country to my scene and South America as I have always done without a particular interest!
17.-During the years that we are friends I knew all your bands and lately I have been listening again the ODIO Y MUERTE demo many times, and I would like to say that is one of the fucking best South Americans demos even of your 4 bands. What do you think is the best work accomplished by your bands, talking about musically and in your voice work?
B. - All of them for my, each of my lyrics written and regurgitated, vomited and sung with real feeling and passion tore my soul in the tables! And all of them left a legacy in different formats that the cult precedes .. I am an avid lover of the works of ... ATMOSFERA FUNEBRE! But I must say that today BAPHOMET THRONE HELL`S invokes inspiration to me in a real and better spiritual life creating for me ties with my immediate environment and providing me the magic that lives into this relentless horde, trying to don´t go away from the reality in which I live, in which I put all this wisdom acquired, widespread and inspiring. As an architect I belong to a society that don´t pigeonhole or discriminates against me for the different ideals of life, philosophy or the way to I live my life. Or better yet, I do not let to they pigeon-holed me in their false morals and worldliness
18.- What is the band working on? What are your next projects?
B. –We had been writing and recording. We released a single with 5 tracks and we will launch the demo that you know to the world and we are entering the studio to record the new songs. Also playing alive and plaguing us of new followers who share this feeling, thirst and hunger for knowledge and infernal lighting, we decided to provide to the world with all our work at the same time.
19.-when will you place a show in Lima? Have you had invitations?
B. - I received invitations to go to your country but we are expecting for confirmations as soon as possible, we hope to be there and share with old friends from the Peruvian scene ..!
20.-What is the final message that you want to leave to the South Americans and worldwide death bangers?
B. – Fuck up everyone!
Let’s expand the black prayer for South America and for the world. Let’s fill up with hatred and black fire our hearts. Lets burn it down the fake doctrines from the weak, their symbols, their churches. Lets destroy all that fake acts of Christian faith, The Cradle of greed and selfishness ... are into it ...!
Time will show up their judgments to those people who acts in honor of his own truth, who is pretty sure to do the right thing should not fear ...! (BHT intro lyrics of el reino de las sombras, single 2011)
sábado, 8 de junio de 2013
JUNE 2013

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013
Here a new band of retro-thrash once Again, which is not a bad thing but so little very good in my opinion, because the mainly of bands bring nothing new to the scene rather and many are only a carbon copies of the past and does not have too much imagination. The tracks are weak in Concepción, speaking specifically from those created by the band 3 tracks only, that are typical of thrash metal in the 80's way and mixed with THE FORCE AND VIOLATOR, but with a very weak vowels that do not fit into the music, being the worst part of this work. The music is simple and brings nothing new to the thrash metal scene, but it isn't bad, there are some rhythms that sound interesting, but when you start the vocal parts you feel the urge to turn off the CD player. The best thing is the cover version of BATALHA FINAL of TAURUS band (Brazil),very well done. If you want to improve you have to work real loud and change the vocalist urgent!!!... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... …………………………………................................6.3/10
Not often I hear some bands Uruguay, already is in music and news. VLESDY is the 2nd band of black metal that arrived to me in years of this brother country, and I am sure that this is the more active of the Uruguayan scene by the comments I got for many friends. Truly I didn't surprise in terms of the music, which by the way on that side of the South of the continent in general the majority of bands are very influenced by the European sound and this is no exception. HAIL LUCIFER LORD OF HELL' is going in the vein of the early GORGOROTH/DARK FUNERAL, very crude and basic, without much mixture or pretensions of technique in making elaborate tracks, the mainly of tracks are speed, hardness and power. I have to say that taste much serious lie, it is a band of basic black metal without many innovations, but nor do I dislike the music. I hope a next wok that makes them to improve production and conception of best tracks……………………………………..7.1/10
Vlesdly gmail.com
TREITUM: ‘1936’ CD SPAIN 2011- 6 TRACKS:
Honestly this work is overwhelming for me. I must admit I am a big fan of doom metal in its purest essence and real melodies without modism or tragic or environmental testing to give this ambient of funeral. TREITUM is a band you just know but no longer see their true potential. This work is a masterpiece of classic doom metal done before by PENTAGRAM / St VITUS, with a small dose of remembers to first works of MY DYING BRIDE in the lethal dose of sadness, only that something small in that memory, because the riffs are completely inspired by rhythms from beyond the grave, very slow tempo, very little depressive, doom metal is simply in the strictest way of heaviness. The tracks are very long and extremely doom ala St VITUS, which can sometimes sound a bit monotonous but if one takes care rhythms are powerful firecrackers of death and its very different from each other. Definitely a return to the bands of the late 70's and mid 80's with a fresher sound ... great work .................................................................................7.5/10
Basically we are dealing with a band that respects the word DEATH METAL well played, great power that many people love in the 80's, with no additions or rare or gore grind rhythms, only DEATH METAL made in the old 80's. the band maintains that crude, dirty sound morbid art of playing guitar riffs and crushing out, perhaps because one of its members played in that great band VULCANO if not gods of South American DEATH / BLACK METAL. So infector is faithful to the sound made by the Brazilian gods. The music is fast, morbid and total power, both in riffs and vocals. The tracks are smooth and facts should be unapologetic about the fact that people are matures and they knows what they wants and gets it. A band that plays death metal and 100% pure South American way. Do you needs know more. The best thing about this work is that it includes 'FROM THE BLACK METAL BOOK' track tribute to Vulcan. GREAT WORK………………………...............7.5/10
For me this band was a great find, I had already heard of them when I was in house of ALVARO (Ex guitarist of NECROMANCY and SATAN FLESH) a few years ago, at that time for some beers and was drunken I does not pay attention to the music, after a few years I got the CD, which came out first on tape and has been pressed in CD format by the Bolivian label RAW BLACK CULT records giving us the pleasure of listening to this very good band and not let it into forgot it. This band was a project of two insane minds ALVARO (NECROMANCY/SATAN FLESH/HELLSMOKE) & SATANAEL (BESTIAL HOLOCAUST) and is very different from their previous bands. This is a black metal that is on the ways of depression, sometimes with soft rhythms and others go for a mid tempo black metal to reminds to done for ISENGARD. This work is more serious SOUTH AMERICAN response of this band. This work seems to be divided into two times, the first time the tracks are stronger in riffs and sometimes parts faster and other mid paced with some guitar solo's. The second part of the final tracks are full of arpeggios and depression in a slower, the vocals are not quite to my liking but that is by mixing the sound engineer, but no longer a great work. Also we have added four bonus live tracks not included in the version tape. The artwork is very good and high quality of the booklet highlighting the cartoon. good work………………………………………..7.5/10


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